Green Fail


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
When "free" energy suddenly isnt........oooops.....but dont worry it will be different here.
Denmark has been heading the vanguard in the battle for wind power, but now admits it's become too expensive
In 2012 a 95% majority in the Danish parliament arrived at a political agreement for 50% of energy consumption to be from wind power by 2020, and 84% by 2035.

The Danish government has now completely changed its mind.
The analysis showed that in 2014 a staggering 66 percent of the average Danish electricity bill went to taxes and fees, 18 percent to transportation and only 15 percent of the price was for the electricity in itself. Only Germany came close with 52 percent in electricity taxes.
Sounds to me as if the level of taxation is too high. If the cost of the electricity is only 15% of the cost of the bill, and a large percentage of that power is from the wind, sounds to me as if wind generation is doing a pretty good job. As for the decision to put off building the offshore wind projects because of declining demand and price of electricity, no different than the idling of the drill rigs here because of the decline in the price of oil.
So what you are saying is that taxation in invested in building more wind towers, which gives them more electricity. And, since they are exporting, at a profit, a lot of electricity, sounds like they are making a sound investment.
Did you read the article,,,the people are getting raped on their bills to the point Denmark is noncompetitive in mfg...the same has happened in Gemrany Spain and UK.......the taxes are to pay the massive subsidies demanded by the power cos without which your wind power would not exist,,,if it was simply amtter of lowering the taxes so they could be even greener wouldnt they do that???? but they cant...ergo projects get cancellled
Sounds to me as if the level of taxation is too high. If the cost of the electricity is only 15% of the cost of the bill, and a large percentage of that power is from the wind, sounds to me as if wind generation is doing a pretty good job.

The "taxation" you refer to is the subsidy for wind power. Sorry, no free lunch.

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