Green Beret discharged for beating up afghan child rapist.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obama is the CIC and has to take the blame for this though we all know he won't. "I dindu nuffin".

Refreshing News: Green Beret Who Beat Afghan Man Over Child's Rape Faces Army Discharge

sep 24 2015 A Green Beret and his allies say the fact that he "stood up to a child rapist" while serving in Afghanistan with an elite Joint Base Lewis-McChord unit shouldn't be grounds for kicking him out of the Army.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland says he beat up an Afghan police commander he was supposed to be mentoring because he was fed up with the commander's "brutal" sexual abuse of a village boy.

Martland, 33, was awarded two Bronze Star medals, including one for valor, during his time at JBLM. He likely will be discharged in November because the discipline handed to him for assaulting the Afghan made him a target for Army downsizing. Veteran soldiers with negative performance reviews in their service records are being culled from the ranks as part of the post-Iraq War drawdown.

The case sheds light on the tensions that can build when U.S. soldiers are told to tolerate foreign customs that are repugnant to them.
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Notice the article refers to child rape as just a "foreign custom" and not a monstrous crime!! Legalizing child rape is the next battle in america and obozo is for it.
Yep, this is what happens when you throw out moral norms; a chain of command that tolerates the intolerable and a feckless administration that could not care less.
It would be interesting to see the actual charges and the evidence....because someone could be in trouble for one thing...and distract from it by saying they are being kicked out for something totally different. See "boy with pop tart shaped like a gun" for an example.
Appeal Rejected From Green Beret Fired After Confronting Rapist...

Army Rejects Appeal From Green Beret Fired After Confronting Rapist
Sep 23, 2015 | Even as the U.S. military denies reports that American troops were told to ignore Afghan child abusers, an 11-year Green Beret who was ordered discharged after he confronted an alleged rapist was informed Tuesday that the Army has denied his appeal.
Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland earlier this year was ordered discharged by Nov. 1. He has been fighting to stay in, but in an initial decision, the U.S. Army Human Resources Command told Martland that his appeal "does not meet the criteria" for an appeal. "Consequently, your request for an appeal and continued service is disapproved," the office wrote in a memo to Martland. The memo was shared with by the office of Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who has advocated for Martland's case. According to Hunter's office, Martland learned of the decision Tuesday. The memo, dated Sept. 14, comes as the Defense Department comes under criticism amid reports that U.S. soldiers were instructed to look the other way when Afghan troops and officers were sexually abusing boys.

Gen. John F. Campbell, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said in a statement Tuesday that he is "absolutely confident that no such theater policy has ever existed here, and certainly, no such policy has existed throughout my tenure as commander." He said he expects "any suspicions of sexual abuse will be immediately reported to the chain of command," and he has personally spoken with President Ashraf Ghani on the issue. "I want to make absolutely clear that any sexual abuse or similar mistreatment of others, no matter the alleged perpetrator or victim, is completely unacceptable, and reprehensible," he said. But Martland's case has raised questions about the military's handling of such allegations.


Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland

As first reported by Fox News, while deployed to Kunduz Province, Afghanistan, Martland and his team leader confronted a local police commander in 2011 accused of raping an Afghan boy and beating his mother. When the man laughed off the incident, they shoved him to the ground. Martland and his team leader were later removed from the base, and eventually sent home from Afghanistan. The U.S. Army has not confirmed the specifics of Martland's separation from service citing privacy reasons, but a "memorandum of reprimand" from October 2011 obtained by Fox News makes clear that Martland was criticized by the brass for his intervention after the alleged rape. Asked for comment Tuesday on the latest decision memo, an Army spokesman reiterated, "the U.S. Army is unable to confirm the specifics of his separation due to the Privacy Act."

Hunter has asked for Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to get involved, and continues to do so after the Army's initial decision denying Martland's appeal. The latest memo strictly reflects the Army's decision, and not necessarily any review from Carter's office. The memo to Martland said his appeal was rejected because appeals can only be considered for "cases with material error, newly discovered evidence" or removal of certain documents. The memo says that while the office's "decision is final," Martland can still appeal to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records. Hunter spokesman Joe Kasper said Martland essentially was denied on a "technicality" because no new information was provided. "The process has failed abysmally," he told on Tuesday, urging top officials to intervene. "At this point, somebody's better judgment ... has to prevail," he said.

As for the mounting controversy over the handling of child abuse cases, Kasper said this "sends a loud and clear message to all soldiers and military personnel that if you do intervene ... because it's morally the right thing to do, it could be at the risk of your career." Hunter on Tuesday sent a letter urging Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., to put the nomination of President Obama's new Army secretary pick on hold until Martland's situation, and one other case, are resolved. Before learning about the latest Martland memo, Hunter wrote another letter to Carter on Monday seeking information on DoD guidance regarding the reporting of child abuse. He said he was "gravely concerned" over reports that soldiers were advised to "look the other way." "This is not only unconscionable -- frankly, it's un-American," he wrote.

Granny says, "Dat's right - dey oughta give him a medal...

Green Beret 'a Hero' for Beating Child Rapist
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - A Green Beret is about to be kicked out of the Army for beating up an Afghan police commander who used a young boy as a sex slave.
The Blaze reports Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland and his team leader confronted the police commander. He said the commander admitted to repeatedly raping the child and laughed it off.

Martland said he body-slammed the man to the ground several times and kicked him in the ribs. The beating lasted about five minutes until the man ran away.

Now, Martland faces military justice and involuntary separation from the Army. Retired Army Gen. Jerry Boykin said Martland is a hero and any soldier who does not defend a child from a rapist should be brought up on charges.

Boykin: Green Beret 'a Hero' for Beating Child Rapist - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
I'm always perplexed when people expect Obama to intervene or do anything decent. They appeal to his humanity and his goodness not understanding that he possesses neither. He's a cold, heartless sociopath and will never do the right thing.
http:// http:// The green beret is white and that explains everything. Plus the fact that obozo himself is a queer and thus almost certainly a child rapist too.
Obama is the CIC and has to take the blame for this though we all know he won't. "I dindu nuffin".

Refreshing News: Green Beret Who Beat Afghan Man Over Child's Rape Faces Army Discharge

sep 24 2015 A Green Beret and his allies say the fact that he "stood up to a child rapist" while serving in Afghanistan with an elite Joint Base Lewis-McChord unit shouldn't be grounds for kicking him out of the Army.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland says he beat up an Afghan police commander he was supposed to be mentoring because he was fed up with the commander's "brutal" sexual abuse of a village boy.

Martland, 33, was awarded two Bronze Star medals, including one for valor, during his time at JBLM. He likely will be discharged in November because the discipline handed to him for assaulting the Afghan made him a target for Army downsizing. Veteran soldiers with negative performance reviews in their service records are being culled from the ranks as part of the post-Iraq War drawdown.

The case sheds light on the tensions that can build when U.S. soldiers are told to tolerate foreign customs that are repugnant to them.
English preferred, but, with the drift I'm getting is It's Oblama fault cause someone did something that was against orders....??
Obama is the CIC and has to take the blame for this though we all know he won't. "I dindu nuffin".

Refreshing News: Green Beret Who Beat Afghan Man Over Child's Rape Faces Army Discharge

sep 24 2015 A Green Beret and his allies say the fact that he "stood up to a child rapist" while serving in Afghanistan with an elite Joint Base Lewis-McChord unit shouldn't be grounds for kicking him out of the Army.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland says he beat up an Afghan police commander he was supposed to be mentoring because he was fed up with the commander's "brutal" sexual abuse of a village boy.

Martland, 33, was awarded two Bronze Star medals, including one for valor, during his time at JBLM. He likely will be discharged in November because the discipline handed to him for assaulting the Afghan made him a target for Army downsizing. Veteran soldiers with negative performance reviews in their service records are being culled from the ranks as part of the post-Iraq War drawdown.

The case sheds light on the tensions that can build when U.S. soldiers are told to tolerate foreign customs that are repugnant to them.
English preferred, but, with the drift I'm getting is It's Oblama fault cause someone did something that was against orders....??

Yes... and obama's orders are to allow Muslim Homosexuals to Rape little boys.

So the Green Beret (American) broke an immoral thus: unlawful, order. And as one should reasonably expect it would, the evil that is obama, fired the Green Beret for defending Little Boys from Homosexuals who are raping them.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Delay that order!...

Army Delays Discharge of Soldier Who Confronted Accused Afghan Rapist
Oct 06, 2015 | The U.S. Army on Tuesday delayed the discharge of Special Forces Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland who has admitted to roughing up an Afghan police commander accused of sexually abusing a boy. The action followed a phone call on Martland's behalf from Rep. Mac Thornberry, a Republican from Texas and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, to Army Secretary John McHugh.
The service later issued a statement saying, "Out of respect for Chairman Thornberry's continued strong support for our military, and his personal appeal, Secretary McHugh has agreed to postpone Sgt. First Class Martland's discharge from the Army for 60 days to allow him to file an appeal with the Army Board for the Correction of Military Records." The New York Times reported last month that in 2011 Martland and Special Forces Capt. Dan Quinn physically confronted an Afghan commander accused of sexually abusing a boy. Quinn has since left the Army and Martland has said he is being forced to retire for intervening. Quinn later told CNN that in confronting the Afghan commander, "I picked him up, threw him to the ground multiple times and Charles did the same thing. We basically had to make sure that he fully understood that if he ever went near that boy or his mother again, there was going to be hell to pay."

Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California and former Marine, has written to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter in an attempt to save Martland's career. "Martland stood up to a child rapist," Hunter wrote. "I trust that you will give this case the attention it demands." In a statement, Thornberry said Martland was likely caught up in the Army's so-called Quality Management Program that drew up lists of soldiers to be discharged involuntarily to meet the demands of budget cuts and the drawdown of thousands of troops. In its response to Thornberry, the Army said it "has no choice but to reduce the size of its ranks, and the QMP process is vitally important to ensure that the Army retains only the best qualified Soldiers."

Thornberry said, "It was not until the Army was forced to shed tens of thousands of soldiers that it opened the QMP process to a population to which it would not otherwise have applied. This is the unfortunate by-product of indiscriminate cuts to our military." "I believe the best recourse now would be to allow SFC Martland to remain in the Army long enough for him to prepare an appeal with adequate military counsel and for the Army to act on such an appeal," Thornberry said. The allegations of sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan commanders was a main topic at a Senate Armed Services Committee session Tuesday that heard testimony from Army Gen. John Campbell, the commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan. Campbell said he has ordered "100 percent" training for all American troops in Afghanistan to report any allegations of human rights violations to include the sexual abuse of young boys.

Obama is the CIC and has to take the blame for this though we all know he won't. "I dindu nuffin".

Refreshing News: Green Beret Who Beat Afghan Man Over Child's Rape Faces Army Discharge

sep 24 2015 A Green Beret and his allies say the fact that he "stood up to a child rapist" while serving in Afghanistan with an elite Joint Base Lewis-McChord unit shouldn't be grounds for kicking him out of the Army.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland says he beat up an Afghan police commander he was supposed to be mentoring because he was fed up with the commander's "brutal" sexual abuse of a village boy.

Martland, 33, was awarded two Bronze Star medals, including one for valor, during his time at JBLM. He likely will be discharged in November because the discipline handed to him for assaulting the Afghan made him a target for Army downsizing. Veteran soldiers with negative performance reviews in their service records are being culled from the ranks as part of the post-Iraq War drawdown.

The case sheds light on the tensions that can build when U.S. soldiers are told to tolerate foreign customs that are repugnant to them.
English preferred, but, with the drift I'm getting is It's Oblama fault cause someone did something that was against orders....??

Yes... and obama's orders are to allow Muslim Homosexuals to Rape little boys.

So the Green Beret (American) broke an immoral thus: unlawful, order. And as one should reasonably expect it would, the evil that is obama, fired the Green Beret for defending Little Boys from Homosexuals who are raping them.
Could you link those orders for us? Thanks in advance.
Yep, this is what happens when you throw out moral norms; a chain of command that tolerates the intolerable and a feckless administration that could not care less.

but we should let tens of thousands of muzzie "refugees" into our country..I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Obama is the CIC and has to take the blame for this though we all know he won't. "I dindu nuffin".

Refreshing News: Green Beret Who Beat Afghan Man Over Child's Rape Faces Army Discharge

sep 24 2015 A Green Beret and his allies say the fact that he "stood up to a child rapist" while serving in Afghanistan with an elite Joint Base Lewis-McChord unit shouldn't be grounds for kicking him out of the Army.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland says he beat up an Afghan police commander he was supposed to be mentoring because he was fed up with the commander's "brutal" sexual abuse of a village boy.

Martland, 33, was awarded two Bronze Star medals, including one for valor, during his time at JBLM. He likely will be discharged in November because the discipline handed to him for assaulting the Afghan made him a target for Army downsizing. Veteran soldiers with negative performance reviews in their service records are being culled from the ranks as part of the post-Iraq War drawdown.

The case sheds light on the tensions that can build when U.S. soldiers are told to tolerate foreign customs that are repugnant to them.

I don't know if this is true or not. As a matter of fact, the one certainty on this board, the bullshit coming from both sides on this board is no less then asshole deep to a tall Indian on any given day of the week. With most of it coming from posers.

So if there's even a thread of truth to this tall tale, the real story here is a soldier refusing to follow orders. Pain and simple. If the soldier is unable to do so he or she should do America a really big favor & resign.

Americans do not posses the right to police every man, women & child on the planet. Afghans included.
Lookit what dey changed policy to now...

Report: U.S. troops told to ignore child rape by Afghan security forces
Nov. 17, 2017 -- Afghan security forces supported by the U.S. military raped children but American troops were told to ignore it, according to a report by the Pentagon's inspector general Thursday.
The Department of Defense began the investigation in 2015 after several media reports alleged the U.S. military ignored the practice to facilitate the Pentagon's mission in Afghanistan. The investigation found there was no written guidance or policy telling U.S. personnel not to report such behavior, but that it was best for it to be left alone. Interviewed subjects said they had heard about the abuse and reported it to their superiors, but "In some cases, the interviewees explained that they, or someone whom they knew, were told that nothing could be done about child sexual abuse because of Afghanistan's status as a sovereign nation, that it was not a priority for the command, or that it was best to ignore the situation and to let the local police handle it," the report stated.

The report quoted several interviewees who were told that the abuse problem was a cultural issue and the U.S. military couldn't do anything to stop it. But once news media, including The New York Times, began reporting the abuse among Afghan forces, there was more concern. "The initial reaction of the staff was 'we don't really care about this, and we're not going to do anything about it.' Then, after the New York Times article came out, and the issue got traction, we had to pay attention to it," one interviewee said.


Thursday, a Pentagon inspector general report found that U.S. troops were told to ignore child sex abuse by Afghan security forces.​

In that article, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. reportedly called his father to discuss the problem. "At night we can hear them screaming, but we're not allowed to do anything about it," father Gregory Buckley Sr. remembered his son saying. "My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it's their culture."

Buckley Jr. was shot to death at his base in 2012, about two weeks after he began expressing concern about the abuse. The inspector general report recommended that the Department of Defense determine whether child rape by Afghan security forces constitutes "gross violations of human rights that require further review by United States Forces-Afghanistan or the Gross Violation of Human Rights Forum."

Report: U.S. troops told to ignore child rape by Afghan security forces
Lookit what dey changed policy to now...

Report: U.S. troops told to ignore child rape by Afghan security forces
Nov. 17, 2017 -- Afghan security forces supported by the U.S. military raped children but American troops were told to ignore it, according to a report by the Pentagon's inspector general Thursday.
The Department of Defense began the investigation in 2015 after several media reports alleged the U.S. military ignored the practice to facilitate the Pentagon's mission in Afghanistan. The investigation found there was no written guidance or policy telling U.S. personnel not to report such behavior, but that it was best for it to be left alone. Interviewed subjects said they had heard about the abuse and reported it to their superiors, but "In some cases, the interviewees explained that they, or someone whom they knew, were told that nothing could be done about child sexual abuse because of Afghanistan's status as a sovereign nation, that it was not a priority for the command, or that it was best to ignore the situation and to let the local police handle it," the report stated.

The report quoted several interviewees who were told that the abuse problem was a cultural issue and the U.S. military couldn't do anything to stop it. But once news media, including The New York Times, began reporting the abuse among Afghan forces, there was more concern. "The initial reaction of the staff was 'we don't really care about this, and we're not going to do anything about it.' Then, after the New York Times article came out, and the issue got traction, we had to pay attention to it," one interviewee said.


Thursday, a Pentagon inspector general report found that U.S. troops were told to ignore child sex abuse by Afghan security forces.​

In that article, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. reportedly called his father to discuss the problem. "At night we can hear them screaming, but we're not allowed to do anything about it," father Gregory Buckley Sr. remembered his son saying. "My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it's their culture."

Buckley Jr. was shot to death at his base in 2012, about two weeks after he began expressing concern about the abuse. The inspector general report recommended that the Department of Defense determine whether child rape by Afghan security forces constitutes "gross violations of human rights that require further review by United States Forces-Afghanistan or the Gross Violation of Human Rights Forum."

Report: U.S. troops told to ignore child rape by Afghan security forces

Most foul!

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