Greatest Political Cartoon uvv evaaa?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
I think it explains many on this site fairly well :razz:

I think that this should be bookmarked, and used whenever there's an issue of bickering over who caused a catastrophe when clearly.................clearly..........

and I know a few are with me on this.....CLEARLY D's and R's are working towards the same end-game.
I think that this should be bookmarked, and used whenever there's an issue of bickering over who caused a catastrophe when clearly.................clearly..........

and I know a few are with me on this.....CLEARLY D's and R's are working towards the same end-game.
I agree.

It's like we are told that the only item on the menu is ice cream.

But we do get to choose between chocolate or vanilla.

Besides, no matter which party you vote for.

The Z.O.G. still remains in control and sets policy and agenda for America. :evil:
I think that this should be bookmarked, and used whenever there's an issue of bickering over who caused a catastrophe when clearly.................clearly..........

and I know a few are with me on this.....CLEARLY D's and R's are working towards the same end-game.
I agree.

It's like we are told that the only item on the menu is ice cream.

But we do get to choose between chocolate or vanilla.

Besides, no matter which party you vote for.

The Z.O.G. still remains in control and sets policy and agenda for America. :evil:

I don't know about the ZOG?
I don't know about the ZOG?
Zionist Occupied Government

That' who really controls our political, financial, and legal systems, here in America.

The pyramid head your cartoon is symbolic of the Z.O.G. cabal that forms the shadow government that rules our nation.

(it is the same pyramid and all seeing eye; as found on the one dollar bill) :cool:
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I don't know about the ZOG?
Zionist Occupied Government

That' who really controls our political, financial, and legal systems, here in America.

The pyramid head your cartoon is symbolic of the Z.O.G. cabal that forms the shadow government that rules our nation.

(it is the same pyramid and all seeing eye; as found on the one dollar bill) :cool:

It's the Egyptians taking over....pyramid....moron.
Sorry, I don't believe it's "Zionists," but Bankers in General of any creed.
I think it's damn accuate. The conflict between the two parties seems like window dressing for the people to be distracted by, with the help of the Corporate Media. Meanwhile the policies stay pretty much the same.....
Sorry, I don't believe it's "Zionists," but Bankers in General of any creed.
Just look at the last names of the largest financial institutions and people involved in banking and then get back with me. :cool:

If it's a majority of them and not 100% of them, then clearly you're wrong that it's a "Zionist" thing.
Sorry, I don't believe it's "Zionists," but Bankers in General of any creed.
Just look at the last names of the largest financial institutions and people involved in banking and then get back with me. :cool:

If it's a majority of them and not 100% of them, then clearly you're wrong that it's a "Zionist" thing.
Clearly, you need to do a little research on the subject. :cool:
I think that this should be bookmarked, and used whenever there's an issue of bickering over who caused a catastrophe when clearly.................clearly..........

and I know a few are with me on this.....CLEARLY D's and R's are working towards the same end-game.

Both teams on a football field are working towards the same endgame as well. They just have different visions of what that final outcome will be. I know members of the lunatic fringe like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck like to preach this "both parties are the same" nonsense. To get to the heart of the matter, read the articles on their websites and notice the difference between what they complained of under Bush and what they complained of under Obama.

War monger/Pacifist
Fear monger/Soft on terror
Pawn of the rich/Socialist
Big oil/Extreme environmentalist

The defense for this, of course, is that they want you to be divided so they pretend to be different so you will fight over their differences, but really they are the same. I'm not sure why that leads one party to institute health care reform while the other one files suit to stop it, nor one to defend Israel to the point of being called a Zionist, and the other to abandon them to the point of being called an anti-Semite. But I do know it leads hosts to blurring the lines between a stimulus and a bailout, or a loan and a corporate takeover in order to try to prove their point that everyday life disproves so effortlessly.
Okay the cartoon was stupid, and it made about as much sense as the the stupidity in this thread claiming Jews control everything.

A stupid cartoon is the answer to all political debates?

Excuse me, but did it EVER occur to you, that a cartoon is NOT evidence of anything?

I mean you guys don't even have the bad excuse of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." You have a silly cartoon!

Pretty pathetic!

And what is up with Minnie Mouse in a burkah? Burkahs are an insult to women everywhere. Screw burkahs!


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