Great Spirit "Seven Come Eleven" Calls Many, Few Chosen: Who Lend It At Interest, (Unprecedented!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Casino Gaming on Tribal Lands probably has something to do with defense of religious freedom(?)! Anyone notices that the liberals tend not to embrace gaming casinos in all the several states. Even Nevada only allows prostitution in a few of its counties(?)! And so just naturally, a religious issue arises--for many(?)! Marriage and Divorce chapels happen! The general context is, "Money and Sex."

So if there is a Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," and if in fact so many are called, but only a very few chosen to be winners: Then what are the winners expected to do with it? Probably it makes good sense to lend it at interest, just like banks, and Federal Reserve. The concept, "Many are Called, Few Are Chosen," is embraced in Law in the United States. They try to call it, "Equal opportunity," and pretty it works not very well at all. It is even a Holy Concept. The lending at interest is not stated to have a religious basis, however. Moses even had embraced it for Israel, under the nowhere noted, famous admonition: "Screw 'Em!" (Deut 23:19-20). Still is not thought religious. The foreign can be subject to interest-bearing loans.

Moses provided for Israel, in that manner, (Deut 23:19-20). Stupid Mohammed, of a false claim to prophecy, would not allow Riba, (Interest), or Wealth From Riba. Not much arithmetic could be applied, if in fact arithmetic could at all be said, "Holy." Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh Christ!" tried to show it all Greek, possibly Pythagorean.

In Matthew 25:14-30, the story is told of how applied fixed usury works. Recall that even in Nevada, a foreclosure crisis was created . The square root of five squared, plus the square root of five squared, creates a household enriched about Seven Talents. It otherwise would have been enriched Eight Talents. Of the three called, one got the most, one got immediately dispossessed, and the middle one is next in line for that! Few wind up being chosen, more or less like under, "Equal Opportunity." A remedy is shown using an inverse usury arithmetic--equal amount pay raises--in Matthew 20:1-16. Regardless of the time worked, each got a denarius--some with likely more to start, and some with less to start. The Quran takes no note. "Wealth of Nations takes no note. "The Communist Manifesto," takes no note.

So anymore, that doesn't happen. The Republicans took the Make Work Pay, Refundable Equal Amount Tax Credit, away from America in 2011--after its brief two years. They would later run the Mormon for President instead. Now the choice is between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz--and someone more of their more exclusive nomination kind of caliber.

The Oligarchic Socialist, Sir Bernie of Vermont, even proposes using the concept, "Academic Freedom", to allow the college faculty to promote their heirs from within--and using federal, state, and local tax money on a national scale. The children get the good grades, and get the federally funded jobs--voted in by the "Peers," as House of Lords might apply it.

Many can be called, but clearly only a few can be chosen!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe Great Yellow Hair, from many tall Totem Towers: Do a virtual reality re-enactment at Little Big Horn, and just in the "nick" of time(?). . .as in Great Scalp for warriors belt(?)!)

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