Great Socialist Victories Increase Asia Prosperity! GOP Said "No!" Instead!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The newer GOP mantra of "No!" to compliance with federal immigration laws, in the now famous California household, was also matched with "No!" to Asian and European types of Great Socialist Economic Interventions.

Also famously now, the U. S. Manufacturing sector is in on the increase for the first time in over a decade. The German unemployment rate is most recently reported falling. Japan has been doing interventions, with the unemployment rate now falling. China is no longer the butt of "Care Package" jokes, but is now world economy Number Two, and getting better!

China manufacturing gathers momentum in September - Time Warner - Finance

Europe protested the California Nannygagte discovery, indirectly, with anti-austerity strikes, nearly universal. Offers of help to an Hispanic women went unheeded, paperwork ignored, disgraceful termination of a more witch-like turn of character happened. The gubernatorial woman candidate took on a more demonic mantra. Her Majesty's Government famously turned even on Her Majesty with relative, budgetary austerity.

The GOP Conservative mantra is now against Increase of Human Prosperity, anywhere in the world! Only now starting in America, in fact: It's not just about Europe and Asia, anymore. It also happens in California, and in the Chicago-land area Midwest. Great Socialist, Interventionist, Measures are expected for the Southeast. The Socialist interventionist measures of BP were even slammed by GOP as their view of being contrary to due process.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Little Squirrels of Venice, CA, North Beach even: Play in Prosperity, with no need of nuts and fruitcakes--or high flying broomstick drones, trying to blow them to bits(?)!)
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The newer GOP mantra of "No!" to compliance with federal immigration laws, in the now famous California household, was also matched with "No!" to Asian and European types of Great Socialist Economic Interventions.

Also famously now, the U. S. Manufacturing sector is in on the increase for the first time in over a decade. The German unemployment rate is most recently reported falling. Japan has been doing interventions, with the unemployment rate now falling. China is no longer the butt of "Care Package" jokes, but is now world economy Number Two, and getting better!

China manufacturing gathers momentum in September - Time Warner - Finance

Europe protested the California Nannygagte discovery, indirectly, with anti-austerity strikes, nearly universal. Offers of help to an Hispanic women went unheeded, paperwork ignored, disgraceful termination of a more witch-like turn of character happened. The gubernatorial woman candidate took on a more demonic mantra. Her Majesty's Government famously turned even on Her Majesty with relative, budgetary austerity.

The GOP Conservative mantra is now against Increase of Human Prosperity, anywhere in the world! Only now starting in America, in fact: It's not just about Europe and Asia, anymore. It also happens in California, and in the Chicago-land area Midwest. Great Socialist, Interventionist, Measures are expected for the Southeast. The Socialist interventionist measures of BP were even slammed by GOP as their view of being contrary to due process.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Little Squirrels of Venice, CA, North Beach even: Play in Prosperity, with no need of nuts and fruitcakes--or high flying broomstick drones, trying to blow them to bits(?)!)
Is it possible you misunderstood, somehow.....that you got the impression you were advised to dodge Basic English (i.e. sentence/paragraph-construction), and plow straight-into creative-writing??

Apparent Human Baby Slaughterer, Mr. Shaman!

GOP is for slaughter of American children, of all ages, in basis-free occupations of other people's nations. GOP is for slaughter of other people's chilren, even in non-adversary nations, such as Pakistan: Using the flying broomstick, drones. GOP is opposed to all the Great Socialist funded customers in the stores, doing shopping. GOO is opposed to all the Great Socialist funded business producing even the good, the services, and the foods.

It's On Their Permanent Records!

"No!" is such a big word, to Republicans--and apparently to you yourself--that it does have to be explained! Christ-despiser organization members have turning to the GOP for years, now. Clearly, some are educated, in their way(s)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great North Beach Venice, CA squirrels: Even in to healthy foods, in the New Prosperity, Advancing!)
Anyone notices that most people have forgotten all about Iraq, and the 2.0 mil. refugees, and thousands of dead and wounded, and even the thousands of U. S. Nationals, blown to bits, killed, maimed, dismembered, marred, disfigured, and even wounded--and hurt! There were more even than on 9/11. 9/11 was Terrorist level stuff, and the perpetrators were instantly dead. Then, there is the evil itselfm and by contrast!

Therefore, a federal procurements binge was under way, and most people kept the money, then what money they could, and then what money there was: After not paying the mortgage.

That is not a Socialist paradise, and China did not do that to their own people. China was actually helping the Mideast region prosper, buying the oil. The United States, by comparison: Was easily said getting their oil at gunpoint, and blowing up the region to boot.

Socialists are a differently engaged force against evil on the planet, as opposed to the evil of dead and maimed, foreclosed, unemployed and destitute: on the planet. Even Europeans do public works. Famously, in Califonrnia: The Republicans don't even file any required paperwork for the people who do, do the work. Eventually, they don't even want them around, any more! The Canadians do public works. Australia does public works. The Republicans sent tmoney they didn't have to pay banker bonuses. The Democrats sent about a third of the Money that they didn't have to the SOB's who caused it all. Teachers, bureaucrats, and first responders got billions. It was only loot. It did nothing but preserve what there was.

China would up being lender of first and last recourse, eventually with remorse.

Some call that a National Disgrace. Mostly no one does, of course--being busy, even foraging in the sand for personal protection armor. The Socialist regimes put money to work. The Socialist Credit Market is large enough for everyone to have a lot. The GOP, by contrast, tends to hoard it amongst themselves.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Venice Beach, CA, mammal-life, Squirrel-Who-Dart-Scaring-Bottom-Off-Coppertone-Model: Knows even how to spread things around. . .unlike the many who do teaching and administration. . .and at the public trough largesse: Most especially!)
The GOP has worked tirelessly to move American Jobs to China. Even giving tax breaks to companies who move there to make it easier. This is why we had 8 years of "corporate flight" under George Bush.

They want to say it's the Democrats and Obama, but the "trickle down" effect of unemployment that finally caught up with us when Obama because President is what did in the economy. That, plus that 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut used to finance the move.

They want to take control of congress so they can "finish the job".

You can't send Americna jobs to China and send American sons and daughters to Iraq "for fun and profit" and claim to love this country. The love and the actions are mutually exclusive. al Qaeda couldn't have done a better job.
The Yuan, which is a Chinese dollar, is increasing in value, likely even more by the end of today, October 1.

Exchange Rates Graph (American Dollar, Chinese Yuan)

So China is holding paper increasingly worthless to them, or to billions, including them. They have U. S. federal debt securities. There is a kind of fraud-perpetration, about it all, clearly originating in the United States.

Anyone would expect that the U. S. trade deficit with China is starting to diminish, which it is. Any unfairness perception would be a consequence of math. The cost of any foreign materials imported tends to lower Chinese production costs. Those can be passed along.

So even GOP will be able to get back the CARE packages the Democrats sent out, long ago: Even before Reagan set the poor to eating the Cheese surplus.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Even Venice-Beach-CA-Squirrel-That-Runs-Along-Fence-Posts-To-Hunt-For-Morning-Intake-Of-Morsels-On-Lawns-To-Feed-Them: Now Trust Many White Round Eyes!, Even Jews. . . And Also Moslems!)
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I mean you already see it beginning. Record gap between rich and poor is speeding up the process. The poor is only downtrodden for so long that they revolt. Repubs will speed up the process for sure.
Eventually it all gets back to the U. S. Banking Meltdown. Euro-Governments went heavily into debt, bailing out their banks. Then recently this week, there was a more-or-less Continent-wide, mini-general-strike.

The banks caused the problem, so the outrcy is that the workers have to pay for it. Jobs and Benefits are both being cut.

The German unemployment rate is at 7% and on a downward trend. Now, however, the Euro is more valueable, at a bad time. The Old Hearst Mansion in Beverly Hills used to be worth about $150.0 mil. At last listing, it was at $95.0 mil. That represents a lot of Lamborghini fleets that won't be sold, just in one small neighborhood, North of Sunset, on the planet.

Euro-Business Socialists have to adjust, like the Sino-Business Socialists. Costs savings in imported materials can keep prices low. If anything bought is from the United States, then manufactured goods made in Asia and in China will be welcomed again.

Upper income level incomes don't need a tax break, anyone notices, for any of that to happen worldwide. The Republican wealth-lackeys have no business at all, even worldwide.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's New Gulag, Conservative-Imposed, Life-style: Tends to take anyone back to a more medieval thinking, anyone guesses--with oil to burn, ladders to push away from the walls, and anything they can muster, to get their lives back. Inmates, in other gulags, often tend to model their behavior after their jailers! It is seen as an anti-crime, measure(?)!)
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