Great Laissez-Faire Entrepreneurial Spirit In Haiti!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Pat Robertson aside, there were also educated people at work in Haiti, all those years: Pre-disaster. Mostly, it is now clearly pointless to ask, "What did they know, and when did they know it." Market Intervention into building safety codes, was however: Apparently not in place! The Presbyterian Miracle of "Laissez Faire," was apparently everywhere in place!

Flawed Building Likely a Big Element -

And so anyone sees what the RNC, and all conservatives, generally intend. Cynics can point to the "laissez faire" spirit in the building codes of the failed Soviet Bloc, but probably no one can explain why they should. Cynics do not point to the new lack of need for building codes in America, now that mortgages, construction, and lending have more or less ceased to exist. In fact, GOP doesn't seem to be entralled at the "laissez faire," entrepreneurial spirit in America, at all.

Mostly, anyone is led to understand that President Ronald Reagan would have loved it! Mostly, especially Hollywood didn't have to be asked!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington: Sent in troops, like always! United States has finally responded to the Nigerian Yemeni who flamed himself on the plane(?)! There are now humanitarian military missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Haiti(?)! Entrepreneurial Spirt is Strong in Great Half-Wit Father in Washington!)
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Pat Robertson aside, there were also educated people at work in Haiti, all those years: Pre-disaster. Mostly, it is now clearly pointless to ask, "What did they know, and when did they know it." Market Intervention into building safety codes, was however: Apparently not in place! The Presbyterian Miracle of "Laissez Faire," was apparently everywhere in place!

Flawed Building Likely a Big Element -

And so anyone sees what the RNC, and all conservatives, generally intend. Cynics can point to the "laissez faire" spirit in the building codes of the failed Soviet Bloc, but probably no one can explain why they should. Cynics do not point to the new lack of need for building codes in America, now that mortgages, construction, and lending have more or less ceased to exist. In fact, GOP doesn't seem to be entralled at the "laissez faire," entrepreneurial spirit in America, at all.

Mostly, anyone is led to understand that President Ronald Reagan would have loved it! Mostly, especially Hollywood didn't have to be asked!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington: Sent in troops, like always! United States has finally responded to the Nigerian Yemeni who flamed himself on the plane(?)! There are now humanitarian military missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Haiti(?)! Entrepreneurial Spirt is Strong in Great Half-Wit Father in Washington!)

What building code could they have put in place? Make sure you mix at least three pounds of bullcrap into the mud mix to make their bricks.

Without MONEY there is no way to improve the living standard of the people in order for them to get the things that they want or need.
Haiti is on the same island as the Dominican Republic. On the west end it's a 3rd world hellhole, while on the eastern side it's a somewhat developed and affluent society.

Why?...Because Haiti is a borderline communist dictatorship, whose "leadership" keeps most of the international relief money that pours into that nation, while the DR (corrupt as it may be) has a mostly market-based economic model.

Without the freedom to keep the fruits of one's labors, there is no wealth amongst the people in order to build any structure to withstand such a calamity.
Karl Marx had suggested the centralization of credit in the original Manifesto of 1848. Credit markets tend to become a source of money, now 165 years later. Governments tend to be engaged in the regulation of the value of the money. The metal crap almost gets in the way, except in the gaming resorts.

Actually, the creation of the credit market ends even the pretense of laissez-faire, a concept that clearly cannot exist in a functioning economy. The buildings mess in Haiti is not an outcome of a properly functioning economy, but is an outcome of laissez-faire.

So there is no quarrel with the ihopehelfails poster's contention. Even in East Africa there needs to be a basis of credit, like even socialist mainland China has in place: For an economy to function. That takes planning, and any more is easily centralized. The crazy electronic machines do the computing, and even send the images and messages based on logical programming: That makes that happen.

Haiti has tourist and travel advantages, and probably out-sourcing, resort-level advantages. What-ever else can be created on the Island is an asset-base, of a credit market. Millions might want to have outsourced lives in the climate and culture of Haiti, as opposed to an outsourced post somewhere on the Afghani-Pakistan border, for example. Only General Betrayus: Seems not to think so. American Youth get sent there instead.

Planning and market interventionism are directly required in Haiti. Haiti can start, and others can follow. The asset value of Haiti is in place. The infrastructure in Haiti is not in place.

Afghanistan and Iraq have the same kinds of problem, once the stupid Westerners get the uncivilized military presence out, and re-interpret the asset values that are Iraq and Afghanistan.

Haiti might be thought competitive by comparison, except for any energy reserves or innovative strategic placement of technologies. Even Afghanistan possibly has a strategic, business place, being near to the former Soviet Republics. There is a liaison even with the Indian sub-continet. India is starting to manufacture affordable cars.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Reservation Indians not good model of intelligent, government intervention--failing at asset value interpretation--until rich, Light-skinned ethnics, too: Discovered Casino asset values, where people could finally get away with stuff! Haiti could understand!)
Welcoming everyone to the wonderful world of Dictatorship is Dude Poster personally.

Everyone sees what "freedom" is to people like Dude Poster, believer in Haiti and Dominican Republic as what America should really be like!

Everyone can see it posted above.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Dude Poster possibly: Understand Afghan Drugs even better than most: That Every Republican, without exception, wanted sent to streets of America!)
Actually, the Haiti Quake was relatively shallow in the earth, at its epicenter, and near to Port Au Prince.

The Dominian Republic felt the shallow quake, that impacted the immediae area, but that is all.

And so it went on to police state abuses, as is usual, with support of the Republican National Commitee, and dude Poster, their kind of spokesperson.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Yellow-Hair attacked women and children at river, at Little Big Horn. Yellow Hair got massacred. People kill free Sioux instead, and send to die in concentration camps! That was finally even supported in Third German Republic, and is supported now in America! Light-Skinned ethnics, in America, have Gaming Houses now!)
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Notice that Dude poster was unable to link any source, but could post instead with logically fallacious, ad hominem references, demonstrating hew he wants to be regarded, personally ignorant about mostly everything.

The rest of RNC is like that. USA now strip searches even cub scouts wanting to board an airplane, which all persons conservative, support at the airports. Conservatives famously despise any compassionate views on the role of women, medical cures, and even the clinics wherein therapeutic abortions happen.

For Conservatives, who allege a Christian basis, Luke 20 doesn't exist. For Conservatives, who allege a Christian basis, then Matthew 25::13-20 doesn't exist. For Conservatives, who allege a Christian bais, then even the Refundable U. S. Income Tax, "Make Work Pay," equal dollar amounts, payments line credit does not exist. The Reader's Digest, probably still has a place in Conservative Households, however.

Conservatives can't do the first-time ever in history--though it's a second liberal attempt--national Cost-of-Living-Adjustment. That is what the first-time-ever, refundable U. S. Income Tax credit, is all about.

This is mascale versus tbe Mitch McConnell, Ron Paul, Steve Forbes, Judd Gregg types: All over. They even have a token black party leader, that a lot of them want to resign. That one concedes that he just can't win. Anyone sees clearly, why!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Conservatives need Smack-down, Slap-Around, views, and public policy of history and women instead! Debtor's Prisons are more their style!)
The subject is in the Opening Post, which is linked.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Laissez-Faire people like teepees, not even. Go back to caves!)
We're now blaming the earthquake on capitalism? And Pat Robertson's an asshole?

Notice that Dude poster was unable to link any source, but could post instead with logically fallacious, ad hominem references, demonstrating hew he wants to be regarded, personally ignorant about mostly everything.
I'm not the only person on this board to notice that mascale the poster's posts are about as concise as VCR programming instructions written in pig Latin. :lol:
In the 1970s (central?) planners inside and outside the US government came up with a plan to transform Haiti into the "Taiwan of the Carribbean"

The small country was instructed to banish self-sufficent agriculture and move toward a robust manufacturing economy sewing baseballs and Disney-themed stuffed toys.

The countryside couldn't compete with the dumping of state-subsidized American agricultural products. Farmers and families fled to the cities where they found jobs severly lacking.

The over-crowding and poverty of Port-au-Prince that made the effects of the quake so deadly are a direct consequence of American capitalism.
The neighboring Dominican Republic actually does fairly well as an economy, but does the anti-laissez-faire, direct interventions, suggested in the opening post. Lots of international aid, and IMF support: Have created an asset-valueable Dominican Republic, whose main enemies are its security forces.

The United States cut off the aid only 10 years ago, because of the police/homeland security abuses.

Millions in the United States could hope that China cuts off its aid to the U. S. federal government, given the homeland security concept now in place in the USA: But probably don't. Something about the money seems to make them feel good, (especially, apparently, at JP Morgan Chase, where it is discoverd that they actually do not pay much of anything back, after all)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now that comparison and contrast have been made, yes there is Laissez-Faire, and that created the outcome in Haiti. Yes there is centrally planned, asset-value creation: And the Dominican Republic does fairly well as a functioning economy, in contrast. Her Majesty's PM did take pains at Davos last year: To aid the less fortunate in their understanding of how socialist, central credit, actually works! The Bankers of the Former USA Colonial States failed to show up: And it shows!)
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