Great book by Gov Brewer!


Nov 15, 2011
I have just finished reading "Scorpions for Breakfast," the new book by Arizona Governor Brewer and I couldn't believe it.


I have spent twenty years fighting illegal immigration advocates and we finally have an advocate for the United States of America with standing. Gov. Brewer nails many of the open border advocates, including the SEIU, La Raza, and the mainstream media; but she does best when she exposes Barack Obama.
(Barack Obama reminds me of the young man who murdered his parents and is pleading for mercy because he is an orphan. He is blaming America for income disparity when it is his party --- the Democrats --- that have been importing poverty from the Third World for decades --- but we can't say this, can we.)
Brewer gives a blow-by-blow account of the fight over SB 1070, the Arizona law that seeks to help the federal government enforce immigration laws. As the fight unfolded, the Obama administration argued that states have no right to enforce laws that it didn't want to enforce in the first place. It is ridiculous!
But the worst of it comes when Obama's minions (including Hillary Clinton) allied themselves with hostile nations, including China and Mexico, to criticize Arizona for so-called human rights violations. Mexico is invading the U.S. and Obama is on their side.
If you read her book, and you should, and you don't come away with a full understanding that Barack Obama is an enemy of the United States of America, you are an idiot. If you still support him, you are a traitor.

Glenn Spencer
If you think its a great book, then you didn't read it.

That's okay though cuz she didn't write it. Hell, she probably didn't even READ it!

You are absolutely correct not to believe it. We in AZ didn't believe her when she was telling the world there were headless corpses all over the desert. She finally admitted that MAYBE she sorta, kinda made it up.

At the same time, Krazy Kyl was saying that Phoenix was the kidnapping capital of the world - another lie. Just like when he lied about abortions being the main service of Planned Parenthood when, in FACT, PP provides affordable health care to both men and women. At least they will until the rw's manage to shut them down.
Glenn,great book. Im a conservative grassroots activist making a difference here in GA with a proposal that supports Governor Deals new tough anti-illegal immigration laws,and minimizes agricultural deficits and profitability,and elimiinates the dependence of illegal immigration. Its going through the state house,and governors office,secretary of state,and department of labor. If you are interested in my proposals,PM me,and ill gladly share a PDF.shes a hero for the american way.
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If you think its a great book, then you didn't read it.

That's okay though cuz she didn't write it. Hell, she probably didn't even READ it!

You are absolutely correct not to believe it. We in AZ didn't believe her when she was telling the world there were headless corpses all over the desert. She finally admitted that MAYBE she sorta, kinda made it up.

At the same time, Krazy Kyl was saying that Phoenix was the kidnapping capital of the world - another lie. Just like when he lied about abortions being the main service of Planned Parenthood when, in FACT, PP provides affordable health care to both men and women. At least they will until the rw's manage to shut them down.

Anybody that has a quote of a extreme radical like "Malcolm X" on his post is not to be taken serious. Go away lefty.
(Barack Obama reminds me of the young man who murdered his parents and is pleading for mercy because he is an orphan. He is blaming America for income disparity when it is his party --- the Democrats --- that have been importing poverty from the Third World for decades --- but we can't say this, can we.)

this is just complete BS, lol. Sociopath all the way.
(Barack Obama reminds me of the young man who murdered his parents and is pleading for mercy because he is an orphan. He is blaming America for income disparity when it is his party --- the Democrats --- that have been importing poverty from the Third World for decades --- but we can't say this, can we.)

this is just complete BS, lol. Sociopath all the way.

"the Democrats --- that have been importing poverty from the Third World for decades"

That's the absolute truth! Democrats have never met a illegal alien they didn't like. Sounds like that is a little to close to home for you.
Amen to thay. They created the superficial race divisions among americans,its not race,its nstionslism,and protecting the rights and interests of thosevwho are american,regardless of any superficiality stone age method the left uses to divide us.
Sounds like that is a little to close to home for you.

Not at all. Actually, my father was a life long democrat who was a lead engineer on the Apollo and Shuttle programs always said it best.

"Republicans are just spoiled little brats who love to wrap them selves in the flag while not embracing Americans true colors". I think you just proved the same.

this is why I love working for the space program. I get a good chance to stay away from people who lack critical thinking. Mainly Republicans.

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