GQ names 50 Cent and Kanye West, Men of the Year...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
Philadelphia, Amazing huh...
The title on Drudge said 50 Cent calls Bush a gansta. I wondered if he mean that in a good way or a bad way. Apparently it was a good way.

50 Cent and Kanye West are the only ones selected to be GQ's "Men of the Year" who have no false modesty about it — both of the hip-hop stars justify their big egos in the mag's pages. But they also have more on their minds than just themselves. Like George W. Bush, for one. 50 thinks the president is "incredible ... a gangsta." "I wanna meet George Bush, just shake his hand and tell him how much of me I see in him," 50 told GQ. If the rapper's felony conviction didn't prevent him from voting, 50 said he would have voted for Bush.

Meanwhile, Kanye basically called Bush a racist on national television, and has since rethought his strategy for speaking out. "When NBC edited it out on the West Coast, that was a wakeup call," West told the magazine. "It let people know how censored we still are. This is supposed to be America, but you can't get your opinion out. There's all kinds of things I want to say, but I need to pace myself, to make sure my opportunities to say these things aren't taken away too abruptly." Kanye says after giving us entertainment, his next goal is to give us "inspiration." 50's next goal? He wants to market a condom. ...

I dont like too much hardcore rap, but 50 cent as a person seems to be the real deal. He wants from nobody and earns everything he has. As dumb as it sounds, he's trying to branch off into product lines with the condoms. People buy condoms. Why not buy 50 cent's condom yo, lol. ITs capitalism baby, lol.

Kanye on the other hand seems to not understand the meaning of censorship. You see you can stand out on the street and preach till your blue in the face about how much George Bush sucks and anyone thats willing to listen to you will come up and listen. TV however is a business and like any good business, networks protect their earnings. They make money off of ad revenue. They only get ad revenue if they have ratings. They only get ratings if the people watching like what they see. If the people are watching some ignorant fool preach about how the president is a racist and planted a bomb in NO to kill off black people, i doubt they will continue watching that network.

So while Kanye is busy bitching and complaining about how this country is unfair and Bush is a racist and censors him, he makes millions off of his albums that are uncensored and are mass produced thanks to the greatest country in the world. Meanwhile 50, is thinking of new ways to make money instead of bitching about the past and whining about the present. The more i read about 50 cent, the more i like him even if ill never buy any of his albums.

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