GOVT WASTE II: Romney is WRONG; There is plenty in Defense we can cut.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Wanna really be serious about slashing government spending and waste? Well, as the right says, EVERYONE needs to have "skin in the game" (A dumbass quote that is catching fire lately). Well, everyone means "EVERYONE", so Romney Inc can get over that bullshit about it being "reckless" to look for waste in the Dept of Defense. Here are some fine examples, although I already provided the thread on US Marines doing police work in Nicaragua to catch petty drug dealers (Yeah, thats what our tax money should be doing).

World Wide Military Deployments

Those are worldwide US military deployments. Keep in mind, they get "per diem" pay, combat pay for flying over somewhere that bullets are flying, and all sorts of other perks while deployed. And thats a true war zone. But why do we have US military "deployed" in:

Italy (really? Is Snooki gonna invade us?)
Diego Garcia (yeah, it's an actual place)

Well, you can check the link.

Massive government waste sending countless government employees to these foreign countries, paying for housing, per diem, haircuts, etc, etc, etc. WHY? We aren't at war with any of those places. We aren't the world police. Norway and Iceland can fend for themselves, it's not MY tax dollars that should be policing Nicaragua or making Spain feel safe from the Nazis.....70 years later.

Sure, pulling all those people out of there would cause us to have a big surplus in military personnel. But hey, just downsize, through attrition if necessary. All those extra military folks can just get jobs in the private sector like the rest of us.

Romney/Ryan....time to make sure everyone has some skin in the game and cut defense.
Nobody doubts there are places to cut DEF spending.... checking contracts, stopping payment to contractors not delivering... auditing the whole department to eliminate waste

But evidently you have ZERO idea of the importance of some jobs in Belgium, Italy, etc... else you would not be looking to close those places down.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

And downsize the military?? :rolleyes:.. yeah, we see where that move by Clinton got us

So, yes.. audit and cut some spending from DEF.... but you best be eliminating entitlements, welfare, etc that the federal government has ZERO business spending on
Nobody doubts there are places to cut DEF spending.... checking contracts, stopping payment to contractors not delivering... auditing the whole department to eliminate waste

But evidently you have ZERO idea of the importance of some jobs in Belgium, Italy, etc... else you would not be looking to close those places down.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

And downsize the military?? :rolleyes:.. yeah, we see where that move by Clinton got us

So, yes.. audit and cut some spending from DEF.... but you best be eliminating entitlements, welfare, etc that the federal government has ZERO business spending on

Oh, we are. Romney/Ryan, who will probably win, are gonna cut entitlement. But why stop there?

The "importance" of MANY government jobs is misunderstood. BUT, as some on the right way, WE ARE BROKE. Society will have to find a way to move on without it.

So we can't have military folks on deployment in Italy, Iceland, Belgium anymore? Oh well. Our boys beat the Nazis, they'll find a way to adapt. So will the rest of the world.

And yes, downsize the military. Why not? We're broke. We'll adapt. So will the rest of the world. My tax dollars should be spent securing Iceland. And it shouldn't be spent on a military....aka government employee....being sent to Norway on a glorified 6 month vacation where he/she gets per diem pay, housing, meals, and all the extra perks and pay that comes with it. Its waste.

Everyone needs to have some skin in the game. Lots of government jobs that are being cut serve some kind of importance to someone, even if others dont think so, but it's all being cut.

Time to include ALL government jobs in the cuts.....meaning military too. There are plenty of private sector jobs the surplus military personnel could go get rather than living off the taxpayer dime for life.
.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

Those posts aren't serving me. They arent in my city, or state, or even my country. My tax money is being spent to keep S. Korea safe from N. Korea. That isn't serving me. Time to bring 'em home. The world will adapt. So will S Korea. If it isnt the US Federal Govt's job to support my city/state, then it sure as hell isn't the Feds job to support Seoul, South Korea either.

But dont worry. Those 30,000 US troops in S Korea can find jobs here in the private sector like the rest of us.
Fraud OP is fraud

Oh, wow, that is a really good arument against my original premise. Great insight and logic there:clap2:

Seriously, is that all you got? Let me guess....I should shut up, and put a "Support the Troops" bumper sticker on my car and just assume all military spending is GOOD, and all other govt spending maybe not so good right?
Nobody doubts there are places to cut DEF spending.... checking contracts, stopping payment to contractors not delivering... auditing the whole department to eliminate waste

But evidently you have ZERO idea of the importance of some jobs in Belgium, Italy, etc... else you would not be looking to close those places down.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

And downsize the military?? :rolleyes:.. yeah, we see where that move by Clinton got us

So, yes.. audit and cut some spending from DEF.... but you best be eliminating entitlements, welfare, etc that the federal government has ZERO business spending on

Oh, we are. Romney/Ryan, who will probably win, are gonna cut entitlement. But why stop there?

The "importance" of MANY government jobs is misunderstood. BUT, as some on the right way, WE ARE BROKE. Society will have to find a way to move on without it.

So we can't have military folks on deployment in Italy, Iceland, Belgium anymore? Oh well. Our boys beat the Nazis, they'll find a way to adapt. So will the rest of the world.

And yes, downsize the military. Why not? We're broke. We'll adapt. So will the rest of the world. My tax dollars should be spent securing Iceland. And it shouldn't be spent on a military....aka government employee....being sent to Norway on a glorified 6 month vacation where he/she gets per diem pay, housing, meals, and all the extra perks and pay that comes with it. Its waste.

Everyone needs to have some skin in the game. Lots of government jobs that are being cut serve some kind of importance to someone, even if others dont think so, but it's all being cut.

Time to include ALL government jobs in the cuts.....meaning military too. There are plenty of private sector jobs the surplus military personnel could go get rather than living off the taxpayer dime for life.

1) You are clueless to the missions going on at SHAPE, in Italy, etc.... those will not be going away... you will see entire agencies and massive massive cuts elsewhere before you see those go

2) You do not cut the military manning... Clinton did with DISASTROUS results... besides, we are constitutionally charged to have a suitable military... we are not constitutionally charged to back your college loan, give you a cell phone, make sure you have cheese, etc

3) Yes, EVERY department and all of us have some skin in the game (well, except the ~47% who pay no federal income taxes, but that is another argument).. and there need to be cuts everywhere... but you are absolutely clueless on what things in the military are necessary, etc... (as evidenced by your 'glorified 6 month vacation' bullshit statement)
Another military cut: Our local Navy base has an "MWR" unit, Morale, Welfare, Recreation.

ALL of those units should be slashed from the military.

Private sector employees have to find their own recreational activities. Our govt money shouldnt' be spent for a govt program for govt employees to have entertainment. They can go to the private sector movie theater or ball games like the rest of us.

More waste cut!
.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

Those posts aren't serving me. They arent in my city, or state, or even my country. My tax money is being spent to keep S. Korea safe from N. Korea. That isn't serving me. Time to bring 'em home. The world will adapt. So will S Korea. If it isnt the US Federal Govt's job to support my city/state, then it sure as hell isn't the Feds job to support Seoul, South Korea either.

But dont worry. Those 30,000 US troops in S Korea can find jobs here in the private sector like the rest of us.

Bolded part shows your cluelessness... leave suggestions about defense to those who actually know something about it.... you are about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market
Nobody doubts there are places to cut DEF spending.... checking contracts, stopping payment to contractors not delivering... auditing the whole department to eliminate waste

But evidently you have ZERO idea of the importance of some jobs in Belgium, Italy, etc... else you would not be looking to close those places down.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

And downsize the military?? :rolleyes:.. yeah, we see where that move by Clinton got us

So, yes.. audit and cut some spending from DEF.... but you best be eliminating entitlements, welfare, etc that the federal government has ZERO business spending on

Oh, we are. Romney/Ryan, who will probably win, are gonna cut entitlement. But why stop there?

The "importance" of MANY government jobs is misunderstood. BUT, as some on the right way, WE ARE BROKE. Society will have to find a way to move on without it.

So we can't have military folks on deployment in Italy, Iceland, Belgium anymore? Oh well. Our boys beat the Nazis, they'll find a way to adapt. So will the rest of the world.

And yes, downsize the military. Why not? We're broke. We'll adapt. So will the rest of the world. My tax dollars should be spent securing Iceland. And it shouldn't be spent on a military....aka government employee....being sent to Norway on a glorified 6 month vacation where he/she gets per diem pay, housing, meals, and all the extra perks and pay that comes with it. Its waste.

Everyone needs to have some skin in the game. Lots of government jobs that are being cut serve some kind of importance to someone, even if others dont think so, but it's all being cut.

Time to include ALL government jobs in the cuts.....meaning military too. There are plenty of private sector jobs the surplus military personnel could go get rather than living off the taxpayer dime for life.

1) You are clueless to the missions going on at SHAPE, in Italy, etc.... those will not be going away... you will see entire agencies and massive massive cuts elsewhere before you see those go

2) You do not cut the military manning... Clinton did with DISASTROUS results... besides, we are constitutionally charged to have a suitable military... we are not constitutionally charged to back your college loan, give you a cell phone, make sure you have cheese, etc

3) Yes, EVERY department and all of us have some skin in the game (well, except the ~47% who pay no federal income taxes, but that is another argument).. and there need to be cuts everywhere... but you are absolutely clueless on what things in the military are necessary, etc... (as evidenced by your 'glorified 6 month vacation' bullshit statement)

The same could be said for the FBI, DEA, CIA, and every single major police dept in the nation. People are clueless about what really goes on. But they are supporting big cuts anyway. They say we'll adapt, we're broke, and those folks can find real jobs in the private sector.

So...the military, world and USA will adapt too. There are no sacred cows in this generational crisis. We must cut spending, EVERYWHERE.

Our nation can survive just fine without troops in Italy, Iceland, Guam, Norway. Time to cut the military down to it's appropriate size.
Fraud OP is fraud

Oh, wow, that is a really good arument against my original premise. Great insight and logic there:clap2:

Seriously, is that all you got? Let me guess....I should shut up, and put a "Support the Troops" bumper sticker on my car and just assume all military spending is GOOD, and all other govt spending maybe not so good right?

Debating with a fraud is pointless. You are a fraud.
.... trust me, you want those posts serving us

Those posts aren't serving me. They arent in my city, or state, or even my country. My tax money is being spent to keep S. Korea safe from N. Korea. That isn't serving me. Time to bring 'em home. The world will adapt. So will S Korea. If it isnt the US Federal Govt's job to support my city/state, then it sure as hell isn't the Feds job to support Seoul, South Korea either.

But dont worry. Those 30,000 US troops in S Korea can find jobs here in the private sector like the rest of us.

Bolded part shows your cluelessness... leave suggestions about defense to those who actually know something about it.... you are about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Then tell me. What is it exactly that my tax dollars are funding in sending US troops to Italy, Spain, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Guam.........that serve ME, here, in my little city. If those posts didn't exist......the military would have to GASP...adapt and overcome, like they do very well. How exactly would my life change if we weren't sending Air Force personnel to fucking Norway for a 6 month tourist/work trip?
Oh look, the idiot thinks the Feds are supposed to pay for his dead end union job.

I've had friends deplolyed to some of those locations like Holland/the Netherlands working at NATO in support of our operations in Afghanistan. Italy was in support of the actions over Libya, idiot. Djibouti is to get terrorists in the Horn of Africa etc, etc, etc.

Diego Garcia...yeah, we should have aircraft there if Iran does something, idiot. I bet you can't find it on a map.

The US military is around the world killing terrorists, dictators and drug dealers to make our world safer. They are also overseas training other militaries to protect themselves so we don't have to go there to save them someday from a war, etc.

Of course, you'd rather tax money going to your fatass doing nothing for this country. :eusa_whistle:

Wanna really be serious about slashing government spending and waste? Well, as the right says, EVERYONE needs to have "skin in the game" (A dumbass quote that is catching fire lately). Well, everyone means "EVERYONE", so Romney Inc can get over that bullshit about it being "reckless" to look for waste in the Dept of Defense. Here are some fine examples, although I already provided the thread on US Marines doing police work in Nicaragua to catch petty drug dealers (Yeah, thats what our tax money should be doing).

World Wide Military Deployments

Those are worldwide US military deployments. Keep in mind, they get "per diem" pay, combat pay for flying over somewhere that bullets are flying, and all sorts of other perks while deployed. And thats a true war zone. But why do we have US military "deployed" in:

Italy (really? Is Snooki gonna invade us?)
Diego Garcia (yeah, it's an actual place)

Well, you can check the link.

Massive government waste sending countless government employees to these foreign countries, paying for housing, per diem, haircuts, etc, etc, etc. WHY? We aren't at war with any of those places. We aren't the world police. Norway and Iceland can fend for themselves, it's not MY tax dollars that should be policing Nicaragua or making Spain feel safe from the Nazis.....70 years later.

Sure, pulling all those people out of there would cause us to have a big surplus in military personnel. But hey, just downsize, through attrition if necessary. All those extra military folks can just get jobs in the private sector like the rest of us.

Romney/Ryan....time to make sure everyone has some skin in the game and cut defense.
Oh, we are. Romney/Ryan, who will probably win, are gonna cut entitlement. But why stop there?

The "importance" of MANY government jobs is misunderstood. BUT, as some on the right way, WE ARE BROKE. Society will have to find a way to move on without it.

So we can't have military folks on deployment in Italy, Iceland, Belgium anymore? Oh well. Our boys beat the Nazis, they'll find a way to adapt. So will the rest of the world.

And yes, downsize the military. Why not? We're broke. We'll adapt. So will the rest of the world. My tax dollars should be spent securing Iceland. And it shouldn't be spent on a military....aka government employee....being sent to Norway on a glorified 6 month vacation where he/she gets per diem pay, housing, meals, and all the extra perks and pay that comes with it. Its waste.

Everyone needs to have some skin in the game. Lots of government jobs that are being cut serve some kind of importance to someone, even if others dont think so, but it's all being cut.

Time to include ALL government jobs in the cuts.....meaning military too. There are plenty of private sector jobs the surplus military personnel could go get rather than living off the taxpayer dime for life.

1) You are clueless to the missions going on at SHAPE, in Italy, etc.... those will not be going away... you will see entire agencies and massive massive cuts elsewhere before you see those go

2) You do not cut the military manning... Clinton did with DISASTROUS results... besides, we are constitutionally charged to have a suitable military... we are not constitutionally charged to back your college loan, give you a cell phone, make sure you have cheese, etc

3) Yes, EVERY department and all of us have some skin in the game (well, except the ~47% who pay no federal income taxes, but that is another argument).. and there need to be cuts everywhere... but you are absolutely clueless on what things in the military are necessary, etc... (as evidenced by your 'glorified 6 month vacation' bullshit statement)

The same could be said for the FBI, DEA, CIA, and every single major police dept in the nation. People are clueless about what really goes on. But they are supporting big cuts anyway. They say we'll adapt, we're broke, and those folks can find real jobs in the private sector.

So...the military, world and USA will adapt too. There are no sacred cows in this generational crisis. We must cut spending, EVERYWHERE.

Our nation can survive just fine without troops in Italy, Iceland, Guam, Norway. Time to cut the military down to it's appropriate size.

And you know appropriate size, mission, etc??


Nobody is saying that cuts cannot be made where waste is.. however, as shown by your stance on troop morale, you are indeed clueless and you should leave adult discussions about the military and defense to those who actually think like adults
It's called training with our friends, you piece of shit. One doesn't wait until a war breaks out to find out how the military in Norway functions or doesn't function.

Many of our training missions in "Europe" are for NATO ever heard of it?

By training the militaries of our friends and making them stronger, the more likely we make it harder for say Russia to want to invade them which will be even worse than sending our guys over there for short training trips.

Those posts aren't serving me. They arent in my city, or state, or even my country. My tax money is being spent to keep S. Korea safe from N. Korea. That isn't serving me. Time to bring 'em home. The world will adapt. So will S Korea. If it isnt the US Federal Govt's job to support my city/state, then it sure as hell isn't the Feds job to support Seoul, South Korea either.

But dont worry. Those 30,000 US troops in S Korea can find jobs here in the private sector like the rest of us.

Bolded part shows your cluelessness... leave suggestions about defense to those who actually know something about it.... you are about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Then tell me. What is it exactly that my tax dollars are funding in sending US troops to Italy, Spain, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Guam.........that serve ME, here, in my little city. If those posts didn't exist......the military would have to GASP...adapt and overcome, like they do very well. How exactly would my life change if we weren't sending Air Force personnel to fucking Norway for a 6 month tourist/work trip?
Oh look, the idiot thinks the Feds are supposed to pay for his dead end union job.

I've had friends deplolyed to some of those locations like Holland/the Netherlands working at NATO in support of our operations in Afghanistan. Italy was in support of the actions over Libya, idiot. Djibouti is to get terrorists in the Horn of Africa etc, etc, etc.

Diego Garcia...yeah, we should have aircraft there if Iran does something, idiot. I bet you can't find it on a map.

The US military is around the world killing terrorists, dictators and drug dealers to make our world safer. They are also overseas training other militaries to protect themselves so we don't have to go there to save them someday from a war, etc.

Of course, you'd rather tax money going to your fatass doing nothing for this country. :eusa_whistle:

1- Its not our job, or my tax dollars job, to train foreign military/police just so we dont have to come "save them" later. Fuck them. They will figure out their own way.

2- The US military is in fact killing terrorists and drug dealers to make our world safer. God Bless them, and I thank them. Our FBI, DEA, CIA, and major police depts are doing the same thing inside our borders. That doesn't make them immune to budget cuts. We're broke.

3- Fuck Iran. Let Israel deal with it. We're broke.

I'm just sick of all the waste. You right wingers make every excuse in the book about why we need Rambo in Norway and Guam. We're broke. Time to reel in the nets.
Those posts aren't serving me. They arent in my city, or state, or even my country. My tax money is being spent to keep S. Korea safe from N. Korea. That isn't serving me. Time to bring 'em home. The world will adapt. So will S Korea. If it isnt the US Federal Govt's job to support my city/state, then it sure as hell isn't the Feds job to support Seoul, South Korea either.

But dont worry. Those 30,000 US troops in S Korea can find jobs here in the private sector like the rest of us.

Bolded part shows your cluelessness... leave suggestions about defense to those who actually know something about it.... you are about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Then tell me. What is it exactly that my tax dollars are funding in sending US troops to Italy, Spain, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Guam.........that serve ME, here, in my little city. If those posts didn't exist......the military would have to GASP...adapt and overcome, like they do very well. How exactly would my life change if we weren't sending Air Force personnel to fucking Norway for a 6 month tourist/work trip?

Enlist, get cleared for special compartmentalized information, and you might be privileged enough to know all the critical things that go on in SHAPE, or get privileged to train for special ops in Norway or Guam...

Your tax dollars are being wasted on the lazy, more than they would ever be even close to being wasted with some of the things you think should just be easily cut from the military.. especially since much of what you would leave while gutting the military is not constitutionally charged

Go fuck yourself and play with the other children
It's called training with our friends, you piece of shit. One doesn't wait until a war breaks out to find out how the military in Norway functions or doesn't function.

Many of our training missions in "Europe" are for NATO ever heard of it?

By training the militaries of our friends and making them stronger, the more likely we make it harder for say Russia to want to invade them which will be even worse than sending our guys over there for short training trips.


But we're broke. Thats what the right keeps telling me. Let Norway come here. Rather than us go every-fucking-where else. If they wanna train with the best, they can come here. Fuck 'em. My tax dollars should NOT go for a tourist-training trip to Europe.
Bolded part shows your cluelessness... leave suggestions about defense to those who actually know something about it.... you are about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Then tell me. What is it exactly that my tax dollars are funding in sending US troops to Italy, Spain, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Guam.........that serve ME, here, in my little city. If those posts didn't exist......the military would have to GASP...adapt and overcome, like they do very well. How exactly would my life change if we weren't sending Air Force personnel to fucking Norway for a 6 month tourist/work trip?

Enlist, get cleared for special compartmentalized information, and you might be privileged enough to know all the critical things that go on in SHAPE, or get privileged to train for special ops in Norway or Guam...

Your tax dollars are being wasted on the lazy, more than they would ever be even close to being wasted with some of the things you think should just be easily cut from the military.. especially since much of what you would leave while gutting the military is not constitutionally charged

Go fuck yourself and play with the other children in other can't tell me how those posts serve me? There is nothing we do in Norway or Guam that we can't do here in our 50 states. We're broke. Time to reel it in boys.

Yes, they are being wasted on the lazy. I'm all for entitlement reform. But we need everyone....ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND AGENCIES AT ALL have skin in the game.

So, the Constitution mandates us to have troops in Spain? It mandates that we have a small army in South Korea to protect them from North Korea? Why? We're broke.

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