Gov't about to shut down; Obama leaves to party at Al Sharpton party?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So the government is about to shut down, as the right tries to do what the American people actually WANT us to do (cut spending)? To try to save this nation from financial collapse?

And what does our Moron in Chief do? Flees to hang out with Al Sharpton at a black awards party.

History is gonna look back, and ask "What the f**k were left wing voters thinking in 2008? They nearly destroyed the American way of life."
Obama isn't "everyone else". He chose not to be "everyone else" when he ran for president and promised hope and change. He can no longer vote "present". He's the most powerful man in the world, and our leader.

Our government is 48 hours from shutting down. And he's over with Al Sharpton at a black awards party, probably discussing his NBA playoff bracket.
I wonder if they have salmon...I love salmon...
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

It's called LEADERSHIP. Something the country is obviously lacking.

Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

As has been pointed out to you idiots. The Republican House has done it's job. We're waiting on the idiot dimwits in the Senate to act. What's keeping Harry? doyathink? oh???? dear.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

It's called LEADERSHIP. Something the country is obviously lacking.

Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

A meltdown in progress??? :lol:
Obama isn't "everyone else". He chose not to be "everyone else" when he ran for president and promised hope and change. He can no longer vote "present". He's the most powerful man in the world, and our leader.

Our government is 48 hours from shutting down. And he's over with Al Sharpton at a black awards party, probably discussing his NBA playoff bracket.

isn't his role to only sign the budget? i don't recall the executive's role as being involved in every stage. do you want him on the congressional floor?

the people responsible for hammering this out are not in the executive branch. and if they need to contact him for "final" approval, eg, will he sign off....i'm sure they can reach him

it should be congress, senate and house, that has to stay at work until a budget is passed. i lived in a state that finally did that, and you know what, they passed budgets of all of a sudden.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

It's called LEADERSHIP. Something the country is obviously lacking.

Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Am I misunderstanding what you are saying or is a liberal actually admitting that the United States is on the verge of bankruptcy?

If I am not misunderstanding you, I hope you will join us and start asking Congress to actually cut spending.

What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

It's called LEADERSHIP. Something the country is obviously lacking.

Leadership at 10 o' clock at night? Seriously is Congress even meeting right now? I mean come on people. He has events to attend just like you. If your company is on the verge of bankrupcy, do you not have dinner? Seriously, you won't like a god damn thing he ever does so let him live his OWN personal life, get one yourself and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Are YOU Obama? Mr. President, is that YOU? Because I swear that sounds like what Obama must be thinking.

Hey, kid, when he won that job, his personal life got put on hold for at least 4 years. Well, at least it was supposed to be.

Congress is NOT meeting right now. Which means he could be up at 10 o'clock tonight having coffee with Reid and Boehner, trying to work this damn thing out. But he's not. He's dancin' the "Tootsie Roll" with Al Sharpton. Hey, maybe he'll bomb another country while he's at it!!!
And to answer your question mr. not JFK.. yes the congress is still working.. yep they izz.
What else should he do?

For fuck sakes, he needs CONGRESS TO PASS THE BILL. Should he not eat because republicans can't do their damn job? Please.

You are displaying your ignorance. The Republican House is doing their job. They are offering a budget. The Democrat Senate is the one refusing to do THEIR job and pass it. If the gov't shuts down, it is NOT because the GOP house didn't propose a bill, it IS because the Dem Senate would not pass it. This thing lays directly on the Democrats. The GOP won the House, and they make the budget. They have done that. They have proposed it. Their job is done. Only the Dem Senate and Dem president can stop a budget from passing (aka shut down).

So, your idea of Dems doing their job is for them to agree 100% to the Repub budget? :lol::lol::lol: That's not how it works. Dems have met Repubs more than halfway. In fact, Dems have already agreed to the Repubs original number. You fail. Try again.

You want to argue politics of doing something, fine. But to bitch and say someone is ruining the country because he went to a dinner? Please.

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