Gov’ment stay out of my life.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(You are Government)
You people want smaller less Government involvement in your lives but you want government to create a job for you and you don’t want to pay for it. Jobs created by the government are not free. If you want to teach you pay to go to college and pay for a license to teach and then you pay taxes on the money you earn from that job. You want more Government when it benefits you but if it benefits others it too big and too much spending. Jobs are not freebies or handouts. If you want government to create a job for you, you must be willing to pay for it. If Romney say he will create a job for you and it not going to cost you, it’s a lie.
The stimulus created jobs and it saved jobs and created revenue that eventually will contribute in paying for the stimulus.
If you want a job, create one for your self or be prepared to pay for a job that you want government to create for you.

Government Spending Can Create Jobs—and It Has
The Lessons Are Clear When Our Economy Is in Trouble

Government spending is also an important part of the economy. Millions of people work for the government and millions more are employed in government-funded work and all those dollars flowing into the economy create even more jobs.

Government Spending Can Create Jobs?and It Has

PS. Government jobs are the people but Romeny and Walker want to take government out of the hands of the people. Government workers, teacher, police, fireman are americans workers. Romney and Walker want to cut out government jobs and create jobs for Americans? WTF?
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...but you want government to create a job for you...

Not true. We want government to get out of the way of those that actually create jobs. Government does not create jobs, it can only take them from the private sector. Read the fallacy of the broken window.
...but you want government to create a job for you...

Not true. We want government to get out of the way of those that actually create jobs. Government does not create jobs, it can only take them from the private sector. Read the fallacy of the broken window.

Mitt Romney's new jobs plan: Fire 145,000 Americans

That stimulus he put in place, it didn't help private sector jobs, it helped preserve government jobs, and the one place we should have cut back was on government jobs. We have a 145,000 more government workers under this president. Let's send them home and put you back to work!
Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's new jobs plan: Fire 145,000 Americans
...but you want government to create a job for you...

Not true. We want government to get out of the way of those that actually create jobs. Government does not create jobs, it can only take them from the private sector. Read the fallacy of the broken window.

Mitt Romney's new jobs plan: Fire 145,000 Americans

That stimulus he put in place, it didn't help private sector jobs, it helped preserve government jobs, and the one place we should have cut back was on government jobs. We have a 145,000 more government workers under this president. Let's send them home and put you back to work!
Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's new jobs plan: Fire*145,000*Americans

You either did not read or can't understand the broken window fallacy. Either way, how sad for you.
...but you want government to create a job for you...

Not true. We want government to get out of the way of those that actually create jobs. Government does not create jobs, it can only take them from the private sector. :cuckoo: Read the fallacy of the broken window.

How the hell does government take jobs from the private sector?:cuckoo:

With over regulation and high corporate taxes.

Are you really this shallow?
Not true. We want government to get out of the way of those that actually create jobs. Government does not create jobs, it can only take them from the private sector. :cuckoo: Read the fallacy of the broken window.

How the hell does government take jobs from the private sector?:cuckoo:

With over regulation and high corporate taxes.

Are you really this shallow?

You mean cheap foreign labor does not factor into that equation?

Or is it just and added bonus.

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