Government Study confirms what we already knew. Vouchers increase graduation rates


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
According to an evaluation released yesterday by the US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences, the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) has “significantly improved students’ chances of graduating from high school.” The same study finds that “parents had higher satisfaction and rated schools as safer if their child was offered or used an OSP scholarship.”

With these dramatic success indicators, it must be no surprise that DC OSP is the only federal education program that the Obama Administration is intent on killing.

Dr. Matt Ladner, vice president of research at the Goldwater Institute reports:

“…students who were randomly selected to receive vouchers had an 82% graduation rate. That’s 12 percentage points higher than the students who didn’t receive vouchers. Students who actually used their vouchers had graduation rates that were 21% higher. Even better, the subgroup of students who received vouchers and came from designated Schools in Need of Improvement (SINI schools) had graduation rates that were 13 percentage points higher than the same subgroup of students who weren’t offered vouchers–and the effect was 20 percentage points higher for the SINI students who used their vouchers!”

That’s right. Students who used their voucher to attend a school of their parents’ choice had a 21 percent higher graduation rate than those who were eligible for a voucher but were not offered one in the lottery process. DC OSP is a federally-funded program that provides scholarships up to $7,500 to low-income families in Washington, DC – a pittance compared to DC Public School spending.

Government Study Confirms What We Already Knew: DC Vouchers Improve Graduation Rates - Big Government

Another example of what I say about liberalism, is an eternal battle against the patently obvious. EVERYONE knows that public school education is mediocre at best, but liberals will protest way too much against that. The answer more money! More money!

ANY answer besides pouring more money down the black hole of public education is met with hysterical vitriol.

So, here's another reason for liberals to go NUTS. Even the government now admits vouchers improves education.

Watch the rationalizations fly. They can start now!

Odd, why is it okay to trust the government when they put out something you agree with, but otherwise they're just dirty dirty Liberals? :eusa_think:
Odd, why is it okay to trust the government when they put out something you agree with, but otherwise they're just dirty dirty Liberals? :eusa_think:

Didn't I tell you? :lol::lol::lol:


Because when EVEN the government admits what everyone else knew, it's time for liberals to stop pretending it isn't OBVIOUS as hell.

Like I need the government report to conclude WHAT EVERYONE ELSE KNEW!!!!!!

So ask yourself why Obama is trying to kill the program when it is more than obvious IT WORKS!!!!!!!!

When liberals can't disagree with the obvious they try to change the subject to about you.

That's what YOU did. Tried to make a backhanded attempt at suggesting hypocrisy on this.

Which means YOU DIDN'T READ what I said about the OBVIOUS or didn't let it sink in because you were too busy making assumptions about what I really think.

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Odd, why is it okay to trust the government when they put out something you agree with, but otherwise they're just dirty dirty Liberals? :eusa_think:

Didn't I tell you? :lol::lol::lol:


Because when EVEN the government admits what everyone else knew, it's time for liberals to stop pretending it isn't OBVIOUS as hell.

Like I need the government report to conclude WHAT EVERYONE ELSE KNEW!!!!!!

So ask yourself why Obama is trying to kill the program when it is more than obvious IT WORKS!!!!!!!!

When liberals can't disagree with the obvious they try to change the subject to about you.

That's what YOU did. Tried to make a backhanded attempt at suggesting hypocrisy on this.

Which means YOU DIDN'T READ what I said about the OBVIOUS or didn't let it sink in because you were too busy making assumptions about what I really think.

Now I expect you to get all up in arms, deny you are a liberal and make backhand threats of banning me.

Mod or no, I know what you are going to say before you say it.

You can start now.


I got your :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :eusa_eh:

Get this through that thick grape of yours:

HE didn't bring up his status as one of my moderators. YOU did. I will ban your ass for THAT ... clear?

I don't allow my moderators to use their permissions/positions to take advantage in an argument; nor, will I let some weak-ass without an argument make bullshit and/or presumptive accusations of abuse of authority so they can deflect.

Stick to the topic and his argument. You have any questions, or a problem with that, feel free to PM me.
So you are for the extra govt spending that Vouchers create?

Here is another example. Liberals cannot disagree with the study and try to make it about me.

This is not about me and what I'm for. It's about THE OBVIOUS that school choice, improves education.

Instead of centering on me, maybe you should center on why Obama wants to kill this program this program when even his own government admit it works!

Odd, why is it okay to trust the government when they put out something you agree with, but otherwise they're just dirty dirty Liberals? :eusa_think:

Didn't I tell you? :lol::lol::lol:


Because when EVEN the government admits what everyone else knew, it's time for liberals to stop pretending it isn't OBVIOUS as hell.

Like I need the government report to conclude WHAT EVERYONE ELSE KNEW!!!!!!

So ask yourself why Obama is trying to kill the program when it is more than obvious IT WORKS!!!!!!!!

When liberals can't disagree with the obvious they try to change the subject to about you.

That's what YOU did. Tried to make a backhanded attempt at suggesting hypocrisy on this.

Which means YOU DIDN'T READ what I said about the OBVIOUS or didn't let it sink in because you were too busy making assumptions about what I really think.

Now I expect you to get all up in arms, deny you are a liberal and make backhand threats of banning me.

Mod or no, I know what you are going to say before you say it.

You can start now.


I got your :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :eusa_eh:

Get this through that thick grape of yours:

HE didn't bring up his status as one of my moderators. YOU did. I will ban your ass for THAT ... clear?

I don't allow my moderators to use their permissions/positions to take advantage in an argument; nor, will I let some weak-ass without an argument make bullshit and/or presumptive accusations of abuse of authority so they can deflect.

Stick to the topic and his argument. You have any questions, or a problem with that, feel free to PM me.

Agreed, I should not have done that. My apologies.
So you are for the extra govt spending that Vouchers create?

Here is another example. Liberals cannot disagree with the study and try to make it about me.

This is not about me and what I'm for. It's about THE OBVIOUS that school choice, improves education.

Instead of centering on me, maybe you should center on why Obama wants to kill this program this program when even his own government admit it works!


So, it's being made about YOU when you start OUT tossing barbs at "liberals"?

Pot, meet kettle ...
So you are for the extra govt spending that Vouchers create?

Here is another example. Liberals cannot disagree with the study and try to make it about me.

This is not about me and what I'm for. It's about THE OBVIOUS that school choice, improves education.

Instead of centering on me, maybe you should center on why Obama wants to kill this program this program when even his own government admit it works!


So, it's being made about YOU when you start OUT tossing barbs at "liberals"?

Pot, meet kettle ...

That would be true, IF liberals hadn't proved me correct.

The only reason to attack me instead of addressing the ISSUE is because they KNOW at heart the ISSUE (vouchers improved education) is true, but they don't like it being pointed out.

So, sorry, liberals ARE avoiding the issue because they know they LOSE on the issue.

So AGAIN, why, when even the GOVERNMENT finally admits, what we all know, is Obama trying to kill this program?

Because if you want to center on me, I'd kill ALL the programs and get the damn government out of schooling completely. Why not allow PARENTS to decide where their money goes, whether that be tax dollars or private school?

Don't tell me the parents have that choice now, because their money goes into public schools whether they like it or not.

They should decide where those dollars go for their children's education, NOT THE GOVERNMENT.

BUT, since they don't have that choice, how it is hypocrisy to point out the obvious, that programs such as vochers, imperfect though they may be, work far better than public schooling?

The only reason to change the subject to about me is to get off that obvious subject.

Pot kettle INDEED.


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