Government Picks Winners??? Really?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister
Wind farms have been “peppered” across Britain without enough consideration for the countryside and people’s homes, a senior Conservative energy minister admitted last night as he warned “enough is enough”....“We have issued a call for evidence on wind. That is about cost but also about community buy-in. We need to understand communities’ genuine desires."
Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister - Telegraph

2. "More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy
Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles. As Jalopnik has exclusively learned, the cars then caught fire and burned to the ground....This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion." Updates: More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy

3. "Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun
Abound Solar, which recently went bankrupt, took $400 million in energy loans even while they knew their panels went on fire when exposed to the sun.
“We heard from one employee, a whistleblower employee, who made the statement; the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”

Apparently, almost everyone knew the panels suffered catastrophic failures.

One of the companies biggest backers is Pat Stryker, a big Obama bundler."
Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun | Independent Sentinel
Is it just me, or does the push to throw taxpayer money at 'green energy' merely a variation
of the Chicago thug tactic of siphoning off funds, part of which gets kicked back to the pols?

Are they really so stupid that they don't know the stuff doesn't work....or does one have to be the company window-washier to understand the flaws?
I'd be more than happy to use Alternate Energy sources if they actually work and are not Gov't subsidized.
1. "Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister
Wind farms have been “peppered” across Britain without enough consideration for the countryside and people’s homes, a senior Conservative energy minister admitted last night as he warned “enough is enough”....“We have issued a call for evidence on wind. That is about cost but also about community buy-in. We need to understand communities’ genuine desires."
Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister - Telegraph

2. "More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy
Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles. As Jalopnik has exclusively learned, the cars then caught fire and burned to the ground....This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion." Updates: More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy

3. "Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun
Abound Solar, which recently went bankrupt, took $400 million in energy loans even while they knew their panels went on fire when exposed to the sun.
“We heard from one employee, a whistleblower employee, who made the statement; the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”

Apparently, almost everyone knew the panels suffered catastrophic failures.

One of the companies biggest backers is Pat Stryker, a big Obama bundler."
Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun | Independent Sentinel

I'm feeling your outrage here. But to be fair --- the Abound story has got to be wrong. Surely the panels were defective. There's plenty of corraborating evidence for that. But "catching fire" is pushing it a bit.. I can't imagine what components of a solar panel would actually ignite and sustain a fire. Even thin film panels don't have much in the way of flammable material..
1. "Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister
Wind farms have been “peppered” across Britain without enough consideration for the countryside and people’s homes, a senior Conservative energy minister admitted last night as he warned “enough is enough”....“We have issued a call for evidence on wind. That is about cost but also about community buy-in. We need to understand communities’ genuine desires."
Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister - Telegraph

2. "More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy
Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles. As Jalopnik has exclusively learned, the cars then caught fire and burned to the ground....This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion." Updates: More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy

3. "Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun
Abound Solar, which recently went bankrupt, took $400 million in energy loans even while they knew their panels went on fire when exposed to the sun.
“We heard from one employee, a whistleblower employee, who made the statement; the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”

Apparently, almost everyone knew the panels suffered catastrophic failures.

One of the companies biggest backers is Pat Stryker, a big Obama bundler."
Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun | Independent Sentinel

the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”


Yeah I want the government overseeing my healthcare.
1. "Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister
Wind farms have been “peppered” across Britain without enough consideration for the countryside and people’s homes, a senior Conservative energy minister admitted last night as he warned “enough is enough”....“We have issued a call for evidence on wind. That is about cost but also about community buy-in. We need to understand communities’ genuine desires."
Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister - Telegraph

2. "More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy
Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles. As Jalopnik has exclusively learned, the cars then caught fire and burned to the ground....This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion." Updates: More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy

3. "Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun
Abound Solar, which recently went bankrupt, took $400 million in energy loans even while they knew their panels went on fire when exposed to the sun.
“We heard from one employee, a whistleblower employee, who made the statement; the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”

Apparently, almost everyone knew the panels suffered catastrophic failures.

One of the companies biggest backers is Pat Stryker, a big Obama bundler."
Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun | Independent Sentinel

the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”


Yeah I want the government overseeing my healthcare.

Thats what i'm saying!! Hell, look at USPS
Is it just me, or does the push to throw taxpayer money at 'green energy' merely a variation of the Chicago thug tactic of siphoning off funds, part of which gets kicked back to the pols?

Are they really so stupid that they don't know the stuff doesn't work....or does one have to be the company window-washier to understand the flaws?

A few examples of bad investments doesn't mean "green energy doesn't work". Government has also contributed to research that's helped humanity tremendously. Medical research is a prime example with the result that life expectancy has risen by decades.
1. "Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister
Wind farms have been “peppered” across Britain without enough consideration for the countryside and people’s homes, a senior Conservative energy minister admitted last night as he warned “enough is enough”....“We have issued a call for evidence on wind. That is about cost but also about community buy-in. We need to understand communities’ genuine desires."
Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister - Telegraph

2. "More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy
Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles. As Jalopnik has exclusively learned, the cars then caught fire and burned to the ground....This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion." Updates: More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy

3. "Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun
Abound Solar, which recently went bankrupt, took $400 million in energy loans even while they knew their panels went on fire when exposed to the sun.
“We heard from one employee, a whistleblower employee, who made the statement; the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”

Apparently, almost everyone knew the panels suffered catastrophic failures.

One of the companies biggest backers is Pat Stryker, a big Obama bundler."
Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun | Independent Sentinel

I'm feeling your outrage here. But to be fair --- the Abound story has got to be wrong. Surely the panels were defective. There's plenty of corraborating evidence for that. But "catching fire" is pushing it a bit.. I can't imagine what components of a solar panel would actually ignite and sustain a fire. Even thin film panels don't have much in the way of flammable material..

Here's what I found:

1. 'Internal documentation and testimony from sources within Abound show that the company was selling a faulty, underperforming product, and may have mislead lenders at one point in order to keep itself afloat.

“Our solar modules worked as long as you didn’t put them in the sun,” an internal source told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The company knew its panels were faulty prior to obtaining taxpayer dollars, according to sources, but kept pushing product out the door in order to meet Department of Energy goals required for their $400 million loan guarantee.

The faulty solar panels would routinely burn up and virtually all of the panels Abound manufactured underperformed, meaning they did not put out the promised amount of power.

In October of 2010, the company discovered that their panels were catching fire.

Read more: Sources, documents: Abound Solar was selling faulty product | The Daily Caller

2. A number of articles don't mention the panels burning....but do refer to “catastrophic failures.” That cannot mean putting out less wattage....

To what kinds of behavior do you attribute “catastrophic failures” ?
Is it just me, or does the push to throw taxpayer money at 'green energy' merely a variation of the Chicago thug tactic of siphoning off funds, part of which gets kicked back to the pols?

Are they really so stupid that they don't know the stuff doesn't work....or does one have to be the company window-washier to understand the flaws?

A few examples of bad investments doesn't mean "green energy doesn't work". Government has also contributed to research that's helped humanity tremendously. Medical research is a prime example with the result that life expectancy has risen by decades.

Could you point out the specific reference to the government's ability to invest in private companies from the United States Constitution?

Here are the enumerated powers:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
1. "Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister
Wind farms have been “peppered” across Britain without enough consideration for the countryside and people’s homes, a senior Conservative energy minister admitted last night as he warned “enough is enough”....“We have issued a call for evidence on wind. That is about cost but also about community buy-in. We need to understand communities’ genuine desires."
Death knell for wind farms: 'Enough is Enough' says minister - Telegraph

2. "More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy
Approximately 16 of the $100,000+ Fisker Karma extended-range luxury hybrids were parked in Port Newark, New Jersey last night when water from Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge apparently breached the port and submerged the vehicles. As Jalopnik has exclusively learned, the cars then caught fire and burned to the ground....This wouldn’t be the first time the vehicles, which use a small gasoline engine to charge batteries that provide energy to two electric motors, had an issue with sudden combustion." Updates: More Than A Dozen Fisker Karma Hybrids Caught Fire And Exploded In New Jersey Port After Sandy

3. "Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun
Abound Solar, which recently went bankrupt, took $400 million in energy loans even while they knew their panels went on fire when exposed to the sun.
“We heard from one employee, a whistleblower employee, who made the statement; the solar panels worked fine as long as you didn’t put them in the sun.”

Apparently, almost everyone knew the panels suffered catastrophic failures.

One of the companies biggest backers is Pat Stryker, a big Obama bundler."
Abound Solar Panels Go on Fire in the Sun | Independent Sentinel

I'm feeling your outrage here. But to be fair --- the Abound story has got to be wrong. Surely the panels were defective. There's plenty of corraborating evidence for that. But "catching fire" is pushing it a bit.. I can't imagine what components of a solar panel would actually ignite and sustain a fire. Even thin film panels don't have much in the way of flammable material..

Here's what I found:

1. 'Internal documentation and testimony from sources within Abound show that the company was selling a faulty, underperforming product, and may have mislead lenders at one point in order to keep itself afloat.

“Our solar modules worked as long as you didn’t put them in the sun,” an internal source told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The company knew its panels were faulty prior to obtaining taxpayer dollars, according to sources, but kept pushing product out the door in order to meet Department of Energy goals required for their $400 million loan guarantee.

The faulty solar panels would routinely burn up and virtually all of the panels Abound manufactured underperformed, meaning they did not put out the promised amount of power.

In October of 2010, the company discovered that their panels were catching fire.

Read more: Sources, documents: Abound Solar was selling faulty product | The Daily Caller

2. A number of articles don't mention the panels burning....but do refer to “catastrophic failures.” That cannot mean putting out less wattage....

To what kinds of behavior do you attribute “catastrophic failures” ?

Don't know what to make of this. I suppose that stuff could get hot enough because of faulty design to ignite leaves or roofing materials. There is some elementary electronics that are integrated into these panels.. So catastrophic means that some of those components actually failed. Catastophic means bad design. Performance less than specified means poor design -- so the take-away message is the same.

I already have pixs of massive solar panels covered in snow. Maybe I can add some on fire !!!
Is it just me, or does the push to throw taxpayer money at 'green energy' merely a variation of the Chicago thug tactic of siphoning off funds, part of which gets kicked back to the pols?

Are they really so stupid that they don't know the stuff doesn't work....or does one have to be the company window-washier to understand the flaws?

A few examples of bad investments doesn't mean "green energy doesn't work". Government has also contributed to research that's helped humanity tremendously. Medical research is a prime example with the result that life expectancy has risen by decades.

Bad investments with our money numbskull. What exactly do you not get about the fact that the Government doesn't need to be using our money to selectively prop up feel good technologies at the Taxpayer's expense.
I'm feeling your outrage here. But to be fair --- the Abound story has got to be wrong. Surely the panels were defective. There's plenty of corraborating evidence for that. But "catching fire" is pushing it a bit.. I can't imagine what components of a solar panel would actually ignite and sustain a fire. Even thin film panels don't have much in the way of flammable material..

Here's what I found:

1. 'Internal documentation and testimony from sources within Abound show that the company was selling a faulty, underperforming product, and may have mislead lenders at one point in order to keep itself afloat.

“Our solar modules worked as long as you didn’t put them in the sun,” an internal source told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The company knew its panels were faulty prior to obtaining taxpayer dollars, according to sources, but kept pushing product out the door in order to meet Department of Energy goals required for their $400 million loan guarantee.

The faulty solar panels would routinely burn up and virtually all of the panels Abound manufactured underperformed, meaning they did not put out the promised amount of power.

In October of 2010, the company discovered that their panels were catching fire.

Read more: Sources, documents: Abound Solar was selling faulty product | The Daily Caller

2. A number of articles don't mention the panels burning....but do refer to “catastrophic failures.” That cannot mean putting out less wattage....

To what kinds of behavior do you attribute “catastrophic failures” ?

Don't know what to make of this. I suppose that stuff could get hot enough because of faulty design to ignite leaves or roofing materials. There is some elementary electronics that are integrated into these panels.. So catastrophic means that some of those components actually failed. Catastophic means bad design. Performance less than specified means poor design -- so the take-away message is the same.

I already have pixs of massive solar panels covered in snow. Maybe I can add some on fire !!!

Maybe with some signs: "Santa- beware!"
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