Government does not create jobs


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The market creates the jobs. Of course government actions and policies can help the free market private sector create more jobs.
Allowing me to keep more of the $ I MAKE in the 2 businesses I own would be a good start for job creation. Sending my $ to DC is the worst thing that could happen for any job creation on my end.
We are fast becoming a nation of village idiots.
The market creates the jobs.

well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it
The market creates the jobs.

well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it

What percentage of American workers belong to unions?

Have unions ever done anything good?
I belong to a union and have done so for 20 years in my job and the union has done nothing except take money from my check. The union I belong to has no power so our employer has no fear of the union.
The market creates the jobs.

well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it

What percentage of American workers belong to unions?

Have unions ever done anything good?

Private sector is 7.2% of workers. Total is 12.3%
Union Membership Drops 10%, Endangering Influence -

It depends on what you mean by "ever". But in the last 40 years the only things unions have done is drive large employers out of business and raise the cost of doing business.
I belong to a union and have done so for 20 years in my job and the union has done nothing except take money from my check. The union I belong to has no power so our employer has no fear of the union.

Sounds like you need a new job......errrr....sorry...not many of THOSE laying around these days, are there?

(nervous chuckle)
Be prepared for the countless arguments that this is not true and when they do just point out that you work for a private employer which is a job created by another person.
The market creates the jobs.

well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it

What percentage of American workers belong to unions?

Have unions ever done anything good?

I'm pretty sure they had a hand in killing some gangstas back in the 30s.....
The market creates the jobs.

well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it

What percentage of American workers belong to unions?Have unions ever done anything good?

Off dramatically in the private sector but spreading like wild fire in the public (government) sector.
The market creates the jobs.

well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it

I do not know of many conservatives that defend Bush for that either
The private sector creates jobs.

If the GD Govt would cut taxes across the board, to inclued the Corporate Tax, and then get the hell out of the way jobs would get created.

Common Sense. Jeeze.
The private sector could more than likely exist without the government, the inverse is simply not true.
What percentage of American workers belong to unions?

Have unions ever done anything good?

Talk to anyone who has ever worked in a coal mine and ask them that question. Or any other dangerous occupation.
The market creates the jobs. Of course government actions and policies can help the free market private sector create more jobs.
Allowing me to keep more of the $ I MAKE in the 2 businesses I own would be a good start for job creation. Sending my $ to DC is the worst thing that could happen for any job creation on my end.
We are fast becoming a nation of village idiots.

Where did the millions of jobs in the US military come from? The couple thousand jobs in your school district? The dozens of jobs in your local law enforcement and fire department? Who created the jobs for whoever built the road in front of your house? Who created the job for the guy who delivered your mail?

This lame rightwing talking point needs to be taken out and shot.
If the GD Govt would cut taxes across the board, to inclued the Corporate Tax, and then get the hell out of the way jobs would get created.

They already did this. Why are we still waiting for the tax cuts to the rich to finally trickle on us? Why will no one ever answer this question? What good were the tax cuts? They did not do what they were supposed to by any stretch. We LOST more and more jobs each year the tax cuts were in place and the rich got richer and everyone else got poorer. Why would you recommend doing something AGAIN that obviously didn't work the first time?
The market creates the jobs. Of course government actions and policies can help the free market private sector create more jobs.
Allowing me to keep more of the $ I MAKE in the 2 businesses I own would be a good start for job creation. Sending my $ to DC is the worst thing that could happen for any job creation on my end.
We are fast becoming a nation of village idiots.

Seems to me the govt created around 1/4 million contractor jobs in Iraq and Afganistan.

Also 20% or more of the working people in the USA work for the govt, either directly or indirectly.
well, under George W Bush, the government created more jobs than the private sector

Pretty sure it was the government, and not the market, that created all those jobs at Dept of Ed and DHS.

we're becoming a nation of lazy, unionized government workers, and the Republicans are doing nothing to stop it

What percentage of American workers belong to unions?

Have unions ever done anything good?

Private sector is 7.2% of workers. Total is 12.3%
Union Membership Drops 10%, Endangering Influence -

It depends on what you mean by "ever". But in the last 40 years the only things unions have done is drive large employers out of business and raise the cost of doing business.

And with unions weaker, who's better off? The average working class family? Hardly. I grew up in a working class family on 1 income, reasonably comfortably - how often do you see that nowadays?

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