Government Controlled Media Continue Beating the Drums for war in Iran and Syria


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Beating the drums for war in Syria


Our War Party has been temporarily diverted from its clamor for war on Iran by the insurrection against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad.

The government controlled media continue to demonize Iran and Syria by any means necessary even though those countries are not a threat to US interests in any way shape or form.

The government controlled media is the same which refused to get involved when the federal government was terrorizing the Davidians in Waco, Texas circa 1993.

For shame.


You are correct:

....a 1996 study, "A Clean Break," co-authored by Feith, Perle, and Wurmser, and prepared for then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which regime-change in Iraq is cited as the path to security for Israel. Syria, the authors aver, is the main danger to Israel – and the path to Damascus goes through Baghdad.

Pat's right on this one.

Common Fallacies About

Refuting the misconceptions

by Justin Raimondo, February 22, 2012

The idea that the United States government should not intervene in the internal affairs of other nations is heresy. After World War II, both political parties and nearly all the nation’s elites agreed on one thing: we have an “obligation” to pursue and maintain a position of “world leadership.” Without the US to guide them, it was inferred, the nations of the globe would soon sink into a maelstrom of malevolence and violent conflict, the sea lanes would be threatened, and International Anarchy would be the inevitable result.

There were, to be sure, a few skeptical voices that continued to be heard, but they were either drowned out by the interventionist din, or eventually browbeaten into silence. In the Washington, D.C. of today, to even question the right and obligation of the US to meddle in the affairs of nations the world over is to be considered an Unserious Person, relegated to the fringes, and unceremoniously tuned out. "

I don't think anyone really expects Obama to be a peaceful president.

Kill all the suspects and let god ask the questions, same foreign policy as Bush.
selling hype, fear, sensationalism and pessimism is their job

the real nes comes from actresses and talk show

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