Government committee documents Israeli war crimes

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Israeli war crime documentation commission has confirmed on Friday that it continues to document war crimes as Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided several sites in the Strip, killing 11 and injuring dozens, mostly women and children, earlier on Friday.

”The (government) commission continues to document war crimes the IOF has engaged in during the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip,” said Osama Saad, who heads the commission. He is also the assistant deputy of the Ministry of Justice.

He said the latest documented war crime was three phosphorous missiles fired over the Juhr al-Deek area east of the Gaza Strip's central province.

The government headed by Ismail Haneyya is continuing efforts to bring Israeli war criminals to the international criminal courts for war crimes committed against the Palestinians, Saad added.


Government committee documents Israeli war crimes
The government headed by Ismail Haneyya is continuing efforts to bring Israeli war criminals to the international criminal courts for war crimes committed against the Palestinians, Saad added.
War criminals, calling others war criminals. That's hilarious.

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