Gov. Martinez of New Mexico unveils ‘all-of-the-above’ energy plan; First plan in 25 years ;US Model


Sep 12, 2015
For the complete article use this link--> Updated:
By ABQnews Staff
Published: Monday, September 14th, 2015 at 8:50am
Updated: Monday, September 14th, 2015 at 10:32pm

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For the complete article use this link--> Gov. Susana Martinez on Monday unveiled a broad “all-of-the-above” plan to develop New Mexico’s energy resources, the first such comprehensive policy outline for the state in 25 years.

The governor recommended a broad array of strategies and policies that includes traditional fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal, and renewables, such as wind and solar, and new technologies, such as “small modular reactors,” to harness nuclear energy.

It’s all about building and diversifying New Mexico’s economy to provide well-paying jobs, Martinez said.

MARTINEZ: Plan can help “grow our economy”

“New Mexico is one of the most energy-rich and energy-diverse states in the nation, and we have an excellent opportunity to utilize this position to grow our economy and create more jobs,” Martinez said in a prepared statement.

“Improving our energy infrastructure, responsibly developing and producing energy of all types and better preparing our workforce for the needs of our energy sector are all critical components not only of a strong economic future, but of helping lead America to energy independence.”

Responses to the plan are likely to be varied, given the broad range of policies it promotes.

Environmental organizations, for example, could take issue with some fossil fuel development strategies, such as a recommendation to export coal from New Mexico mines to sustain that industry as coal consumption by local utilities declines.

Potential future deployment of small modular reactors – an emerging technology that must still be approved by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission – also could prove controversial.

“Anytime you say ‘nuclear,’ it creates adverse reactions – kind of a knee-jerk reaction – but people need to study it first,” said State Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Secretary David Martin. “Others complain about fossil fuels and many consider ‘fracking’ a bad word. So there will for sure be some pushback and maybe some groups with positions that we can’t totally overcome.”

But the plan also includes recommendations that environmental groups and clean energy advocates are likely to embrace, such as efforts to deploy new battery storage technologies and more transmission to better facilitate the development of solar and wind power.

And the traditional energy industry, particularly oil and gas producers, will likely welcome the plan’s efforts to shore up infrastructure and find new markets to sustain production.

Among other things, the plan emphasizes the need for new rail lines to transport goods in and out of the San Juan Basin in northwestern New Mexico, and more pipelines, refineries, and road construction and repair to manage heavy industrial traffic.

“I applaud the administration for taking a balanced, practical look at the future and for trying to meld everything together in a comprehensive way,” said New Mexico Oil and Gas Association President Steve Henke. “This can help shape partnerships between the government and the private sector to develop New Mexico’s vast energy resources in a coordinated, comprehensive way.”
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I would predict massive support if a presidential candidate would unveil that kind of approach on the national stage and couch it in terms of national security.
are you aware of xtl /synthetic / manufactured gasoline and diesel. shell fisher tropsch is natural gas to diesel , greyrock is natural gas to diesel , cynar is plastic garbage to diesel , joule is waste co2 into desel , hdrd or green diesel made from same feedstocks as bio and biomass diesel but no % limit. exxon mtg / davy process is natural gas or coal or biomass to methanol then gasoline , texas A&M natural gas to gasoline eclairs process (synfuel internatinal) , siluria natural gas to gasoline , primus syngs to gasoline .
thats 5 diesel and 4 gasoline industries to build here and put americans to work. competition is good for your pocket book.
P SERIES is a drop in substitute for gasoline . 35% PENTANES-PLUS a waste product of natural gas industry , 45% ethanol from corn or natural gas and 20% MeTHF an ether made from garbage. ONLY 10% drop in mpg . will run 100% in any car with E85 software.

BUTANOL is a drop in substitute for gasoline . Made from coal , natural gas or biomass . E85 software required , will run 100% no crude oil required .
WE waste gasoline and diesel and maybe worse we waste crude oil . Fractional distillation is 19th century technology.

Fisher tropsch is 20th century tech , old but still useful . FEEDSTOCKS = ANY FOSSILE FUEL OR BIOMASS.

SHELL'S fisher tropsch converts 1 gigajoule of natural gas into 1 barrel of diesel. 1 barrel of crude oil has 6.1 gigajoules.

F.T. is any feedstock to syngas ( hydrogen and co ) then to a wax then oil and then diesel , motor oil , naptha , lpg

fractional distillation yields 1/2 barrel gasoline and 1/5 barrel of diesel . new tech ( hydro cracker ) takes products heavier than diesel and

upgrades about 50% of that into more diesel. Same process produces HDRD / green diesel .

manufactured fuels give you far more of the fuel desired . If convert crude oil into natural gas you get a 30% increase in gigajoules {steam reforming).

1 gallon diesel burned is 20 pounds of co2 . More than started with. ! barrel crude oil in fisher tropsch , eclairs , siluria will produce far more than 1 barrel of diesel or gasoline.
are you aware of xtl /synthetic / manufactured gasoline and diesel. shell fisher tropsch is natural gas to diesel , greyrock is natural gas to diesel , cynar is plastic garbage to diesel , joule is waste co2 into desel , hdrd or green diesel made from same feedstocks as bio and biomass diesel but no % limit. exxon mtg / davy process is natural gas or coal or biomass to methanol then gasoline , texas A&M natural gas to gasoline eclairs process (synfuel internatinal) , siluria natural gas to gasoline , primus syngs to gasoline .
thats 5 diesel and 4 gasoline industries to build here and put americans to work. competition is good for your pocket book.

Please provide the energy balance for each of your claims.

Waste C02 into diesel. That's clever. It's either done via algae or a lot of natural gas.
joule sunflow diesel is bacteria + co2 + sunlight into diesel. licensed to sdell in usa at 50/50 blend with crude oil diesel.
no label required.
shell FT natural gas to diesel $20 per barrel 2004 today natural gas is half what was then so $17 a barrel.
sasol FT ctl $17 a barrel 1980
are you aware of xtl /synthetic / manufactured gasoline and diesel. shell fisher tropsch is natural gas to diesel , greyrock is natural gas to diesel , cynar is plastic garbage to diesel , joule is waste co2 into desel , hdrd or green diesel made from same feedstocks as bio and biomass diesel but no % limit. exxon mtg / davy process is natural gas or coal or biomass to methanol then gasoline , texas A&M natural gas to gasoline eclairs process (synfuel internatinal) , siluria natural gas to gasoline , primus syngs to gasoline .
thats 5 diesel and 4 gasoline industries to build here and put americans to work. competition is good for your pocket book.

Please provide the energy balance for each of your claims.

Waste C02 into diesel. That's clever. It's either done via algae or a lot of natural gas.
co2 + h2 = any fuel you want. direct catalyst . electrochemical acidification cell / carbon capture skid. the point is all you need is co2 and hydrogen. every coal fired power plant could become a diesel factory with a source of hydrogen (electrolisis of water) and capturing smoke stack co2. greyrock gtl also uses waste co2 to produce more diesel in their process.
are you aware of xtl /synthetic / manufactured gasoline and diesel. shell fisher tropsch is natural gas to diesel , greyrock is natural gas to diesel , cynar is plastic garbage to diesel , joule is waste co2 into desel , hdrd or green diesel made from same feedstocks as bio and biomass diesel but no % limit. exxon mtg / davy process is natural gas or coal or biomass to methanol then gasoline , texas A&M natural gas to gasoline eclairs process (synfuel internatinal) , siluria natural gas to gasoline , primus syngs to gasoline .
thats 5 diesel and 4 gasoline industries to build here and put americans to work. competition is good for your pocket book.

Please provide the energy balance for each of your claims.

Waste C02 into diesel. That's clever. It's either done via algae or a lot of natural gas.
co2 + h2 = any fuel you want. direct catalyst . electrochemical acidification cell / carbon capture skid. the point is all you need is co2 and hydrogen. every coal fired power plant could become a diesel factory with a source of hydrogen (electrolisis of water) and capturing smoke stack co2. greyrock gtl also uses waste co2 to produce more diesel in their process.

CO2 + H2 + Energy = Fischer Tropes (actually you have to break CO2 down to CO).

The point is that it takes energy.

How do you get that energy.....?

Generally, by producing more CO2.

The only way I know that does not happen is in a biological process.
are you aware of xtl /synthetic / manufactured gasoline and diesel. shell fisher tropsch is natural gas to diesel , greyrock is natural gas to diesel , cynar is plastic garbage to diesel , joule is waste co2 into desel , hdrd or green diesel made from same feedstocks as bio and biomass diesel but no % limit. exxon mtg / davy process is natural gas or coal or biomass to methanol then gasoline , texas A&M natural gas to gasoline eclairs process (synfuel internatinal) , siluria natural gas to gasoline , primus syngs to gasoline .
thats 5 diesel and 4 gasoline industries to build here and put americans to work. competition is good for your pocket book.

Please provide the energy balance for each of your claims.

Waste C02 into diesel. That's clever. It's either done via algae or a lot of natural gas.
co2 + h2 = any fuel you want. direct catalyst . electrochemical acidification cell / carbon capture skid. the point is all you need is co2 and hydrogen. every coal fired power plant could become a diesel factory with a source of hydrogen (electrolisis of water) and capturing smoke stack co2. greyrock gtl also uses waste co2 to produce more diesel in their process.

CO2 + H2 + Energy = Fischer Tropes (actually you have to break CO2 down to CO).

The point is that it takes energy.

How do you get that energy.....?

Generally, by producing more CO2.

The only way I know that does not happen is in a biological process.
i listed 9 different technologies that are viable competition for crude oil. the U.S. navy process takes 100 megawatts to produce 41,000 gallons. thats a lot of electricity. navy planned to use nuclear power on aircraft carrier or otec at cost of $3- $6 per gallon.

i listed names so you can look them up and see how each is made. joule and cynar $50 to $60 per barrel. exxon mtg about $60 per barrel they wanted pump price of $2.85 giving them a clear profit of $1.45 per gallon.

4 fisher trophsch 12 davy process ng to methanol and 5 exxon mtg and 2 primus were in works before oil price tanked.
P SERIES is a drop in substitute for gasoline . 35% PENTANES-PLUS a waste product of natural gas industry , 45% ethanol from corn or natural gas and 20% MeTHF an ether made from garbage. ONLY 10% drop in mpg . will run 100% in any car with E85 software.

BUTANOL is a drop in substitute for gasoline . Made from coal , natural gas or biomass . E85 software required , will run 100% no crude oil required .

Ethanol is a huge waste of time.

The NEV is almost negative.

Why do we put so much into it ?
P SERIES is a drop in substitute for gasoline . 35% PENTANES-PLUS a waste product of natural gas industry , 45% ethanol from corn or natural gas and 20% MeTHF an ether made from garbage. ONLY 10% drop in mpg . will run 100% in any car with E85 software.

BUTANOL is a drop in substitute for gasoline . Made from coal , natural gas or biomass . E85 software required , will run 100% no crude oil required .

Ethanol is a huge waste of time.

The NEV is almost negative.

Why do we put so much into it ?
hydraulic hybrid runwise trucks mpg x 2
electric vehicles are cars for rich people. what are rest of us suppose to drive??? hybrids too are for the rich and not safe , touch wrong thing on a electric and you get fried , hydraulic hybrids the pressures are so high a leak can not be seen and will cut your hand off before you know it.
P SERIES is a drop in substitute for gasoline . 35% PENTANES-PLUS a waste product of natural gas industry , 45% ethanol from corn or natural gas and 20% MeTHF an ether made from garbage. ONLY 10% drop in mpg . will run 100% in any car with E85 software.

BUTANOL is a drop in substitute for gasoline . Made from coal , natural gas or biomass . E85 software required , will run 100% no crude oil required .

Ethanol is a huge waste of time.

The NEV is almost negative.

Why do we put so much into it ?
you like 0 emission tech ok = mazda rotary only production engine that will run on hydrogen. of course hydrogen comes from natural gas (commercial production). ammonia is a 0 emission fuel. can be used in a bi fuel system on diesel or gasoline engines.liquid nitrogen a possibility with 95% efficient match box turbines = think ultimate mds. can be use in wobble plate sterling 90% efficiency or possibily even with the heat convection engine = johnson thermoelectric convertor 60% efficiency.
P SERIES is a drop in substitute for gasoline . 35% PENTANES-PLUS a waste product of natural gas industry , 45% ethanol from corn or natural gas and 20% MeTHF an ether made from garbage. ONLY 10% drop in mpg . will run 100% in any car with E85 software.

BUTANOL is a drop in substitute for gasoline . Made from coal , natural gas or biomass . E85 software required , will run 100% no crude oil required .

Ethanol is a huge waste of time.

The NEV is almost negative.

Why do we put so much into it ?
hydraulic hybrid runwise trucks mpg x 2

Ethanol has less BTU's/lb than conventional gasoline.

If they can do it on ethanol, they can do it on gas.

BTW: Do you know what a NEV is. It really does not matter what kind of gas mileage you still spend more to get it.
P SERIES is a drop in substitute for gasoline . 35% PENTANES-PLUS a waste product of natural gas industry , 45% ethanol from corn or natural gas and 20% MeTHF an ether made from garbage. ONLY 10% drop in mpg . will run 100% in any car with E85 software.

BUTANOL is a drop in substitute for gasoline . Made from coal , natural gas or biomass . E85 software required , will run 100% no crude oil required .

Ethanol is a huge waste of time.

The NEV is almost negative.

Why do we put so much into it ?
hydraulic hybrid runwise trucks mpg x 2

Ethanol has less BTU's/lb than conventional gasoline.

If they can do it on ethanol, they can do it on gas.

BTW: Do you know what a NEV is. It really does not matter what kind of gas mileage you still spend more to get it.
I DONT LIKE ETHANOL EITHER. Butanol is far superior and a reformulated p series with butanol in place of the ethanol would create a non crude oil fuel for todays cars equal to gasoline. PLEASE explain what NEV refers to if not electric vehicles ev , hev , phev , sofc ,fuel cell.
I would predict massive support if a presidential candidate would unveil that kind of approach on the national stage and couch it in terms of national security.
advantages of building xtl / manufactured gasoline and diesel industry. 1 freedom from middle east politics , 2 no war for oil , 3 energy security forever , 4 no fuel shortages ever again , 5 stable oil price , 6 low oil price ,7 millions of jobs here .8 americans reap rewards of our energy surplus 9 pay off national debt by selling fuel to world..
are you aware of xtl /synthetic / manufactured gasoline and diesel. shell fisher tropsch is natural gas to diesel , greyrock is natural gas to diesel , cynar is plastic garbage to diesel , joule is waste co2 into desel , hdrd or green diesel made from same feedstocks as bio and biomass diesel but no % limit. exxon mtg / davy process is natural gas or coal or biomass to methanol then gasoline , texas A&M natural gas to gasoline eclairs process (synfuel internatinal) , siluria natural gas to gasoline , primus syngs to gasoline .
thats 5 diesel and 4 gasoline industries to build here and put americans to work. competition is good for your pocket book.

Please provide the energy balance for each of your claims.

Waste C02 into diesel. That's clever. It's either done via algae or a lot of natural gas.
co2 + h2 = any fuel you want. direct catalyst . electrochemical acidification cell / carbon capture skid. the point is all you need is co2 and hydrogen. every coal fired power plant could become a diesel factory with a source of hydrogen (electrolisis of water) and capturing smoke stack co2. greyrock gtl also uses waste co2 to produce more diesel in their process.

CO2 + H2 + Energy = Fischer Tropes (actually you have to break CO2 down to CO).

The point is that it takes energy.

How do you get that energy.....?

Generally, by producing more CO2.

The only way I know that does not happen is in a biological process.
actually in shell's FT process and sasol's process pure oxygen has to be injected because co is too low in oxygen.
the navy's process co2 +h2 = any fuel does not have to add oxygen co2 has enough.
bacterial hydrolisis makes hydogen
bio reactor syngas to butanol
joule sunflow diesel is bacteria + sunlight + waste co2 .
where does crude oil refining get its energy?
plasma gasification of garbage 10% of syngas produced runs gasifier and 90% remains to do whatever, fuel ,electricity.

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