Gotta hand it to the left, they sure can pull a fast one. (JOURNO-LIST)

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber - Print View
For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.
“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”
Imagine if Liberal Democrat Reporters put all the sneakiness into helping the middle class. Into actually rebuilding the country. Into being on the side of regular Americans. Yea, imagine that.
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber - Print View
For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.
“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”
Imagine if Liberal Democrat Reporters put all the sneakiness into helping the middle class. Into actually rebuilding the country. Into being on the side of regular Americans. Yea, imagine that.
That's what happens when you have more loyalty to your party than to your country.
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber - Print View
For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.
“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”
Imagine if Liberal Democrat Reporters put all the sneakiness into helping the middle class. Into actually rebuilding the country. Into being on the side of regular Americans. Yea, imagine that.
That's what happens when you have more loyalty to your party than to your country.

It's more like.. "That's what happens when you allow Marxists/Communists to infiltrate your party and then your government"

McCarthy warned us to not worry about what he was saying about the communists, but to worry about what the Communists themselves were telling us they would do if they were to gain power."
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber - Print View
For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.
“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”
Imagine if Liberal Democrat Reporters put all the sneakiness into helping the middle class. Into actually rebuilding the country. Into being on the side of regular Americans. Yea, imagine that.
That's what happens when you have more loyalty to your party than to your country.

Good grief, you people have the memory span of gnats.
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber - Print View
Imagine if Liberal Democrat Reporters put all the sneakiness into helping the middle class. Into actually rebuilding the country. Into being on the side of regular Americans. Yea, imagine that.
That's what happens when you have more loyalty to your party than to your country.

Good grief, you people have the memory span of gnats.
I remember when dissent used to be patriotic. Do you?
That's what happens when you have more loyalty to your party than to your country.

Good grief, you people have the memory span of gnats.
I remember when dissent used to be patriotic. Do you?

Yes. Every now and then I see a ripped bumper sticker with the words "United We Stand" which were everywhere right after the attacks of 911. But it's reached the point where hate rules the day. American v. American. That won't stand the test of time.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriot....SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA IS PRESIDENT
Interesting responses to an interesting article. I wonder if those who posted partisan pablum read the link? Fact is, it is an international 'coffee house', meaning a place where interested, intelligent and involved people share ideas. Of course that threatens the callous conservatives, "IDEAS, holy shit, only commies have ideas!".
The fact is (or so it seems) the conservative movement is bereft of ideas, not sense they decided tax cuts were the panacea for all ills has the conservative movement even offered an idea.
Good grief, you people have the memory span of gnats.
I remember when dissent used to be patriotic. Do you?

Yes. Every now and then I see a ripped bumper sticker with the words "United We Stand" which were everywhere right after the attacks of 911. But it's reached the point where hate rules the day. American v. American. That won't stand the test of time.
You have a chance to rise above. Why don't you take it?
Interesting responses to an interesting article. I wonder if those who posted partisan pablum read the link? Fact is, it is an international 'coffee house', meaning a place where interested, intelligent and involved people share ideas. Of course that threatens the callous conservatives, "IDEAS, holy shit, only commies have ideas!".
The fact is (or so it seems) the conservative movement is bereft of ideas, not sense they decided tax cuts were the panacea for all ills has the conservative movement even offered an idea.
You don't actually know any real live conservatives, do you?
Interesting responses to an interesting article. I wonder if those who posted partisan pablum read the link? Fact is, it is an international 'coffee house', meaning a place where interested, intelligent and involved people share ideas. Of course that threatens the callous conservatives, "IDEAS, holy shit, only commies have ideas!".
The fact is (or so it seems) the conservative movement is bereft of ideas, not sense they decided tax cuts were the panacea for all ills has the conservative movement even offered an idea.
You don't actually know any real live conservatives, do you?

Clearly not!
Interesting responses to an interesting article. I wonder if those who posted partisan pablum read the link? Fact is, it is an international 'coffee house', meaning a place where interested, intelligent and involved people share ideas. Of course that threatens the callous conservatives, "IDEAS, holy shit, only commies have ideas!".
The fact is (or so it seems) the conservative movement is bereft of ideas, not sense they decided tax cuts were the panacea for all ills has the conservative movement even offered an idea.

No, and they offer nothing new now, either, in spite of the fact that we have a near-collapsed economy that's just as strange to Republicans as it is to Democrats. Trying to solve the present problems with yesterday's ideas won't cut it.
I remember when dissent used to be patriotic. Do you?

Yes. Every now and then I see a ripped bumper sticker with the words "United We Stand" which were everywhere right after the attacks of 911. But it's reached the point where hate rules the day. American v. American. That won't stand the test of time.
You have a chance to rise above. Why don't you take it?

I don't make up shit and send it out hoping it will go viral just to "get" some conservative. Do I call the opposition idiots sometimes? Yup. But what does that have to do with patriotism? Other than that, you might explain what you mean.
Interesting responses to an interesting article. I wonder if those who posted partisan pablum read the link? Fact is, it is an international 'coffee house', meaning a place where interested, intelligent and involved people share ideas. Of course that threatens the callous conservatives, "IDEAS, holy shit, only commies have ideas!".
The fact is (or so it seems) the conservative movement is bereft of ideas, not sense they decided tax cuts were the panacea for all ills has the conservative movement even offered an idea.
You don't actually know any real live conservatives, do you?

We all know real live conservatives, and that's the problem. The rabid right which has been intent on injecting poison into what should be a national, civil dialog and who go around pretending to be "conservatives" isn't missed by anyone with half a brain, including real live conservatives who are immediately labeled "rinos."
I read a short blog this morning that suggested these journalista revelations are going to be leaked day by day - saving the biggest for last. I for one will be following.

Conservatives already knew that the media was in the tank for Obama. These leaks are hardly an epithany. But for those indies who got "snookered" (love that word lol) they now have a bonafide excuse for their "Obama regret"
Yes. Every now and then I see a ripped bumper sticker with the words "United We Stand" which were everywhere right after the attacks of 911. But it's reached the point where hate rules the day. American v. American. That won't stand the test of time.
You have a chance to rise above. Why don't you take it?

I don't make up shit and send it out hoping it will go viral just to "get" some conservative. Do I call the opposition idiots sometimes? Yup. But what does that have to do with patriotism? Other than that, you might explain what you mean.
The rabid right which has been intent on injecting poison into what should be a national, civil dialog and who go around pretending to be "conservatives" isn't missed by anyone with half a brain, including real live conservatives who are immediately labeled "rinos."
You were saying something about not making up shit...?
Interesting responses to an interesting article. I wonder if those who posted partisan pablum read the link? Fact is, it is an international 'coffee house', meaning a place where interested, intelligent and involved people share ideas. Of course that threatens the callous conservatives, "IDEAS, holy shit, only commies have ideas!".
The fact is (or so it seems) the conservative movement is bereft of ideas, not sense they decided tax cuts were the panacea for all ills has the conservative movement even offered an idea.
You don't actually know any real live conservatives, do you?

We all know real live conservatives, and that's the problem. The rabid right which has been intent on injecting poison into what should be a national, civil dialog and who go around pretending to be "conservatives" isn't missed by anyone with half a brain, including real live conservatives who are immediately labeled "rinos."

I meant in real life. You don't have a single conservative friend, do you?
JournoList: Inside the echo chamber - Print View
For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.
“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”
Imagine if Liberal Democrat Reporters put all the sneakiness into helping the middle class. Into actually rebuilding the country. Into being on the side of regular Americans. Yea, imagine that.

if only those right wing dopes you borrow the stupid Journo crap could correctly spell the names of those they attack.

you're just as stupid, uh huh.

for one, they spelt johnathan's name wrongly

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