"Gosnell" the movie trailer just released. Awesome.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer
He is a hero to the democrats. Anyone seeing this movie is going to be branded a racist who is against black women getting medical care.
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer
Helped fund it. Story has to be told, no matter how much the left try to bury the greatest mass murder in US history.
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer

Cain, A list?

Not for some time
He is a hero to the democrats. Anyone seeing this movie is going to be branded a racist who is against black women getting medical care.
Just read about Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Three Generations of Imbeciles Are Enough" - The Privacy Report

People like this, and Margaret Sanger are where the Nazis got their inspiration. This is not speculation, it was admitted by the German Nazis. This was a spirit taking hold of the Western world at that time and it continues in PP and the entire abortion and euthanasia movement.
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer

Cain, A list?

Not for some time

Was he ever? :p

I don't think Searcy constitutes an A-list name, either.

The trailer made me think of a Law & Order episode, or something similar. Some TV show by Dick Wolf. :D
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer

Cain, A list?

Not for some time

Was he ever? :p

I don't think Searcy constitutes an A-list name, either.

The trailer made me think of a Law & Order episode, or something similar. Some TV show by Dick Wolf. :D

It was intentionally done in that style, rather than dwelling overly on the gore.
Some conflate the act of having an abortion with what Gosnell did...what he did should be sick to anyone for or against abortion.

The bottom line is this ...One side sees the Gosnell case, thinks: "abortion is an atrocity." Other side says, "abortion is too unsafe." The "center" just can't look.

He belongs in prison, now if you feel what he did is common for all abortion doctors, fine --- or if you feel that abortion doctors should all be in prison period, fine...change the laws, prosecute the doctors, staff, the mothers, the person who gave the mother a ride, etc
Some conflate the act of having an abortion with what Gosnell did...what he did should be sick to anyone for or against abortion.

The bottom line is this ...One side sees the Gosnell case, thinks: "abortion is an atrocity." Other side says, "abortion is too unsafe." The "center" just can't look.

He belongs in prison, now if you feel what he did is common for all abortion doctors, fine --- or if you feel that abortion doctors should all be in prison period, fine...change the laws, prosecute the doctors, staff, the mothers, the person who gave the mother a ride, etc

Abortion IS an atrocity. Gosnell was an atrocity several orders of magnitude beyond.
Some conflate the act of having an abortion with what Gosnell did...what he did should be sick to anyone for or against abortion.

The bottom line is this ...One side sees the Gosnell case, thinks: "abortion is an atrocity." Other side says, "abortion is too unsafe." The "center" just can't look.

He belongs in prison, now if you feel what he did is common for all abortion doctors, fine --- or if you feel that abortion doctors should all be in prison period, fine...change the laws, prosecute the doctors, staff, the mothers, the person who gave the mother a ride, etc

Abortion IS an atrocity. Gosnell was an atrocity several orders of magnitude beyond.
So again, are you going to put mothers in prison for murder?? is that a policy you think would ever be implemented?

If you think that is a ridiculous question, then society doesn't think its as atrocious as you claim
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer

Cain, A list?

Not for some time

Was he ever? :p

I don't think Searcy constitutes an A-list name, either.

The trailer made me think of a Law & Order episode, or something similar. Some TV show by Dick Wolf. :D

It was intentionally done in that style, rather than dwelling overly on the gore.

I don't think the only choices are to look like an episode of Law & Order or have a lot of gore. ;)
Some conflate the act of having an abortion with what Gosnell did...what he did should be sick to anyone for or against abortion.

The bottom line is this ...One side sees the Gosnell case, thinks: "abortion is an atrocity." Other side says, "abortion is too unsafe." The "center" just can't look.

He belongs in prison, now if you feel what he did is common for all abortion doctors, fine --- or if you feel that abortion doctors should all be in prison period, fine...change the laws, prosecute the doctors, staff, the mothers, the person who gave the mother a ride, etc

Abortion IS an atrocity. Gosnell was an atrocity several orders of magnitude beyond.
So again, are you going to put mothers in prison for murder?? is that a policy you think would ever be implemented?

If you think that is a ridiculous question, then society doesn't think its as atrocious as you claim

So again, what the fuck makes you think YOU get to dictate what we have to think, believe, and want? Who the fuck are you, that I need to justify my view of abortion to meet your approval?

Abortion is an atrocity. People who support abortion are committing evil. There is no world in which I need to explain, rationalize, or defend myself to such a person.

YOU do not have one single shred of moral high ground on this subject, so don't flatter yourself that you do.
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer

Cain, A list?

Not for some time

Was he ever? :p

I don't think Searcy constitutes an A-list name, either.

The trailer made me think of a Law & Order episode, or something similar. Some TV show by Dick Wolf. :D

It was intentionally done in that style, rather than dwelling overly on the gore.

I don't think the only choices are to look like an episode of Law & Order or have a lot of gore. ;)

I didn't say they were. I said they intentionally went for the "Law & Order" style, which focuses more on the legal procedure than on the details of the crime scene.

Thank you for your endless, pointless nitpicking on every damned thing. You add so much to a thread when you show up . . . if one considers annoying space-wasting to be "so much". :eusa_hand:
Some conflate the act of having an abortion with what Gosnell did...what he did should be sick to anyone for or against abortion.

The bottom line is this ...One side sees the Gosnell case, thinks: "abortion is an atrocity." Other side says, "abortion is too unsafe." The "center" just can't look.

He belongs in prison, now if you feel what he did is common for all abortion doctors, fine --- or if you feel that abortion doctors should all be in prison period, fine...change the laws, prosecute the doctors, staff, the mothers, the person who gave the mother a ride, etc

Abortion IS an atrocity. Gosnell was an atrocity several orders of magnitude beyond.
So again, are you going to put mothers in prison for murder?? is that a policy you think would ever be implemented?

If you think that is a ridiculous question, then society doesn't think its as atrocious as you claim

So again, what the fuck makes you think YOU get to dictate what we have to think, believe, and want? Who the fuck are you, that I need to justify my view of abortion to meet your approval?

Abortion is an atrocity. People who support abortion are committing evil. There is no world in which I need to explain, rationalize, or defend myself to such a person.

YOU do not have one single shred of moral high ground on this subject, so don't flatter yourself that you do.
Let me try this again -- should mothers be sent to prison or face execution for having an abortion

I was very explicit in my question -- it is either yes or no

I definitely know that if a mother killed their child after the child was born, she would go to prison --- I don't see why she shouldn't go to prison for killing it before it was born -- and anyone who helped her in having that abortion

I could give a fuck about anyone's moral high ground
Some conflate the act of having an abortion with what Gosnell did...what he did should be sick to anyone for or against abortion.

The bottom line is this ...One side sees the Gosnell case, thinks: "abortion is an atrocity." Other side says, "abortion is too unsafe." The "center" just can't look.

He belongs in prison, now if you feel what he did is common for all abortion doctors, fine --- or if you feel that abortion doctors should all be in prison period, fine...change the laws, prosecute the doctors, staff, the mothers, the person who gave the mother a ride, etc

Abortion IS an atrocity. Gosnell was an atrocity several orders of magnitude beyond.
So again, are you going to put mothers in prison for murder?? is that a policy you think would ever be implemented?

If you think that is a ridiculous question, then society doesn't think its as atrocious as you claim

So again, what the fuck makes you think YOU get to dictate what we have to think, believe, and want? Who the fuck are you, that I need to justify my view of abortion to meet your approval?

Abortion is an atrocity. People who support abortion are committing evil. There is no world in which I need to explain, rationalize, or defend myself to such a person.

YOU do not have one single shred of moral high ground on this subject, so don't flatter yourself that you do.
Let me try this again -- should mothers be sent to prison or face execution for having an abortion

I was very explicit in my question -- it is either yes or no

I definitely know that if a mother killed their child after the child was born, she would go to prison --- I don't see why she shouldn't go to prison for killing it before it was born -- and anyone who helped her in having that abortion

I could give a fuck about anyone's moral high ground

You were very explicit in your earlier question. "Have you stopped beating your wife?" is ALSO an explicit, yes or no question, and just as much a meaningless pile of bullshit undeserving of an answer.

On the VERY slim chance that you actually want to know what I think the result of restricting or banning abortion should be, rather than simply wanting to use the question to frame the debate, then you need to ask me, "What do you think the result of restricting or banning abortion should be?" Do NOT ask me, "So do you agree with X result or Y result that I've decided MUST be part of your position?" I am not going to respect that, I am not going to answer that, and I AM going to shit all over you as being unworthy to address the topic.
If the rest of the movie is as "on the edge of your seat" as the trailer, it looks like a real winner. These people had the balls to cover what the son of a bitches in the main stream media wouldn't cover.

Bastards called it a "local story". Yeah right. The same mother truckers who were wall to wall with that other so called "local" story Trayvon Martin.

Bravo producers/directors/cast for stepping up to the plate and it looks like you hit a home run.

“Gosnell” features some A-list names, including director Nick Searcy (“The Shape of Water”) and Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”). However, some actors were reluctant to accept roles, and after being cast, some stepped down.

“So Hollywood didn’t want to touch this film…You know Hollywood, they give themselves awards for bravery, but they’re not that brave,” McAleer said.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit gosnellmovie.com.

"Gosnell" Movie Trailer Released, Horror Story of Abortionist Showing in 750 Theaters in October | LifeNews.com

Gosnell | The trial of America's biggest serial killer

Cain, A list?

Not for some time

Was he ever? :p

I don't think Searcy constitutes an A-list name, either.

The trailer made me think of a Law & Order episode, or something similar. Some TV show by Dick Wolf. :D

It was intentionally done in that style, rather than dwelling overly on the gore.

I don't think the only choices are to look like an episode of Law & Order or have a lot of gore. ;)

I didn't say they were. I said they intentionally went for the "Law & Order" style, which focuses more on the legal procedure than on the details of the crime scene.

Thank you for your endless, pointless nitpicking on every damned thing. You add so much to a thread when you show up . . . if one considers annoying space-wasting to be "so much". :eusa_hand:

I wasn't simply talking about it looking like a police procedural, I was also speaking to the production value and the actors involved. It was a response to the OP's description of it as a movie with A-list names.

I'm absolutely devastated that you don't appreciate my posts. :lol:

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