Gorilla version of AIDS virus found in human


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Researchers are shaking up the HIV family tree again. For the first time, investigators have found what looks like a gorilla version of the AIDS virus in a person. They do not know how the woman became infected but suspect that other humans harbor a similar virus. The possibility that gorillas can transmit the virus to humans further underscores the danger of butchering the apes or keeping them as pets, which still occurs in some African communities.

Several studies have shown that the most common form of the human immunodeficiency virus, dubbed HIV-1, likely evolved from a chimpanzee relative, SIVcpz. When investigators reported 3 years ago that they had found a similar SIV, SIVgor, in gorillas living in Cameroon, a genetic analysis suggested that it, too, descended from SIVcpz. Now the finding of SIVgor in a Cameroonian woman who moved to France 5 years ago further complicates the story.
Gorilla Virus in Our Midst -- Cohen 2009 (803): 1 -- ScienceNOW
Just butchering on keeping them as pets can't be the problem. Doesn't something else need to happen with the apes? :eusa_shhh:
so the talk of that woman primitologist who lived with the gorillas back in the seventies must have gotten affectionate
Comedian had one for that.

You have 2 choices as to how you got Aids from a Gorilla, first choice is you were chopping one up to eat it and cut yourself while doing it....... OR you were fucking it. Which was it?
The primitives among us (even in the USA) eat monkey meat--commonly called "bush meat." Those Biblical laws regarding clean & unnclean food were given for a purpose. Abandon the Creator and suffer the consequences

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