GOP’s Strategy of Deception


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
"How can a party that hates government, govern?"​

The Republican Party has a free-floating relationship with truth. The party distorts, insinuates, misleads, and blatantly lies.

The GOP has deliberately exploited myths, misled or lied about: the Auto Industry Bailout, the Bible, the Budget, Climate Change/Global Warming, Conservatism, the Constitution, Deficit/Debt, the Democratic Party, the Economy, the Environment, the Founding Fathers, Gas Prices, the Government, History, Immigration, Income Inequality, Iraq, Jobs, Liberals, Medicare, the New Deal, Barack Obama, ObamaRomneyCare, Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party, Spending, Social Security, the Stimulus, Taxes, Women’s Bodies.​
It might take less time to list what they haven’t lied about. They have not only been misleading and lying to the American public, they have been doing the same to their own members.

The GOP would probably lie about the definition of lie as well, since they have been trying to change the definitions of evil, socialism and fascism along with a few other words.

Conservatives initiated their own Conservapedia in 2006, since they not only reject standard definitions of words, they don’t like the facts on Wikipedia – they consider them “liberal.” So, they make up their own facts. They make up their own reality. They decide that a belief about an issue makes it true. That is today’s Republican Party.
Talk about hitting the nail on the head!
Why do the Republicans make up facts? Because they cannot debate substantive issues with real facts. They cannot govern (how can a party that hates government govern?), so they must mislead and lie.
The only thing worse than the republican party, are the brain-dead American's voting for them.
I find it amusing that you think that because you list something as a lie, it thus becomes so, while you yourselves are lying.
Libs are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet. They lie so they assume everyone else must as well.
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I find it amusing that you think that because you list something as a lie, it thus becomes so, while you yourselves are lying.
What was stated above, was a brief overview.

Pick any one of the subjects listed and I will tell you the right-wing lie they are associated with.
I find it amusing that you think that because you list something as a lie, it thus becomes so, while you yourselves are lying.
What was stated above, was a brief overview.

Pick any one of the subjects listed and I will tell you the right-wing lie they are associated with.

You mean the truth that you will spin as a lie.
We can start with "the right wing lie." There is no right wing. There are a bunch of people loosely labeled as conservatives both in and out of government. They don't all agree on everything 100% of the time. So just because one person says something does not make it a "right wing" statement.
You lie.
You mean the truth that you will spin as a lie.
Ergo, you have no intention of looking at this objectively. Because if you did, you wouldn't feel the need to "load the gun", as a substitute for my responses.

We can start with "the right wing lie." There is no right wing. There are a bunch of people loosely labeled as conservatives both in and out of government. They don't all agree on everything 100% of the time.
Oh c'mon, 99% of you parrot each others talking points. You didn't even criticize President Bush, until he became a lame duck. With Obama, you started criticizing him less than 10 days after his inaugaration. You couldn't even wait until he did something wrong to criticize, so you just made shit up as you went along.

Give me 3 examples of righties criticizing righties over the last 10 years.

So just because one person says something does not make it a "right wing" statement. You lie.
If you believe that, then walk your talk and stop calling Obama a liberal President. I'm a liberal and I withdrew my support for his policies over 2 years ago.
Now that is funny!

One particular quote by Einstein reminds me of the republican party...

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
- Albert Einstein
...which is a very good reason not to vote for them.

In order to be funny, it would require some truth. Einstein never said any such thing. How then can it be funny?

The only aspect that's funny is that you guys think a lie is the greatest thing in a thread denouncing lies. And honestly, it's more pathetic than funny.
In order to be funny, it would require some truth. Einstein never said any such thing. How then can it be funny?
So now you're saying you want to legislate humor?

The only aspect that's funny is that you guys think a lie is the greatest thing in a thread denouncing lies. And honestly, it's more pathetic than funny.

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