GOP's latest bumper sticker: "Self-Reliant Americans On Board"; Wow.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Self-Reliant Americans On Board Bumper Sticker - Pack of 5 stickers

This is the newest bumper sticker slogan being pushed by Fox and O'Reilly: "Self Reliant Americans On Board".

Oh boy, what a doozy. So, right wing rednecks are gonna stick that on their car, bitch about gubmint workers and taxes, and zoom around town. Let me ask:

- Is that car they put the sticker on...driving on roads THEY built, or WE built?
- If they are on the road, who stops DUI drivers or reckless speeders from hitting their car...they as individuals, or WE the taxpayers who pay for cops?
- If one DUI gets by, and hits their car, and it starts to burn, who rescues them? Do they get themselves out, or, do we the taxpayers fund a fire dept to save them?
- Do they drive safely because THEY personally trained other drivers on the road? Or because the DMV and/or public driver's ed classes helped with that?

I could go on an on. But the bumper sticker intellect of the right wing is getting comical. They are truly living in a different little universe, right along with their looney lefties from SanFran.

Fox and the right wing are pushing this anti-govt agenda so hard...its quite sick actually.
- Is that car they put the sticker on...driving on roads THEY built, or WE built?
- If they are on the road, who stops DUI drivers or reckless speeders from hitting their car...they as individuals, or WE the taxpayers who pay for cops?
- If one DUI gets by, and hits their car, and it starts to burn, who rescues them? Do they get themselves out, or, do we the taxpayers fund a fire dept to save them?
- Do they drive safely because THEY personally trained other drivers on the road? .

I am not certain self-reliant Americans will say they don't rely on the local government services which their taxes support (most often property taxes in your examples given).

They are reliant on the output of their own hand to provide for them and not entitlement.
- Is that car they put the sticker on...driving on roads THEY built, or WE built?
- If they are on the road, who stops DUI drivers or reckless speeders from hitting their car...they as individuals, or WE the taxpayers who pay for cops?
- If one DUI gets by, and hits their car, and it starts to burn, who rescues them? Do they get themselves out, or, do we the taxpayers fund a fire dept to save them?
- Do they drive safely because THEY personally trained other drivers on the road? .

I am not certain self-reliant Americans will say they don't rely on the local government services which their taxes support (most often property taxes in your examples given).

They are reliant on the output of their own hand to provide for them and not entitlement.


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