GOPpers here - join in the Oreo boycott

you poor, stupid, mindless, silly fools...tsk tsk tsk....mass produced and trans-fat laden Oreo's stink. Make these instead...


Home Made Oreos Recipe from Ellen
What I don't get is if your target market is children and the parents who buy the cookie for their kids, what on earth are they doing bring sexual orientation into a #$(*&@$% food product?

I really don't get this.

They're not producing or selling the cookie. They just posted a photo of the rainbow Oreo in honor of gay pride month. It's a shame you didn't bother to even read the OP article, but what else is new.
I have a few issues here. First of all what the fuck does a rainbow have to do with being gay? Rainbow's are religious in the bible so the two don't fit.

Second, why do gays get a special cookie just for being gay?

They didn't get a special cookie.
All this talk of boycotts is irritating--on both sides. I personally decide to not do business with companies all the time for political reasons, but I don't support or partake in organized boycotts.

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