GOP: You Have an Immigrant Problem


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

The GOP's Presidential election defeat is opening up a debate in the party, with more than a few voices saying they are willing to rethink their views on immigration. This is good news, which means it's also a good moment to address some of the frequent claims from the anti-immigration right that simply aren't true, especially about Hispanics.

Equally specious is the argument that Latino immigrants come here, often illegally, to "steal" jobs or to go on the dole. If illegal aliens are displacing natives in the labor force, why was there more immigration and less unemployment under President Bush? And if foreign nationals are primarily attracted to our welfare state, how to explain the fact that low-income immigrants are less likely to be receiving public benefits than low-income natives?

Illegal aliens aren't eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and other federal entitlements. But even those low-income immigrants who are eligible for public assistance sign up at lower rates than their native counterparts. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers food stamps, noncitizens who qualify are significantly less likely than citizens to participate.

Over the past decade, the states experiencing the fastest immigrant population growth have not been traditional gateways like New York and California. Latino newcomers have been flocking to Arkansas, Tennessee, Utah, Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and the Carolinas—states that are among the stingiest for public benefits. ...

Polls regularly show that immigration is not a priority for Hispanic voters, but how border policy is discussed still matters as a threshold and symbolic issue. When Republican Presidential candidates are preoccupied with putting up an electrified fence along the Rio Grande and blaming Latinos (wrongly) for driving up crime, unemployment and health-care costs, we are a long way from Ronald Reagan's welcoming GOP. ...

Hispanic growth in the U.S. isn't being driven by newcomers but by birthrates among those already here. Talk radio hosts could declare the borders closed today to all Mexicans, South Koreans, Indians and any other foreigner, and the voting share of these ethnic groups would increase for decades. Short of deportation, or "self-deportation" as Mr. Romney put it, the minority share of the electorate is going to rise inexorably.


Review & Outlook: Immigrants and the GOP -
You think the GOP has an immigrant problem?! In Greece, if immigrants get citizenship we'll have a Muslim prime minister in about 10 years. Come to think of it,...ok, the GOP's problem is much worse on second thought.
More racism from the democrats.

Why is everything about race to you guys?
It's not going to be a "GOP" problem, it will become a national problem when there's no more money to dole out in the coming years. Go ahead, let the borders open, allow people to break our sovereign laws. You really have to wonder why the average everyday american would promote and support illegal immigration and the democrat party's support of it as well. To the party, it's obviously about power, to the average American, how does it empower or help you to have illegals coming into the country? Do you really care more about your party than your country and even your own family and their future?
Dem's are the ones who are on the wrong side of illegal immigrants.
Dem's promoting illegals amnesty only benefits corrupt business owners and continues the corruption of the Mexican Government.
It is against the law to be here illegally no matter what country you come from.
Dem's have twisted the issue into a Hispanic issue when it is not.
They protested in AZ. about SB1070 as being racial profiling and since the law has been implemented only one complaint has been made.
How SB 1070 is affecting Tucson officers | | Tucson, Arizona
They don't have an immigrant problem, they have a message and image problem. Republicans support the same crap legislation that democrats do. People just think all republicans want mass deportations, but they want just as much illegal immigration as democrats.
It's not going to be a "GOP" problem, it will become a national problem when there's no more money to dole out in the coming years. Go ahead, let the borders open, allow people to break our sovereign laws. You really have to wonder why the average everyday american would promote and support illegal immigration and the democrat party's support of it as well. To the party, it's obviously about power, to the average American, how does it empower or help you to have illegals coming into the country? Do you really care more about your party than your country and even your own family and their future?

The common sense and relevance of this article just flew right over your head, didn't it?
Democrats don't love all immigrants. Just the poorest ones who need welfare. That's their permanent majority. Immigrants are encouraged to cling to their own communities and cultures where they further fracture the national fault lines.
They don't have an immigrant problem, they have a message and image problem. Republicans support the same crap legislation that democrats do. People just think all republicans want mass deportations, but they want just as much illegal immigration as democrats.

Well, I'd like to hear from a democrat on here what exactly their party does support via illegal immigration? Since their president just bypassed congress to grant amnesty, I suppose they're for it? Open borders? All I ever hear from the dems is how 'wrong' the republican party is on their stance, they never seem to itterate exactly what exactly theirs is?

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