GOP War On Women

At least we respect woman and love them. Something that you dirty pieces of shit on the left can hardly comprehend as you don't honor with following through with your commitments. You people really don't have any room to judge as you dump one woman after another like a wet paper bag. You on the left are the kind that would leave the woman to raise the child on her own. I know your kind and you can go fuck up a tree.

Secondly, anyone that would defend a religion as anti-woman as islam, doesn't have any grounds to criticize. You probably should shut up before you look like a hypocritical fool.

No, you want to use them to make them dependant on the government.
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OMG Another war on women??

What a load of horseshit and I'm sure most women have already figured that out.

Good God.
I didn't bother to watch the video. I didnt because I am NOT interested in watching a Democratic partisans attack on the GOP.

But Matthew? Plkease note how you dealt with it.

Did you respond to any charges it made?


Instead you imply that

1. the left hates women

2. the person who posted this thread abandons his children

3. That the author defends Islam.

4. The author wants to put all women on welfare.

So basically what you have done is classic DEFLECTION.

DEFLECTION is the hallmark of intellectual cowards --- people who is either liars or people too stupid respond to the issue at hand.

If the video offends you attack IT on the content.

Attacking the messenger simply makes the message all the more effective while making you look cowardly and stupid, too.

YOU can do better than that.
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