GOP strategist confronts ex-Trump staffer: ‘I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him’


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Donald sycophant Jason Miller is such a Trumphole - Nice to see that there remain a few responsible Republicans.

Republican strategist Tara Setmayer clashed with former President Trumpadvisor Jason Miller in a heated debate on CNN over the president's response to the Russia probe.

The two butted heads on "Anderson Cooper 360" late Monday, while discussing Trump's response to new indictments by special counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing investigation of Russian election meddling.

“This, again, just highlights how unqualified he is as president of the United States. He does not have the temperament. You have to be able to take the hits if you’re going to be president of the United States, and he is unable to do it," Setmayer said.

"So instead he behaves like an insecure lunatic on Twitter as opposed to being a mature adult as the president of the fricking United States. I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him," she continued.

Miller had been defending Trump's tweets over the weekend regarding the Russian investigation, saying he was being "attacked around the clock" and that he spent time with shooting victims in Florida.

“Children were killed!” Setmayer shot back at Miller's defense of Trump​

Watch the video - EPIC! :)

GOP strategist confronts ex-Trump staffer: ‘I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him’
Children were killed because the FBI intended that children be killed. Liberals needed for children to be killed to advance the liberal gun grab goal.
Donald sycophant Jason Miller is such a Trumphole - Nice to see that there remain a few responsible Republicans.

Republican strategist Tara Setmayer clashed with former President Trumpadvisor Jason Miller in a heated debate on CNN over the president's response to the Russia probe.

The two butted heads on "Anderson Cooper 360" late Monday, while discussing Trump's response to new indictments by special counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing investigation of Russian election meddling.

“This, again, just highlights how unqualified he is as president of the United States. He does not have the temperament. You have to be able to take the hits if you’re going to be president of the United States, and he is unable to do it," Setmayer said.

"So instead he behaves like an insecure lunatic on Twitter as opposed to being a mature adult as the president of the fricking United States. I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him," she continued.

Miller had been defending Trump's tweets over the weekend regarding the Russian investigation, saying he was being "attacked around the clock" and that he spent time with shooting victims in Florida.

“Children were killed!” Setmayer shot back at Miller's defense of Trump​
Watch the video - EPIC! :)

GOP strategist confronts ex-Trump staffer: ‘I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him’

I don't know her. Was she a Jeb fan? Kasich maybe?
Donald sycophant Jason Miller is such a Trumphole - Nice to see that there remain a few responsible Republicans.

Republican strategist Tara Setmayer clashed with former President Trumpadvisor Jason Miller in a heated debate on CNN over the president's response to the Russia probe.

The two butted heads on "Anderson Cooper 360" late Monday, while discussing Trump's response to new indictments by special counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing investigation of Russian election meddling.

“This, again, just highlights how unqualified he is as president of the United States. He does not have the temperament. You have to be able to take the hits if you’re going to be president of the United States, and he is unable to do it," Setmayer said.

"So instead he behaves like an insecure lunatic on Twitter as opposed to being a mature adult as the president of the fricking United States. I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him," she continued.

Miller had been defending Trump's tweets over the weekend regarding the Russian investigation, saying he was being "attacked around the clock" and that he spent time with shooting victims in Florida.

“Children were killed!” Setmayer shot back at Miller's defense of Trump​
Watch the video - EPIC! :)

GOP strategist confronts ex-Trump staffer: ‘I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him’
Republican strategist Tara Setmayer
Tara is part of the intellectual wing of the GOP, and like other intellectual Republicans (I know, I know; recent events conspire to make that almost an oxymoron), she does not tolerate insipidity, partisan palterers, and/or dissemblers.

Miller is one of the "talking heads" who I don't even understand how he manages to say the sh*t does and do so with a straight face. Much of what that guy says is so preposterous that I truly suspect he's paid expressly to say it, to "take the hit," as it were. That's the only explanation I can come up with that adequately explains his not being just stupid, which I know he's not, while also proponing some of the notions he does. That said, he doesn't want for company among political pundits who inhabit the very same "echo chamber" he does.
Donald sycophant Jason Miller is such a Trumphole - Nice to see that there remain a few responsible Republicans.

Republican strategist Tara Setmayer clashed with former President Trumpadvisor Jason Miller in a heated debate on CNN over the president's response to the Russia probe.

The two butted heads on "Anderson Cooper 360" late Monday, while discussing Trump's response to new indictments by special counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing investigation of Russian election meddling.

“This, again, just highlights how unqualified he is as president of the United States. He does not have the temperament. You have to be able to take the hits if you’re going to be president of the United States, and he is unable to do it," Setmayer said.

"So instead he behaves like an insecure lunatic on Twitter as opposed to being a mature adult as the president of the fricking United States. I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him," she continued.

Miller had been defending Trump's tweets over the weekend regarding the Russian investigation, saying he was being "attacked around the clock" and that he spent time with shooting victims in Florida.

“Children were killed!” Setmayer shot back at Miller's defense of Trump​
Watch the video - EPIC! :)

GOP strategist confronts ex-Trump staffer: ‘I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him’
Republican strategist Tara Setmayer
Tara is part of the intellectual wing of the GOP, and like other intellectual Republicans (I know, I know; recent events conspire to make that almost an oxymoron), she does not tolerate insipidity, partisan palterers, and/or dissemblers.

Miller is one of the "talking heads" who I don't even understand how he manages to say the sh*t does and do so with a straight face. Much of what that guy says is so preposterous that I truly suspect he's paid expressly to say it, to "take the hit," as it were. That's the only explanation I can come up with that adequately explains his not being just stupid, which I know he's not, while also proponing some of the notions he does. That said, he doesn't want for company among political pundits who inhabit the very same "echo chamber" he does.

Miller is a Buffoon of the highest order - Why CNN keeps inviting him back is beyond me.

Donald sycophant Jason Miller is such a Trumphole - Nice to see that there remain a few responsible Republicans.

Republican strategist Tara Setmayer clashed with former President Trumpadvisor Jason Miller in a heated debate on CNN over the president's response to the Russia probe.

The two butted heads on "Anderson Cooper 360" late Monday, while discussing Trump's response to new indictments by special counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing investigation of Russian election meddling.

“This, again, just highlights how unqualified he is as president of the United States. He does not have the temperament. You have to be able to take the hits if you’re going to be president of the United States, and he is unable to do it," Setmayer said.

"So instead he behaves like an insecure lunatic on Twitter as opposed to being a mature adult as the president of the fricking United States. I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him," she continued.

Miller had been defending Trump's tweets over the weekend regarding the Russian investigation, saying he was being "attacked around the clock" and that he spent time with shooting victims in Florida.

“Children were killed!” Setmayer shot back at Miller's defense of Trump​
Watch the video - EPIC! :)

GOP strategist confronts ex-Trump staffer: ‘I’m sick of you guys making excuses for him’
Republican strategist Tara Setmayer
Tara is part of the intellectual wing of the GOP, and like other intellectual Republicans (I know, I know; recent events conspire to make that almost an oxymoron), she does not tolerate insipidity, partisan palterers, and/or dissemblers.

Miller is one of the "talking heads" who I don't even understand how he manages to say the sh*t does and do so with a straight face. Much of what that guy says is so preposterous that I truly suspect he's paid expressly to say it, to "take the hit," as it were. That's the only explanation I can come up with that adequately explains his not being just stupid, which I know he's not, while also proponing some of the notions he does. That said, he doesn't want for company among political pundits who inhabit the very same "echo chamber" he does.

Miller is a Buffoon of the highest order - Why CNN keeps inviting him back is beyond me.

Why CNN keeps inviting him back is beyond me.
I hazard that a significant part of it is entertainment value.

Television news organizations/units these days in many instances function and are managed not as cost centers or as ancillary revenue centers, as in the days of Paley, but as profit centers. These days TV news production and delivery, particularly cable news, is operated and delivered as a full on profit center within the larger organizations to which they belong. As such they and their managers are susceptible to the exigencies of supply and demand and must therefore use tools that attract unto themselves ever increasing profits and profit margins.

Quite simply, to attract consumers, firms must deliver what their customers will pay for. In the case of news organizations, however, what's delivered in information. News organizations that deliver the information their viewers want to see and hear, i.e., literally and reliably delivering messages that sate viewers' desire for bias confirmation/affirmation, attract a very loyal viewership, which in turn founds the news organization's "argument" to justify the increasing advertising rates news networks/channels charge and in part to justify the sums those networks demand from cable-content delivery firms such as Direct TV, Verizon, etc.

Sad as it is, there's no dearth of information consumers who view hearing what they want or don't want to hear as an aspect of their being entertained. In the case of Jason Miller, Paris Dennard, and other inveterate sycophantic partisans like them who appear on CNN, the entertainment derives from their unmatched ability to, at whatever cost, parrot GOP talking points and positions, regardless of how much like a rhetorical colander they be. For folks who don't need the intellectual and political salves, Miller, Dennard, et al are, in a manner of speaking, comedic relief.
Children were killed because the FBI intended that children be killed. Liberals needed for children to be killed to advance the liberal gun grab goal.


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