GOP spokesman says hurl acid at Democrats


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Jay Townsend, spokescum for Republican Nan Hayworth of NY, has declared that Republicans should hurl acid at female Democrats in Congress. No comment from Hayworth, who should be voted O-U-T in November if she doesn't fire this guy. No wonder we are too divided as a nation, there are lunatics like Townsend speaking 'his mind'.

Yet, the location of space shuttles is a "reason" to despise Chuck Shumer. THIS is a reason to get rid of the rest of the Foley, Crane, Craig types in DC.
I like how you said "GOP Spokesman" as if he spoke for all of the GOP, and as if he was speaking to the public at large. Very sneaky there Peach.

Dishonest as all get out, but clever.
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It was a figure of speech.
Who cares...50% of the unemployed in America have been unemployed for over 2 years.
This is meaningless noise.
I like how you said "GOP Spokesman" as if he spoke for all of the GOP., and as if he was speaking to the public at large. Very sneaky there Peach.

Dishonest as all get out, but clever.

No, READING is required, it is noted in the post who he works for. Thread titles can only be so long, try again. This Facebook post was removed, or so I have read, but there is no denial he urged serious, heinous felonies be committed:

Republican spokesman:
Having read the allegation - the original transcript of which as apparently been (conveniently) removed... I find his words to be inappropriate... however, I can't help but wonder what the actual context was.
I like how you said "GOP Spokesman" as if he spoke for all of the GOP., and as if he was speaking to the public at large. Very sneaky there Peach.

Dishonest as all get out, but clever.

No, READING is required, it is noted in the post who he works for. Thread titles can only be so long, try again. This Facebook post was removed, or so I have read, but there is no denial he urged serious, heinous felonies be committed:

Republican spokesman:

Oh yeah right. Not buying it Peach. Dishonest as all get out, but sneaky and clever.
That was a pretty crappy thing to say, even metaphorically, violent imagery in politics seems to be a lot more common these days.
Jay Townsend, GOP Spokesman: 'Let's Hurl Some Acid At Those Female Democratic Senators'

they will try and talk this violence whit whenever they can, it riles up their insane base.

They must be outed for all to see every time they do it.

"My question today... when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let’s hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won’t abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."
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And a link is too much effort?

Snippy, it is Jay Townsend who urged the acid attacks, not me. LINK:

Republican spokesman:

did i say you said it? No. I asked for a link.... some of us like context so that we may ascertain the validity of a claim.... unfortunately, people are often prone to exaggerate - or downright lie about what someone says.

Googling "Hayworth hurl acid" would have yielded 52,000 results.

Here's one:

Republican spokesman: ‘Let's hurl some acid' at female Democratic senators

Here's another:

Hayworth campaign spokesman under fire for 'acid' comment

Here's one from the right wing UPI:

GOP spokesman slammed for 'acid' comment

How can anyone who posts 24/7, like you do, be so uninformed?
I like how you said "GOP Spokesman" as if he spoke for all of the GOP., and as if he was speaking to the public at large. Very sneaky there Peach.

Dishonest as all get out, but clever.

No, READING is required, it is noted in the post who he works for. Thread titles can only be so long, try again. This Facebook post was removed, or so I have read, but there is no denial he urged serious, heinous felonies be committed:

Republican spokesman:

Oh yeah right. Not buying it Peach. Dishonest as all get out, but sneaky and clever.

He said it, you are going to ignore it. It isn't a question of purchase, it is one of comprehension, which you refuse to learn.
Having read the allegation - the original transcript of which as apparently been (conveniently) removed... I find his words to be inappropriate... however, I can't help but wonder what the actual context was.

The context is there. You're just too lazy and partisan to want to know.

What an apologist hack you are.
Gee, what he said was indefensible. The only thing we weren't informed of is what was said by the loyal opposition to inspire such acerbic speech.

I'm sure we will hear the grisly details in 12 years from now. :rolleyes:
No, READING is required, it is noted in the post who he works for. Thread titles can only be so long, try again. This Facebook post was removed, or so I have read, but there is no denial he urged serious, heinous felonies be committed:

Republican spokesman:

Oh yeah right. Not buying it Peach. Dishonest as all get out, but sneaky and clever.

He said it, you are going to ignore it. It isn't a question of purchase, it is one of comprehension, which you refuse to learn.

I'm not ignoring who said it. Come on, I know you aren't that stupid.

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