GOP Risks Becoming "Religious Party" - McCain Advisor

No, he is in fact a retard. Whoever is controlling him like a sock puppet is the asshole that doesn't care about America.

Obama is just some crack-baby with no brain in his head that is a perfect mime, the perfect tool.

He is in fact, a Manchurian candidate of the Feds and the Wall Streeters.

It's not conspiracy theory, just look how his brain hits a wall like a train wreck in the video. Not once, but twice!

Someone said this is racist. I'm sorry but Obama is a cokehead, he admitted it himself.

Bfgrn whose opinions matter? RINO "advisers" and "strategists"? Or the voters.

No one's listening to your sources any more.

All the pollsters show that Hillary voters ended up voting for Obama...

I didn't know right wingers called Senators, Generals and Secretaries of State "advisers" and "strategists...but OF COURSE the would HAVE to be RINO's if they don't agree the far right pea brain dogma of all you Empty Vessel Sarah fans...

Barack Hussein Obama, our President for the next 8 years is at least 100 times smarter than your flutist...

BTW, Sarah, the empty vessel has extremely high negatives with the American people. 50% of voters would never vote for her...

Sorry pea brains...find another empty vessel

A lot of persons in the Republican camp were RINOs because Republicans needed persons experienced in dealing with Washington D.C. red-tape...these persons often go between whichever party is in power, and you are confusing them with being representative of any valid opinion.
How many politicians have done drugs? All so far, even the shock jocks people worship, half the judges, and many other leaders.
At least McCain didn't turn into a babbling retard on the campaign trail.

That's what happened to Obama, and he claimed he hadn't got much sleep.

So a 77 year old fart could out last Obama in a marathon apparently...that's disconcerting.

Ya sure, and that is why President Obama won 365 electorial votes.:lol:

Don't confuse popularity with a clear mind, intelligence, or capability.. lefty

Someone winning an election does not make them capable or qualified.. all it proves is indeed popularity
No, he is in fact a retard. Whoever is controlling him like a sock puppet is the asshole that doesn't care about America.

Obama is just some crack-baby with no brain in his head that is a perfect mime, the perfect tool.

He is in fact, a Manchurian candidate of the Feds and the Wall Streeters.

It's not conspiracy theory, just look how his brain hits a wall like a train wreck in the video. Not once, but twice!

Harvard law professors are "retards" after all.

"Honey, I've got the torches! Get the pitchforks, would you?!"

And I have known a number of "professors" who probably could have been easily replaced by 'retards', and the students would have been better off

Plenty of dumb asses with college degrees in this world
Ok, Obama is less qualified than Palin.

Palin' state, Alaska, has a budget surplus and is in a strong economic condition.

Obama's Union is falling apart, and has 1 million tea party protesters throwing tea bags at him while he tries to "articulate" (between all the 'um's) how he is going to nationalize the banks and largest industries in the US like his butt-buddy Chavez.

Hmmmmm......... One million tea party protestors? Perhaps you don't realize one of the Commandments involves truth?

I know a lot of persons who wanted to go but couldn't because they actually have jobs. So if every person who went had just 2 persons who couldn't go, that would mean a protest easily over a million.

I've never heard someone say "gosh I wish I could have gone to that protest against cutting teacher's pay" in my life...

Liberal protests are the small isolated astroturf protests.

This one had people millions of people wishing they could go.

Wow!!! Millions wished they could go!!! Lets be generous and increase the number who actually showed up from 250,000 to 5 million!!! 5 million out of 303 million....1.7% of the population!!! Oh but wait the 250,000 actually showed up.... 0.08% of the population!!! The "tea parties" of earlier this week are completely irrelevant in any argument against Obama!!!

Palin's qualifications were also discussed earlier!!!---Palin has never even held federal office before!!! Do we really want her being given the second highest federal office available?? Do they make doctors doctors after they graduate high school???

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