GOP Refuses to make Concessions on Health Care


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Think Progress » Cantor Unable To Name Any ‘Compromises’ Republicans Are Willing To Make On Health Care Reform

It's not like he was paying much attention last night anyway, too busy tweeting the entire time probably. "LOL SOCIALISM, DEATH PANELS, NIG- SOCIALIST!"

The Health-Care Talks: Will Obama Get More Involved? - TIME

An article back in May from Time.

What, he wanted to know, did the Republicans have to offer in return?

Nothing, it turned out. Republicans were unprepared to make any concessions, if they had any to make. But the encounter did make some Democrats wish they could see more of that kind of presidential engagement on the issue that Obama says is his top legislative priority. "I want the White House involved, maybe to be at the table," says Senator Chris Dodd, the second-ranking Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. "It's very important." (See five truths about health care in America.)

Obama is willing to make several concessions to Republicans:

Tort Reform and Mandatory Insurance are just two examples. Question is, what are the Republicans willing to make concessions of? At this point, Obama is offering them major things they want, any voting down of this bill at this point is mere political grandstanding.

Edit: Also, Republicans like Eric Cantor crying about how the American people are afraid is entirely hypocrisy. It is because of their lies that Americans are afraid of this bill in the first place. It would be similar to starting a forest fire, and then bitching there are no trees when it finally ends.
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They are playing their little games that have stalled universal health care for the last 50 years.

Now after all the attempts by Obama to reach out and their refusals compromise at all or even talk, they again go back to the same crap that the president won't talk to them.

I wish Obama had been able last night to tell the real truth about their partisanship and tell them that they lost the election and they can work with US or piss off.

Kantor was probably calling his girlfriend at that republican halfway house they rent for hookers and religious counselling.:lol:

They have lost any moral compass they ever had. How anyone in the middle class can back these current losers and stooges for big industry amazes me. Some people still believe if they get trickled on it is good for the country - Duh.

Proctologists must have a lot of right wing patients.
Is Obama so pathetically weak that he cannot pass this bill even with majorities in BOTH houses of Congress? Did you elect a President, or a peon?

Either Obama's a wreck of a President, or the Republicans are gods.
Kantor was probably calling his girlfriend at that republican halfway house they rent for hookers and religious counselling.:lol:


Or a halfway house for 13 year old hookers and their pimp who gets advice from ACORN.....:eusa_whistle:
Is Obama so pathetically weak that he cannot pass this bill even with majorities in BOTH houses of Congress? Did you elect a President, or a peon?

Either Obama's a wreck of a President, or the Republicans are gods.

Republicans are good con artists some of them. Lie about the bill, make people scared, then claim they won't vote for the bill because the people are scared. Regular political grandstanding tactics. Never mind the fact you refuse to accept that the Blue Dogs are not fully Liberal.

The majority of Democrats are not even Liberal. :eusa_eh:
Is Obama so pathetically weak that he cannot pass this bill even with majorities in BOTH houses of Congress? Did you elect a President, or a peon?

Either Obama's a wreck of a President, or the Republicans are gods.

Republicans are good con artists some of them. Lie about the bill, make people scared, then claim they won't vote for the bill because the people are scared. Regular political grandstanding tactics. Never mind the fact you refuse to accept that the Blue Dogs are not fully Liberal.

The majority of Democrats are not even Liberal. :eusa_eh:
Is liberal your new codeword for communist? Because I'm quite certain a majority of Democrats consider themselves liberal.

But you do have a point, in that the Blue Dogs are moderates. Moderate whom, if you'll recall, Obama promised to care about. Oh well!
Is liberal your new codeword for communist? Because I'm quite certain a majority of Democrats consider themselves liberal.

But you do have a point, in that the Blue Dogs are moderates. Moderate whom, if you'll recall, Obama promised to care about. Oh well!

No, Liberal is not my new codeword for communist.

American Thinker: Brown Nose Democrats

American People: Only 36% consider themselves at least somewhat Liberal. Only 10% consider themselves Liberal.

The Battleground Poll is bipartisan. It is the most accurate poll in predicting actual election results. After the November 2008 Battleground Poll, Ed Goeas published an analysis in which he broke those numbers down: Were Americans "social conservatives"? Were they "fiscal conservatives"? The answer was Americans, in both senses of the word, were conservative. In fact, 69% of all Americans considered themselves "fiscal conservatives," and 27% of all Americans considered themselves "fiscal liberals." A whopping 47% of all Democrats call themselves "fiscal conservatives." Only 5% of Americans consider themselves "very liberal" on fiscal issues.
LOL republicans using Scare tactics?

It was your Hero Barrack who last night told Americans PEOPLE WILL DIE if we do not pass his BILL now.

You know kinda like how The sky would fall and Unemployment would cross 8% if we didn't pass his Stimulus. HAR HAR HAR

Obama's entire Plan involves Using Fear and Scare tactics.

You people are simply unbelievable.
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LOL republicans using Scare tactics?

It was your Hero Barrack who last night told Americans PEOPLE WILL DIE if we do not pass his BILL now.

You know kinda like how The sky would fall and Unemployment would cross 8% if we didn't pass his Stimulus. HAR HAR HAR

Obama's entire Plan involves Using Fear and Scare tactics.

You people are simply unbelievable.

[ame=]YouTube - 100 Days of "Fair & Balanced"[/ame]

Obama is not my hero, in fact I have already been a critic of many things he has done. I also found his speech last night lacking several things. So stop painting with that broad brush of yours there.
Republicans should compromise with Obama and his Eugenicists and let them only kill every other elderly parent
Lying Obama Math Question Number 1:

If there are 47 million uninsured today and 14,000 people per day are losing there health insurance, how many uninsured were there a year ago?
LOL republicans using Scare tactics?

It was your Hero Barrack who last night told Americans PEOPLE WILL DIE if we do not pass his BILL now.

You know kinda like how The sky would fall and Unemployment would cross 8% if we didn't pass his Stimulus. HAR HAR HAR

Obama's entire Plan involves Using Fear and Scare tactics.

You people are simply unbelievable.

Yes Mr. Main he did say it had to be passed right now, then he followed that up with "but it will take four years to implement." I rolled off the couch at that point. :lol:
Lying Obama Math Question Number 1:

If there are 47 million uninsured today and 14,000 people per day are losing there health insurance, how many uninsured were there a year ago?

PolitiFact | Obama claims 14,000 lose health insurance every day

Holahan was the co-author, with A. Bowen Garrett, of the January 2009 study, “Rising Unemployment, Medicaid and the Uninsured,” published by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. That study provided the underpinning for the Center for American Progress report by estimating how many people can expect to lose their insurance when the national unemployment rate goes up.

Holahan and his co-author, using a baseline of 4.6 percent unemployment in 2007, calculated that 2.6 million people would lose coverage if the unemployment rate climbed to 7 percent; 3.7 million if it went to to 8 percent; 4.8 million at 9 percent; and 5.8 million at 10 percent. The estimates took into account people who lost their jobs but then switched to a spouse’s plan or extended their coverage through COBRA, the federal law that guarantees people who lose their job can still get continued health coverage.

Applying Holahan's calculations to the actual rise in unemployment from November 2008 to June 2009, we came up with 3.2 million people losing health coverage, or an average of 15,238 per day, so it is close to the 14,000 Obama cited.
The Democrats have a 19 seat majority in the Senate and an 80 seat majority in the House.

They can say "f*** the Republicans." They don't need the Republicans. The won overwhelming majorities across the board.

If they can't get something passed with those majorities, they really are incompetent.
The Democrats have a 19 seat majority in the Senate and an 80 seat majority in the House.

They can say "f*** the Republicans." They don't need the Republicans. The won overwhelming majorities across the board.

If they can't get something passed with those majorities, they really are incompetent.

100% correct ...

But clowns like Robert keep going along with the " Repblicans are blocking this legislation " farce ..........
100% correct ...

But clowns like Robert keep going along with the " Repblicans are blocking this legislation " farce ..........

Did I ever say that? This thread is about how they refuse to make concessions to make this a bipartisanship bill that they speak so highly of.

I KNOW the Democrats are incompetent for the most part. I mean hell, most politicians are incompetent. I wouldn't trust Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to take out my garbage, never mind run the House and Senate for example. So stop trying to put words into my mouth you hack.
GOP Refuses to make Concessions on Health Care


Tort Reform and Mandatory Insurance are just two examples.


Good luck with tort reform. If it hadn't been for Howard Dean, Obama never would have mentioned it. And I seriously doubt he'll do anything about it, especially considered that most trial lawyers are Democrats. My guess is he'll add something insignificant to the bill and even that will never be enforced.

And Obama favors mandatory insurance, so I seriously doubt this will change. Obama even favors a requirement that everyone must carry basic health insurance and specifies what benefits your insurance must have.

It sounds like the same bill so I don't see where Obama is making any concessions.

BTW, there are alternative bills introduced by people like Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) and Tom Price (R-Ga.) and Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Jim DeMint (R-SC). Obama has pretty much ignored these. It looks like he is against bipartisanship, which should come as no surprise to anyone.
Good luck with tort reform. If it hadn't been for Howard Dean, Obama never would have mentioned it. And I seriously doubt he'll do anything about it, especially considered that most trial lawyers are Democrats. My guess is he'll add something insignificant to the bill and even that will never be enforced.

And Obama favors mandatory insurance, so I seriously doubt this will change. Obama even favors a requirement that everyone must carry basic health insurance and specifies what benefits your insurance must have.

It sounds like the same bill so I don't see where Obama is making any concessions.

BTW, there are alternative bills introduced by people like Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) and Tom Price (R-Ga.) and Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Jim DeMint (R-SC). Obama has pretty much ignored these. It looks like he is against bipartisanship, which should come as no surprise to anyone.

To what I bolded: It seems that's a concession to the Republicans. As a candidate, Obama was against such a thing. However, since he has taken office, like many of his former Liberal positions, he has turned his back on it.
Republicans & Blue Dogs not on board? It may have something to do with the FACT that they tried to install stricker language in HR3200 that would prohibit illegals from getting free health care paid for--on the back of American citizens--that HOUSE DEMOCRATS TURNED DOWN.

--Oh--but Obama didn't mention section 1702 of HR3200 did he?

Read it & then tell me who was LYING last night?

HR3200 and Illegal Immigrants…America BEING SNOOKERED! at Desert Conservative
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