GOP-led states start warming up to health care law

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
GOP-led states start warming up to health care law - Yahoo! News

— In Mississippi, Republican insurance commissioner Mike Chaney formally notified Washington on Wednesday that his agency will proceed with a state-run exchange, disappointing GOP Gov. Phil Bryant, who remains staunchly opposed to Obama's law.
Chaney, too, says he wishes the law could be repealed, but he worries that "if you default to the federal government, you forever give the keys to the state's health insurance market to the federal government."

As for trying to fight the feds, Chaney observed: "We tried that 150 years ago in the South, and it doesn't work."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
A recent AP poll found that 63 percent of Americans would prefer states to run the exchanges, with 32 percent favoring federal control.

The breakdown among Republicans was 81-17 in favor of state control, while independents lined up 65-28 for states taking the lead. Democrats were almost evenly divided, with a slim majority favoring state control.

81% of Republicans want state control over federal? Don't tell the good wingnuts over at RedState!
From Chaney's letter this week:

I am pleased to provide this Declaration Letter of our intent to implement and operate a State-based Exchange for the citizens of Mississippi that is tailored to the unique needs of our State. [...]

The Mississippi Health Insurance Exchange is being established and implemented by the Mississippi Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association ("Association"), a nonprofit entity created by the Mississippi Legislature in 1992. With the Association's infrastructure, expertise, and exceptional record of providing health coverage in Mississippi, I am confident that it is the appropriate and proper platform to establish and operate Mississippi's Exchange

How nice! Interestingly, from some of the market research that was done while they were preparing for this they discovered:

2. Mississippians Support a State Health Solution. Mississippians expressed concern about the inefficiencies of the health care system in Mississippi, noting that it is too expensive, confusing, and often unfriendly. Although many individuals lack general comprehension of the health care market, the notion of a state-run health insurance exchange (as opposed to a federal-run exchange) is preferred by the majority. The vast approval is derived from the belief that a state-run exchange will decrease confusion and improve access to health care, while catering to the unique health needs of Mississippians.

Can't argue with that.
GOP-led states start warming up to health care law - Yahoo! News

— In Mississippi, Republican insurance commissioner Mike Chaney formally notified Washington on Wednesday that his agency will proceed with a state-run exchange, disappointing GOP Gov. Phil Bryant, who remains staunchly opposed to Obama's law.
Chaney, too, says he wishes the law could be repealed, but he worries that "if you default to the federal government, you forever give the keys to the state's health insurance market to the federal government."

As for trying to fight the feds, Chaney observed: "We tried that 150 years ago in the South, and it doesn't work."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What choice to they have jack ass.

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