GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones | TPMDC

House Republican freshmen admit that their so-called "MediScare" attacks on Democrats helped them win a big majority in 2010. Democrats had voted for the health care law, which included $500 billion in "cuts" to Medicare -- primarily slashing overpayments to private insurers -- and Republican challengers never let them forget it.

Now, they say, it's time to let bygones be bygones.

Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen held a press conference outside the Capitol Tuesday morning to "wipe the slate clean," and "hit the reset button."

"Yeah, I mean there's been -- again, this is a both-sides issue," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) when asked if GOP candidates and the NRCC had engaged in 'MediScare' tactics last year. "To say that one side is blameless in trying to use issues to win votes is just dishonest."

On Tuesday, Kinzinger and 41 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, asking him to rein in Democratic attacks on GOP members who voted for the House budget, which includes a plan to privatize Medicare and cap spending on the program.

To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election -- all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.

And so the tables have turned. Thoughts, USMB?
If the Dems make Medicare and Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal a big enough issue, the tables will definitely be turned in 2012 with the Dems winning back control of the House. The vast majority of American voters can't think past tomorrow, so their votes are usually highly reactionary.
My thoughts are to hammer these radical RW hacks like never before.


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Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

Yes, they are not trustworthy, just like the evil doers in the movies...they are quick to beg for forgiveness, and when the good guy puts down their gun and walks away from killing them, they pump slugs in their backs.

These far rw radicals need to be pounded into non-existence.

They are only hurting this great country.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

Yes, they are not trustworthy, just like the evil doers in the movies...they are quick to beg for forgiveness, and when the good guy puts down their gun and walks away from killing them, they pump slugs in their backs.

These far rw radicals need to be pounded into non-existence.

They are only hurting this great country.

If you see the GOP as "evil-doers" then you are delusional.
But since you are the biggest fucking racist on this site it is no surprise. You need to join your racist pals in iggy.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

LOL. You bunch of dingbat kooks tried to kill MediCare. Now you are paying for it. However, if it makes you feel better, I think that we should kill MediCare in its present form and replace it with a universal single payer system, and shut down the theives in the Health Care Insurance companies.

Yes, this is going to be a big issue in 2012. And you fellows are going to take a beating on it. Same as you are going to take a beating on supporting corperate welfare while doing your best to cut off all aid to children in poor families. You have been shown for the heartless moneygrubbing bastards you truly are.
And so the tables have turned. Thoughts, USMB?

My thought is that these worthless sacks of shit had better not get re-elected, and probably won't. Political suicide if you ask me. Especially in this obvious of a reversal in this public of a manner.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

The Reps DO need to be hammered on the issue. They were definitely two-faced on the issue, arguing that we were drifting toward socialism and then screaming whenever changes to Medicare were mentioned. :eusa_liar:
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

Yes, they are not trustworthy, just like the evil doers in the movies...they are quick to beg for forgiveness, and when the good guy puts down their gun and walks away from killing them, they pump slugs in their backs.

These far rw radicals need to be pounded into non-existence.

They are only hurting this great country.

If you see the GOP as "evil-doers" then you are delusional.
But since you are the biggest fucking racist on this site it is no surprise. You need to join your racist pals in iggy.

Hey Rabid, notice that you dumb fucks are losing lately? Two huge natural disasters being handled competantly at all levels of government. Bit of a contrast to your fellows.

GM, operating profit of 3.2 billion for Q1. Looks like we will make a profit off of that bailout, as welll as saving many thousands of American jobs.

And then there is the little matter of Bin Laden. He was a 'concern' for President Obama.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

Yes, they are not trustworthy, just like the evil doers in the movies...they are quick to beg for forgiveness, and when the good guy puts down their gun and walks away from killing them, they pump slugs in their backs.

These far rw radicals need to be pounded into non-existence.

They are only hurting this great country.

If you see the GOP as "evil-doers" then you are delusional.
But since you are the biggest fucking racist on this site it is no surprise. You need to join your racist pals in iggy.

Awwww....dry your eye poor baby.

Holy crap!

They're either really fuckin' desperate or really fuckin' stupid!

How many of them really think this'll work???
Just as I predicted.

btw, part of this panic is the situation in the upcoming special election in NY 26, a Republican owned district that never goes Democrat and should have been a landslide for the Republican candidate...

...the race is even, and the race is virtually ALL about Medicare.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

Yes, they are not trustworthy, just like the evil doers in the movies...they are quick to beg for forgiveness, and when the good guy puts down their gun and walks away from killing them, they pump slugs in their backs.

These far rw radicals need to be pounded into non-existence.

They are only hurting this great country.

If you see the GOP as "evil-doers" then you are delusional.
But since you are the biggest fucking racist on this site it is no surprise. You need to join your racist pals in iggy.

Extremely funny that YOU can call anyone else a racist. Considering you are in fact an actual racist.
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

You guys ALWAYS miss the most important ingredient in these things...... TRUTH!! And the TRUTH IS that Ryans budget WILL destroy medicare. But don't let a little thing like truth get in the way. That's the wingnuts mantra, isn't it?
Medicare will be the Tea Parties downfall this go round.....along with attacks on workers rights

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