GOP fails us again - more evidence they are just modern Liberals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Barack Hussein and the Dumbocrats have won big time if this "deal" passes:

* The framework that Republicans and Democrats are close to approving would raise the debt limit by at least $2.1 trillion and get Obama and congressional Democrats past their target date: Election Day 2012.

* In return for this generous political cover, Democrats would agree to a modest $1 trillion in supposed cuts spread out over 10 years; $350 billion of those “upfront” savings come from gutting national security resources.

* In addition to the $1 trillion, the framework sets up a “special” congressional committee that would seek $1.4 trillion in “deficit reduction” by the end of 2011. Of course, for liberals, “deficit reduction” is synonymous with “higher taxes.”

* If the commission’s recommendations are not enacted, across-the-board spending cuts would be triggered, half of which (nearly $500 billion) would come from national security spending

* Sadly, some liberals view our nation’s national security as a bargaining chip and fail to recognize that (1) defense spending is not the cause of the problem, and (2) these cuts put our troops and our national security at risk. We suffered our first 9/11 attacks because Clinton gutted defense spending and neglected his National Security duties. Now, thanks to Barack Hussein and the Dumbocrats, we will suffer our second 9/11 in the future.

Put the security of the nation at risk or raise taxes. This is the sour “deal” liberals just made with the GOP liberals. Once again, thanks to the Dumbocrats, America gets the Raw Deal in the end.
Barack Hussein and the Dumbocrats have won big time if this "deal" passes:

* The framework that Republicans and Democrats are close to approving would raise the debt limit by at least $2.1 trillion and get Obama and congressional Democrats past their target date: Election Day 2012.

* In return for this generous political cover, Democrats would agree to a modest $1 trillion in supposed cuts spread out over 10 years; $350 billion of those “upfront” savings come from gutting national security resources.

* In addition to the $1 trillion, the framework sets up a “special” congressional committee that would seek $1.4 trillion in “deficit reduction” by the end of 2011. Of course, for liberals, “deficit reduction” is synonymous with “higher taxes.”

* If the commission’s recommendations are not enacted, across-the-board spending cuts would be triggered, half of which (nearly $500 billion) would come from national security spending

* Sadly, some liberals view our nation’s national security as a bargaining chip and fail to recognize that (1) defense spending is not the cause of the problem, and (2) these cuts put our troops and our national security at risk. We suffered our first 9/11 attacks because Clinton gutted defense spending and neglected his National Security duties. Now, thanks to Barack Hussein and the Dumbocrats, we will suffer our second 9/11 in the future.

Put the security of the nation at risk or raise taxes. This is the sour “deal” liberals just made with the GOP liberals. Once again, thanks to the Dumbocrats, America gets the Raw Deal in the end.

Hmm, National Security huh? We can do without the military, and bring all of American troops home. As for Bill, you don't know what you are talking about. A second 911? I don't think so, but that is your paranoid thinking. America got a hell of deal, gutting the military, helping children, funding without abortion restrictions, and free birth control for women. There are probably more socialist programs in the T-Party Deal I haven't see yet.:lol:

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