GOP Evangelicals

I'm not big on the 999 plan, but we do need Tax Reform, and we need to address the Subsidies and Monopoly Advantages that go along with Government meddling.

Progressive Government has too long been giving special privilege to the Giant Conglomerates, and punishing Small Enterprise. Both serve a necessary function.
Then I shouldn't pay attention to you.

I know how a smart person thinks....and you aren't.

A smart person has an open mind. They don't put words in people's mouths or imagine they said something they never did.

You don't like 9-9-9 because One, you don't understand it, two, don't want to understand it, and three, the establishment says it's crap and that's all you want to know about it.

I understand 9-9-9 perfectly fine. The 9-9-9 plan would replace the complex U.S. tax code with a 9 percent income tax, a 9 percent corporate tax and a new 9 percent national sales tax.

Did I miss anything?

Yes.....currently you're probably paying over 20% on income taxes alone......and you think 9% is bad. If you sell property instead of paying 15% you'll pay only 9%. Also his plan is a consumption tax which means those who buy more will pay more, thus the rich will take a greater hit then everyone else.

You also are not recognizing that if this plan is implemented you won't have to fill out a complex tax form every year. That mean no refund but then again you won't be sweating bullets on April 15th from now on. The IRS in it's current state won't be needed, which will save us billions in unneeded costs.

Come to think of it, I can see why you hate it.....because taking into consideration your political leanings anything that might work this well is repulsive to you if it's a Republican idea. We can't have that.

What morons like you always fail to address is the root cause of the failure of the government to respond to the wishes of the American public and the middle class especially.

The root cause of the inability of the congress to act on behalf of the majority of us is the billions of dollars funneled into the pockets and re-election campaigns of congress by special interests..AKA lobbyists.

There will be no meaningful tax reform or anything worthy to the average American until the spigot is turned off from those that game the system.

Cain is a puppet for the Koch brothers. Nothing he proposes will challenge their unfair advantage.

9-9-9 is a pipe dream. It will never happen even if Cain won in a landslide.

Also have no idea what my political leanings are. I am under no obligation to bow down and submit to the Christian Fundamentalist Fuckwit puppets and sheep that have stolen my party. I am not a liberal or a democrat...I hate what morons like you have done to my party. I am a very pissed off republican.

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