Gop already pandering to hispanic for 2016


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOP can pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform and give legalization to Illegal Aliens and Hispanics will thank them and still not vote for them and they will alienate other voters who oppose legalization. GOP acting in desperation planning already for 2016.
GOP want to give legal status and at the same time take away entitlements most depend on to supplement their income and they still will not get Hispanic votes. The elections was not about “Dream Act for votes” that Obama sign into law but more about entitlements. Food stamps, WIC, welfare, housing, Medicaid, etc and about the GOP message of “each for them self” “you are on your own, float of sink” mentality. Immigration Enforcement should be as important to Hispanic voters as to other American voters. Hispanic simple don’t get the message from the GOP that they care about them and neither does Blacks and majority of Whites. What does the GOP have to offer Black and White voters? If legalization is all the GOP has to offer Hispanics, they have already lost 2016 and most likely have won their last presidential election. Poor Americans want entitlements to be there for them when the necessity arises. Because Jesus was right when he said “the poor will always be among us.
Senators in GOP propose immigration reform….Senate Republicans on Tuesday introduced their own version of the Dream Act to grant young illegal immigrants legal rights — though it wouldn’t give them a special path to citizenship.
(Obama) He has called for lawmakers to follow up on his policy by passing the Dream Act, which would grant them full citizenship rights.

Senators in GOP propose immigration reform - Washington Times

SEE; Data show Hispanics have affinity for Democrats.
(The Washington Times National Weekly, Stephen Dinan. Dec 3, 2012)

This Radical Right Wing Extremists insults Hispanic by….. Have higher rates of welfare use and low tax liabilities…..a better fit for Democrats….20% of Hispanic household in poverty….40% of household on at least one major welfare program…half as likely to be self employed…50% of households with children of single mothers….

Mitt Romney blame his strict stance on immigration for his losing the election….party must embrace a path to citizenship for Illegal Aliens (and if that all they got to offer they have already lost 2016 and the insults continue)
Hispanic immigrants do not have the worshipful attitude towards the wealthy that republicans do, that alone is enough to turn them off. They left countries with no middle class, huge income divides and almost no social programs, I do not think they like the same thing being pushed by republicans for America.
No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy as you say, only the desire to enjoy the freedoms and fruits of ones labor in a safe and secure . The ability to accumulate wealth and provide for their family is of paramount concern, which is demonstrated by the flow of dollars back to their families south of the boarder. Most if not all countries south of the boarder are dominated by cronyism, graft, strong centralized governments dominated by a political elite class. The fundamental belief that one is not constrained and destined to live their lives bound within a cast system is the driving force behind their migration north. So its safe to conclude that given their demonstrated work ethic, belief in family, and unwavering faith in God that they have closer ties to the party that provides the essential ingredients to achieve and realize their dreams.

Pandering? Now which party is the king of pandering?
It's amusing for these political parties to imagine that they can somehow gain the loyalty of hispanics. As soon as hispanics get in sufficient numbers, they only vote for hispanics.
No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy as you say, only the desire to enjoy the freedoms and fruits of ones labor in a safe and secure . The ability to accumulate wealth and provide for their family is of paramount concern, which is demonstrated by the flow of dollars back to their families south of the boarder. Most if not all countries south of the boarder are dominated by cronyism, graft, strong centralized governments dominated by a political elite class. The fundamental belief that one is not constrained and destined to live their lives bound within a cast system is the driving force behind their migration north. So its safe to conclude that given their demonstrated work ethic, belief in family, and unwavering faith in God that they have closer ties to the party that provides the essential ingredients to achieve and realize their dreams.

Pandering? Now which party is the king of pandering?

How is affording persons their due process rights ‘pandering.’

If more republicans followed the Constitution and its case law, rather than ignorance and hate, both the Party and Nation would be much better off.
No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy as you say, only the desire to enjoy the freedoms and fruits of ones labor in a safe and secure .

The GOP leadership Reince Priebus goes down on billionaires for donations.
How many of the previous posters in this thread are Hispanic? If none are then why do you think you know what Hispanics think, want, feel or how they will vote in 2016?

The thing about Hispanic immigration is that too many obsess about hearing Spanish, seeing Spanish signs and worrying what that means for America. What seems to be forgotten is that come the second and third generation, they'll be just like everyone else. Look at old photos of urban centers and you see signs in Italian, Polish, Yiddish, etc. Those scenes were also used to "prove" that America was sinking into the abyss. They're just the new wave and their children are no more going to behave and vote like their parents than any other group. They're going to be Americans.
It's amusing for these political parties to imagine that they can somehow gain the loyalty of hispanics. As soon as hispanics get in sufficient numbers, they only vote for hispanics.

Prove it. Do you share lilOldlooney's hatred of Latinos as well as her remarkably low IQ?
No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy as you say, only the desire to enjoy the freedoms and fruits of ones labor in a safe and secure .

The GOP leadership Reince Priebus goes down on billionaires for donations.

Yeah, yeah we get it - you're a ridiculous, hyper-partisan hack. Stop trying so hard.
Here is something people might have forgotten in 2000 and 2004 Hispanics went for Bush and the Republicans in 2008 and 2012 they went for Obama and the Democrats. So does anyone really honestly know which way they will go in 2016?
How many of the previous posters in this thread are Hispanic? If none are then why do you think you know what Hispanics think, want, feel or how they will vote in 2016?

The thing about Hispanic immigration is that too many obsess about hearing Spanish, seeing Spanish signs and worrying what that means for America. What seems to be forgotten is that come the second and third generation, they'll be just like everyone else. Look at old photos of urban centers and you see signs in Italian, Polish, Yiddish, etc. Those scenes were also used to "prove" that America was sinking into the abyss. They're just the new wave and their children are no more going to behave and vote like their parents than any other group. They're going to be Americans.

You’re correct, of course.

But many on the right perceive it differently. There are a number of myths and lies they buy into, such as Hispanic immigrants refuse to ‘assimilate,’ they’re here just to ‘make money,’ not out of a desire to be free and become Americans, that they ‘hate’ America, and that they think much of America is ‘part of Mexico.’

As long as conservatives and republicans continue to exhibit this kind of ignorance and hate toward Hispanics, they can never expect Latinos to vote for them in any great number.

And Hispanics are a unique minority in the United States, in that many were here long before the majority arrived from Europe during the 19th Century.
When someone's argument is based on telling others what they "perceive" and "buy into," you know they are just stomping their feet and insisting that everyone agree with them.
No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy as you say, only the desire to enjoy the freedoms and fruits of ones labor in a safe and secure . The ability to accumulate wealth and provide for their family is of paramount concern, which is demonstrated by the flow of dollars back to their families south of the boarder. Most if not all countries south of the boarder are dominated by cronyism, graft, strong centralized governments dominated by a political elite class. The fundamental belief that one is not constrained and destined to live their lives bound within a cast system is the driving force behind their migration north. So its safe to conclude that given their demonstrated work ethic, belief in family, and unwavering faith in God that they have closer ties to the party that provides the essential ingredients to achieve and realize their dreams.

Pandering? Now which party is the king of pandering?

No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy? Really? If a man wears a $1000 suit there is no such thing as making too much money but if a man wears a coverall it's different story. If you don't worship the rich then it must just look that way when compared to the bile and derision heaped upon the American working person by the right anytime they get up the guts to stand up for themselves and fight for their pay, pensions, vacations, etc. where is your respect for their dreams and ambitions in a country where the working class has not seen wage growth in decades? All that crap you just said was bullshit, you and the republicans are not fooling anyone with that false saccharine devotion to principals you abandoned years ago for the corporatist snake-oil of "free" trade and trickle down voodoo.

No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy? Really? If a man wears a $1000 suit there is no such thing as making too much money but if a man wears a coverall it's different story. If you don't worship the rich then it must just look that way when compared to the bile and derision heaped upon the American working person by the right anytime they get up the guts to stand up for themselves and fight for their pay, pensions, vacations, etc. where is your respect for their dreams and ambitions in a country where the working class has not seen wage growth in decades? All that crap you just said was bullshit, you and the republicans are not fooling anyone with that false saccharine devotion to principals you abandoned years ago for the corporatist snake-oil of "free" trade and trickle down voodoo.

(start vid before reading)

Oh, the drama! Oh, the emotion! Oh, the humanity! Why oh why must this world be so unworthy of the heartfelt concern and enlightened brilliance of those like you? YOU, who would lead us out of the darkness and into the light of glorious day if only the machinations of evil men might be overcome by the power of proletariat unity and righteousness? Why won't the collective eyes of the laboring classes turn to you as one and beseech you to guide them out of the pits of despair and oppression and into that glorious day? Why? WHY? WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY???????????????


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No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy? Really? If a man wears a $1000 suit there is no such thing as making too much money but if a man wears a coverall it's different story. If you don't worship the rich then it must just look that way when compared to the bile and derision heaped upon the American working person by the right anytime they get up the guts to stand up for themselves and fight for their pay, pensions, vacations, etc. where is your respect for their dreams and ambitions in a country where the working class has not seen wage growth in decades? All that crap you just said was bullshit, you and the republicans are not fooling anyone with that false saccharine devotion to principals you abandoned years ago for the corporatist snake-oil of "free" trade and trickle down voodoo.

(start vid before reading)

Oh, the drama! Oh, the emotion! Oh, the humanity! Why oh why must this world be so unworthy of the heartfelt concern and enlightened brilliance of those like you? YOU, who would lead us out of the darkness and into the light of glorious day if only the machinations of evil men might be overcome by the power of proletariat unity and righteousness? Why won't the collective eyes of the laboring classes turn to you as one and beseech you to guide them out of the pits of despair and oppression and into that glorious day? Why? WHY? WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY???????????????


Your full unquestioning support for our Chinese job creators and contempt for the American working man has been noted.
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No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy? Really? If a man wears a $1000 suit there is no such thing as making too much money but if a man wears a coverall it's different story. If you don't worship the rich then it must just look that way when compared to the bile and derision heaped upon the American working person by the right anytime they get up the guts to stand up for themselves and fight for their pay, pensions, vacations, etc. where is your respect for their dreams and ambitions in a country where the working class has not seen wage growth in decades? All that crap you just said was bullshit, you and the republicans are not fooling anyone with that false saccharine devotion to principals you abandoned years ago for the corporatist snake-oil of "free" trade and trickle down voodoo.

(start vid before reading)

Oh, the drama! Oh, the emotion! Oh, the humanity! Why oh why must this world be so unworthy of the heartfelt concern and enlightened brilliance of those like you? YOU, who would lead us out of the darkness and into the light of glorious day if only the machinations of evil men might be overcome by the power of proletariat unity and righteousness? Why won't the collective eyes of the laboring classes turn to you as one and beseech you to guide them out of the pits of despair and oppression and into that glorious day? Why? WHY? WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY???????????????


Your full unquestioning support for our Chinese job creators and contempt for the American working man has been noted.

(start vid again)

Why can't the workers of the world unite behind YOU as YOU know they should? Why? Haven't you given them all identical blue suits with matching caps? Haven't you told them to memorize your little red book? Don't they know that only YOU can lead them out of the jungle of individual merit, competition, risk and reward, potential, profit, effort, success and failure and into the sweet promised land of mindless communal bliss? Why, I say, why?

(play vid again if needed)
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No one has a worshipful attitude toward the wealthy as you say, only the desire to enjoy the freedoms and fruits of ones labor in a safe and secure . The ability to accumulate wealth and provide for their family is of paramount concern, which is demonstrated by the flow of dollars back to their families south of the boarder. Most if not all countries south of the boarder are dominated by cronyism, graft, strong centralized governments dominated by a political elite class. The fundamental belief that one is not constrained and destined to live their lives bound within a cast system is the driving force behind their migration north. So its safe to conclude that given their demonstrated work ethic, belief in family, and unwavering faith in God that they have closer ties to the party that provides the essential ingredients to achieve and realize their dreams.

Pandering? Now which party is the king of pandering?

If more republicans followed the Constitution and its case law, rather than ignorance and hate, both the Party and Nation would be much better off.

.....But......, just as well.


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

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