Goodbye Liberal Dinosaurs...

Nov 1, 2009
The last of the baby boomer leftist dinosaurs is finally in power trying their very best marxist schemes with their communist healthcare, tax the rich, punish big biz, etc., schemes in full force. Yet their approval ratings are in the toilet.

Then today we see a liberal repub stepping aside for a conservative candidate to win a house seat and two other conservative governors ahead in the polls and increasing their leads today. That along with Richard Lindzen of MIT exposing the global warming hoax and an $800B porkulus scheme that created no jobs, has pretty much finished off the last best hope of the kook-fringe left.

I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...
I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress.

I'll bet you expected McCain to win the election last year too didn't you.
"Rumors of my demise are greatly exagerated."
The last of the baby boomer leftist dinosaurs is finally in power trying their very best marxist schemes with their communist healthcare, tax the rich, punish big biz, etc., schemes in full force. Yet their approval ratings are in the toilet.

Then today we see a liberal repub stepping aside for a conservative candidate to win a house seat and two other conservative governors ahead in the polls and increasing their leads today. That along with Richard Lindzen of MIT exposing the global warming hoax and an $800B porkulus scheme that created no jobs, has pretty much finished off the last best hope of the kook-fringe left.

I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...

I sincerely hope that you are correct.
I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress.

I'll bet you expected McCain to win the election last year too didn't you.
"Rumors of my demise are greatly exagerated."

No, did you?
Dinosaurs? Republicans don't believe in "dinosaurs". They believe in "magical creation".
The last of the baby boomer leftist dinosaurs is finally in power trying their very best marxist schemes with their communist healthcare, tax the rich, punish big biz, etc., schemes in full force. Yet their approval ratings are in the toilet.

Then today we see a liberal repub stepping aside for a conservative candidate to win a house seat and two other conservative governors ahead in the polls and increasing their leads today. That along with Richard Lindzen of MIT exposing the global warming hoax and an $800B porkulus scheme that created no jobs, has pretty much finished off the last best hope of the kook-fringe left.

I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...

Wishing doesn't make it so, dear. The oldest boomers turned 63 this year and the youngest turned only 45. So we'll be around for a long time yet. Rock out!!! :lol:
I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress.

I'll bet you expected McCain to win the election last year too didn't you.
"Rumors of my demise are greatly exagerated."

No, I expected McCain - or any other GOP candidate who ran - to get his ass kicked by the Obamanation.

Hopefully, you're right and both the GOP and the DNC get their asses kicked in '10. Personally, I can't think of one of the current bunch of corrupt self-serving bastards that I'd elect dog catcher.

And, just a point... the quote "The rumors of my death have been greattly exaggerated" is Mark Twain. What's your point with that?
Any one with brains enough to be able pour piss out of a boot with the directions written on the boot heel knew Mccain was doomed as soon as he embraced TARP.
I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...
If the GOP gains seats in 2010 it will only be because white people vote in bigger numbers in off year elections. That may actually become the norm for awhile, until white people become the minority; white voters make conservative gains in off year elections, then lose power in "regular" elections.

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The last of the baby boomer leftist dinosaurs is finally in power trying their very best marxist schemes with their communist healthcare, tax the rich, punish big biz, etc., schemes in full force. Yet their approval ratings are in the toilet.

Then today we see a liberal repub stepping aside for a conservative candidate to win a house seat and two other conservative governors ahead in the polls and increasing their leads today. That along with Richard Lindzen of MIT exposing the global warming hoax and an $800B porkulus scheme that created no jobs, has pretty much finished off the last best hope of the kook-fringe left.

I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...

The simple demographics are that the people that voted Republican in the last election were mostly near my age, born in the 40s and 50s. The people born from 70 on voted mostly Democratic.

Most of this new demographic are much more aware of the living conditions and policies in Europe and the first world nations of Asia than my demograpic are. They want to have a real health care system in this nation. They also are aware of the much vaster chasm between the working people and the wealthy here and those in other industrial nations.

The demographics seem to state that your vision is a pipe dream.
And democrats believe their grand daddy was a Chimpanzee.

and fundies believe the earth is 6,000 years old. :cuckoo:

Though I do find it amusing when people don't understand the fundamentals of evolution.


As for the fallacious premise of the OP... things cycle... sometimes one group is up... other times the other group is... that's life.

and i'd say with 365 electoral votes, the concept of "liberal dinosaurs" is pretty goofy... particularly given that the only demographic Obama lost was older white men.

go figure.
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I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...
If the GOP gains seats in 2010 it will only be because white people vote in bigger numbers in off year elections. That may actually become the norm for awhile, until white people become the minority; white voters make conservative gains in off year elections, then lose power in "regular" elections.


What white people are you talking about??? It sounds as though you're saying we all vote for GOP candidates.
I expect to see a lot of conservative candidates running in the house and senate elections in 2010 and winning a majority in at least one of the two chambers of congress. The lame duck hussein will have no bills to sign so he will just play golf every day and help his wife tend her little if she did the manual labor to grow those veggies...c'mon people. How stupid are you? And that is the end of the kook-fringe left in America...
If the GOP gains seats in 2010 it will only be because white people vote in bigger numbers in off year elections. That may actually become the norm for awhile, until white people become the minority; white voters make conservative gains in off year elections, then lose power in "regular" elections.


What white people are you talking about??? It sounds as though you're saying we all vote for GOP candidates.

Not all white people vote for the GOP. For instance, the educated don't. But, conversely, nearly all the GOP are white.

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