Good people


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Today in American money, sports, and fame are worshiped, but in so diverse a society, some still do really good things and like Jonas Salk do it for more than just money or fame.

'Web site celebrates often unknown scientists who have saved lives'

"Clarissa Cantacuzene, 8, was born with a serious heart condition that was repaired when she was a baby. The surgical technique used was created by scientist Alfred Blalock more than 50 years ago and has saved thousands of children since then. Now a completely healthy second-grader, with no physical limitations, Clarissa says of her heart condition, "I'm glad they found out quickly what it was, and I'm glad they fixed it quickly."

Alfred Sommer found that Vitamin A supplements can save children's lives.

Who are the most famous scientists you know? Maybe Thomas Edison is one. How about Galileo or Charles Darwin? These men are considered, in order, the fathers of electricity, astronomy and evolution."

Web site celebrates often unknown scientists who have saved lives

Science Heroes News
In a society that seems to worship the superficial, it is good to see that someone is celebrating the accomplishments that have truly affected our lives.

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