Good News On European Located US Military Sites


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
They are being closed, quietly for sure:;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

U.S. Army to Close Facility in Luxembourg

Fri Mar 17, 12:48 PM ET

The U.S. Army said Friday it will close a Cold War-era facility in Luxembourg where it stored equipment and materiel used to quickly supply troops on military deployments.

The Army Field Support Brigade said the facility in Bettembourg would be closed by the end of September. The closure is part of the U.S. military's worldwide repositioning of forces.

The site, which opened in 1978 during the height of the Cold War, employs 11 military personnel, three Department of Defense officials and 11 locals. Another 213 contractors are assigned to the site.

The military, Defense Department and local workers will be reassigned, according to the brigade, which said the closure will save some $28 million per year.

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