Good News! Kerry Rescued by New York Times


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Whew. That was close. Earlier this week, Hanoi John’s campaign looked like a goner.

First was the disastrous interview with Charlie Gibson on Good Morning America, where HJ came off as a truculent, arrogant jerk lying through his teeth.

Then came the $1,000 Haircut, with HJ flying his personal hairdresser from Washington to a speaking event in Pennsylvania in Tuh-RAY-zuh’s $35 million private jet for a hair “touchup.” (Note: That’s what the press calculated -- flying a Gulfstream V from DC to PA and back costs thousands of dollars alone.)

The third whammy came when the Village Voice ran an op-ed titled “John Kerry Must Go.” Here’s an excerpt:

With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go.

When the Village Voice -- that ultimate bastion of chi-chi-goo-goo liberalism -- pronounces a Democrat politically deceased, call for the hearse.

And these are only three examples of a legion of doom and gloom articles permeating the liberal alphabet media. I was beginning to panic. They’re figuring it out that Kerry will be lucky to carry Massachusetts, the Dem power boys are going to dump him for sure, he’ll never make it through the nominating convention in late July... these were the worry-wort thoughts racing through my brain. And then the Gray Lady came to the rescue.

Kerry Turns Tables on Bush and Cheney Over War Records blared a front page headline in the New York Times on April 27, just in the nick of time. This puff piece, touting a “provocative four-page handout headlined, ‘Key Unanswered Questions: Bush's Record in the National Guard’” passed out by campaign staff, was a signal to all the Kerry-doubters in the liberal ranks to keep flogging Kerry’s dead horse.

As long as the NYT keeps flogging away, there’s still hope the “Dim Dems” won’t recognize Kerry is DOA, even in the face of evidence like op-eds popping up all over the country describing Kerry and his wife as “The Gigolo and the Gold Digger.”

Or try this on: Without irony or sarcasm, the Democrat-leaning The Hill magazine (as in Capitol Hill, a report that goes out to all Congressional offices) ran this item today, April 30:

Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) presidential campaign is assembling a "Team B" group of advisors to craft a political strategy for catastrophic events, such as a terrorist attack on the United States before the election, the capture of Osama bin Laden, a vast improvement in the economy, or any other event that could alter the political zeitgeist in 2004.

So -- the Democrats look upon the capture of Bin Laden or a vast improvement in the economy as a catastrophe, equivalent to a terrorist attack on their country.

Rest assured. As long as the New York Times remains blinded by bitterness towards the Bush Presidency, the resolute march of the Democrats to Kerry Hara-Kiri in November will continue.
Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) presidential campaign is assembling a "Team B" group of advisors to craft a political strategy for catastrophic events, such as a terrorist attack on the United States before the election, the capture of Osama bin Laden, a vast improvement in the economy, or any other event that could alter the political zeitgeist in 2004.

We have heard this theme before, what is good for the country is bad for the democrats. Sad
Sad,but no surprise. Why would the NYT want the best man for the country as opposed to the Liberal man? And uh...isn't Bush's military record old news. That looks really desperate. I think it's pretty funny that they have to assemble a special team for good things that might happen.

What are they going to do if Osama is caught-try to tell everyone how bad of a thing that is? LOL And if another horrible event happens-I guess they will drag this country throught turmoil trying to fight with Bush and blame it on him. The economy,allready lookin good. My husband and I are in the process of buying a home(closing in 2 weeks) and we got locked in at a great interest rate a couple weeks ago. My mom however is getting ready to sell her home,and can't get the same rate allready. Financial guy we are using says they are rising quickly because the economy is getting strong.

Bottom line,the NYT will always be on the Dems side. I personally don't see why the media world holds them up on such a pedestal. Kerry is not going to have much to harp on other than the loss of lives in Iraq,which Bush has done a great job reassuring the country about thus far. I don't think they should be used in any campaign though-looks kinda bad. NYT stinks!
The other day, Falugah was under heavy fire. MAny insurgents were killed as well as US soldiers. It got 24 hour air-play on the News networks. So what does the NYT run with as its top-fold story? An interview with John Kerry's Butler on how he's such a normal guy. The ironic part is that it showed just how out of touch he is with the rest of the world. It described how this guys only job is to be at Mr. Kerry's beck and call 24/7. How he has bottled water chilled to 40 degrees uncapped and at the ready should John need it. How he makes he PB & J on "wheat bread" for the campaign trail. Yep just like the rest of us regular slobs.
The other day, Falugah was under heavy fire. MAny insurgents were killed as well as US soldiers. It got 24 hour air-play on the News networks.

What are they going to do if Osama is caught-try to tell everyone how bad of a thing that is?

You know, if I didn't know better I'd think you were all concerned with a war or something. Gee, doesn't everyone have a butler and a wife/husband worth $500 mil? So he's running for president, what else would a giggalo do? Bring her a PBJ?
Two things to mention, first the economy WILL NOT improve. Energy prices are skyrocketing, which will increase the costs of nearly all consumer goods. Cost increases will squeeze consumer pocketbooks and cause them to buy less. The economy is not going to improve anytime soon, regardless of who gets elected. We are in too deep of a hole right now.

As for Osama...I wouldn't put it past Bush, if he's captured well before the election, to keep it secret until a day or two before the election and then unleash a media blitz. Reagan did the same thing by convincing the Ayatollah Khomeini to hold off on releasing the hostages until after he was in office.

Originally posted by acludem
Two things to mention, first the economy WILL NOT improve. Energy prices are skyrocketing, which will increase the costs of nearly all consumer goods. Cost increases will squeeze consumer pocketbooks and cause them to buy less. The economy is not going to improve anytime soon, regardless of who gets elected. We are in too deep of a hole right now.

Here is a better picture of the economy.
Reagan did not have to say a word to the Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Khomeini realized he would be on the receiving end of a shit storm if he did not release the hostages.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Reagan did not have to say a word to the Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Khomeini realized he would be on the receiving end of a shit storm if he did not release the hostages.

I searched the Internet for an hour this morning trying to see if acludem's statement held any water..........obvious waste of time. :D

There was a book by Gary Sick or Slick that tried to make the arguement that Reagan somehow made the Ayatolla Assahola hold up the release until 1/20/80, but I found more sites debunking that theory then supporting it.

They released them out of fear that they would all get their asses kicked. (rightly so)

Back to your regular scheduled program..............
Honestly, though, if the Village Voice is upset enough that they don't even want Kerry nominated, how does that fare for Kerry? Where will the Left vote go, if not to Kerry? Nader? The Green candidate?

If the liberal base is unhappy with Kerry, he's really screwed.
Originally posted by acludem
Two things to mention, first the economy WILL NOT improve. Energy prices are skyrocketing, which will increase the costs of nearly all consumer goods. Cost increases will squeeze consumer pocketbooks and cause them to buy less. The economy is not going to improve anytime soon, regardless of who gets elected. We are in too deep of a hole right now.

As for Osama...I wouldn't put it past Bush, if he's captured well before the election, to keep it secret until a day or two before the election and then unleash a media blitz. Reagan did the same thing by convincing the Ayatollah Khomeini to hold off on releasing the hostages until after he was in office.


acludem,I,being someone that goes to the grocery store probably 3 times a week,will back up that prices are up. But,I still am spending about the same and am having no major squeeze on the pocketbook.and getting the same amount of food.. Prices are going to go up,it's a fact of life. I see as the real reason for it the Saudi's cutting production of oil,which has made prices go up. Of course then,it costs more to transport the milk,pop,whatever. This is not G.W.'s fault. Put the blame where it lies,with our "good friends" the Saudis.
Things that are important to the economy have been very strong,such as home sales,great interest rates that are slowly climbing because the economy is getting better. My husband is a supervisor for a drywall company and they are staying very busy working on new homes. Good sign IMO.Not to mention a growing stronger and over 10,000 stock market.For some reason,when Clinton was in office,the media made such a fuss over the stock market being over 10,000. But with Bush,doesn't seem to be the big deal.

Damn, pet, you REALLY need to get with the program. You are such a lackey of the Republican attack machine that it is sad. Don't you realize that EVERYTHING is W.'s fault? President Bush is the root of all evil. If it weren't for Bush, we never would have had The Great Depression, we NEVER would have been bombed at Pearl Harbor, we never would have gotten bogged down in Vietnam, and The Beatles NEVER would have broken up. In fact, Yoko was a CIA operative, one who was sent by Bush senior to infiltrate & destroy The Beatles. The only reason this happened is because W. Bush liked the Rolling Stones a lot more and felt that they were getting the shaft. Matter of fact, I remember reading on the old Dean Blog that Bush was seen with Courtney Love the same day Kurt "killed" himself. I also have it on good authority that Bush's saliva DNA was found on all of those anthrax letters. Plus, he likes to trip old people and kick puppies.

On a personal note, I KNOW that evil Bush is out to get me. Just today, I cut myself shaving. I can't prove it, but I know that he had SOMETHING to do with it. Can't you people understand that when Clinton came into office, ALL problems disappeared. From January 20th, 1993 to January 20th, 2001, there were no homeless people, AIDS was cured, there were no more cloudy days, and there was no pain....because he "felt our pain." In fact, I read on a very reputable web site that Bush likes to go out on Thursday nights, kick homeless people out of their box houses, and, then, set their cardboard homes on fire.....JUST FOR KICKS! Plus, the fact that Bush speaks to God shows how dangerous he is, especially compared to the enlightened methods used by Clinton.

In Time of Crisis:

Bush: "Lord, please lead me to the right path for the good of my fellow Americans and the rest of humanity."

Clinton: "Play with my balls and don't drag your teeth, bitch!"

WOW! What a great leader!

For the love of fuc&ing Joss, haven't I told you people why pinko commie libs hold these conspiracy theories so dear to their hearts?

You guys have the Reagan deal mostly correct. In addition to releasing the hostages because of their fear of Reagan's wrath, they ALSO wanted to humiliate Peanut Carter for his impotent attempt to rescue the hostages with his half-assed plan to project American might by crashing two helicopters; Iran feared Reagan, they laughed at Carter.

Beyond being pathetically & tragically sad that liberals wish the worst for America, it just shows how they root for the bad guys, even if it is in an indirect manner.


November 2nd is coming soon....get out the Jim Jones juice.

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