Good Documentary About Mormonism

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
My Father was raised a Mormon and went back to the Church after about a 30 year lapse. After having done a bit of research about Mormonism I found a documentary that pretty much sums it up:


It looks outdated but it's really not, the information presented is accurate.

Again, after having done some research, I asked my Dad two questions and here are his responses:

Was Joseph Smith a Free Mason when he founded the Mormon Church?
"Uh, yes".
Are there two levels of information given out in the Church? One for the masses that attend services and another for the Leaders?

Free Masonry is the same. One level that's presented to the public. They can wear crappy clothes and say what they want because they really don't matter.
But then there's the ruling elite with their ceremonies and secret handshakes who control things.

I didn't ask him about his "magic undergarments", "3 levels of heaven" or "Jesus and his brother Lucifer". I'd heard enough.

After watching this, search "mormon free mason" on YouTube for more interesting documentaries.

My Father was raised a Mormon and went back to the Church after about a 30 year lapse. After having done a bit of research about Mormonism I found a documentary that pretty much sums it up:


It looks outdated but it's really not, the information presented is accurate.

Again, after having done some research, I asked my Dad two questions and here are his responses:

Was Joseph Smith a Free Mason when he founded the Mormon Church?
"Uh, yes".
Are there two levels of information given out in the Church? One for the masses that attend services and another for the Leaders?

Free Masonry is the same. One level that's presented to the public. They can wear crappy clothes and say what they want because they really don't matter.
But then there's the ruling elite with their ceremonies and secret handshakes who control things.

I didn't ask him about his "magic undergarments", "3 levels of heaven" or "Jesus and his brother Lucifer". I'd heard enough.

After watching this, search "mormon free mason" on YouTube for more interesting documentaries.


So many Freemasons in history:

Who are some famous Freemasons in US History?
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Harry Mason Reid has said, he would have dropped out of law school, as he was broke and had a family to care for, had it not have been for his Mormon religion, who saw to it, that he was able to finish law school.

Harry Mason Reid - Mormon - Mason? - False Left-right? ( other links available there )


The church paid for his transmission. Reid graduated, went on to become a millionaire lawyer and eventually, the majority whip of the United States Senate.

"I'm sorry to admit now I would have quit," Reid said. "I think I was looking for a way out."

Without the church, he said, "I don't think I would have made it out of law school or been able to do as well with my family."
My Dad told me recently that If I joined the church I would rise very quickly to it's upper ranks. Now I know why.

Not gonna' happen though.

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