Gonna keep calling Obama’s General “Betrayus”, Liberals?

MoveOn.org Ad Takes Aim at Petraeus - ABC News


Probably about as Likely as you Holding your President to his Promise to get out of Iraq and Close Gitmo... :lol:



Move on is more than a dot org.

Move On is a progressive-left group. It does not represent the majority views of liberals or even I dare say, progressives.

It's like saying conservative groups like the White Citizen's Committees represent the views of all conservatives.

MoveOn.org Ad Takes Aim at Petraeus - ABC News


Probably about as Likely as you Holding your President to his Promise to get out of Iraq and Close Gitmo... :lol:



Move on is more than a dot org.

Move On is a progressive-left group. It does not represent the majority views of liberals or even I dare say, progressives.

It's like saying conservative groups like the White Citizen's Committees represent the views of all conservatives.



If only I had said "all", eh Dante... :lol:


MoveOn.org Ad Takes Aim at Petraeus - ABC News


Probably about as Likely as you Holding your President to his Promise to get out of Iraq and Close Gitmo... :lol:



Move on is more than a dot org.

Move On is a progressive-left group. It does not represent the majority views of liberals or even I dare say, progressives.

It's like saying conservative groups like the White Citizen's Committees represent the views of all conservatives.



If only I had said "all", eh Dante... :lol:



your own Thread Headliner: Gonna keep calling Obama’s General “Betrayus”, Liberals?


...but in your case, we'll make an exception.
Their beloved Hopey Changey seems to like the guy quite a bit no? I think it's hilarious that he's the one who will now take control in Afghanistan. Kind of a kick in the nuts for the Moveon.org Liberal wankers. lol! :)
mal, you should post this at moveon.org if the site still exists because you are barking up the wrong tree directing this towards "liberals." They are the ones who called him that and they speak for just themselves.

Besides, he's been the CENTCOM Commander (a premier job) for Obama's entire term so far and there hasn't been a "Betrayus" peep since those hearings those a couple of years ago. So why would that change now that he's taking command in A-Stan?

It's funny that you posted the strawman pic at Dante considering your OP is kinda strawman-y itself.

Troll harder next time.

mal, you should post this at moveon.org if the site still exists because you are barking up the wrong tree directing this towards "liberals." They are the ones who called him that and they speak for just themselves.

Besides, he's been the CENTCOM Commander (a premier job) for Obama's entire term so far and there hasn't been a "Betrayus" peep since those hearings those a couple of years ago. So why would that change now that he's taking command in A-Stan?

It's funny that you posted the strawman pic at Dante considering your OP is kinda strawman-y itself.

Troll harder next time.


the silence from the loud mouth is deafening. :eusa_whistle:
Oh now the Liberal Wankers like Petraeus? My God,these people are such dishonest frauds. Suddenly he's no longer a "Traitor." Why the sudden change of heart on the guy? Hmm?
Oh now the Liberal Wankers like Petraeus? My God,these people are such dishonest frauds. Suddenly he's no longer a "Traitor." Why the sudden change of heart on the guy? Hmm?

Again, go take a walk over to moveon.org and run your mouth. I've never had a problem with Petraeus. Not one bit.

You know what? This site's archives go back a LONG way ... I challenge you pull up some posts from the time of those hearings where liberals here referred to him as General "Betrayus" or called him a traitor.
Oh now the Liberal Wankers like Petraeus? My God,these people are such dishonest frauds. Suddenly he's no longer a "Traitor." Why the sudden change of heart on the guy? Hmm?

Again, go take a walk over to moveon.org and run your mouth. I've never had a problem with Petraeus. Not one bit.

You know what? This site's archives go back a LONG way ... I challenge you pull up some posts from the time of those hearings where liberals here referred to him as General "Betrayus" or called him a traitor.

So you are saying that liberals in general did not jump on the "Patreus sucks ass" bandwagon?

Be careful. You dont want to be proven wrong.....do you?
Now the Hopey Changey Butt-Sniffers are just embarrassing themselves. Now they suddenly love Petraeus and he's no longer a "Traitor." Who do these people think they're fooling? What a joke.
Oh now the Liberal Wankers like Petraeus? My God,these people are such dishonest frauds. Suddenly he's no longer a "Traitor." Why the sudden change of heart on the guy? Hmm?

Again, go take a walk over to moveon.org and run your mouth. I've never had a problem with Petraeus. Not one bit.

You know what? This site's archives go back a LONG way ... I challenge you pull up some posts from the time of those hearings where liberals here referred to him as General "Betrayus" or called him a traitor.

So you are saying that liberals in general did not jump on the "Patreus sucks ass" bandwagon?

Be careful. You dont want to be proven wrong.....do you?

No, I'm not saying that at all. It's no secret that the liberals didn't like him but I'm certainly saying that it was far from "liberals in general" who were calling him Betrayus or a traitor. That was the fringe.

Obama doubted Petraeus and Petraeus proved him, and a lot of other people wrong. I doubt Obama forgot that and it's probably the number one reason why he's getting the assignment taking over A-Stan ... other than OBama being a pussy for firing McChrystal, of course, but that's another story. Personally, I can't think of anyone better to take the job. One of the few good decisions POTUS has made in a while.
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Now the Hopey Changey Butt-Sniffers are just embarrassing themselves. Now they suddenly love Petraeus and he's no longer a "Traitor." Who do these people think they're fooling? What a joke.

What a shock you ignored the challenge and just repeated what you just said.

You really are useless.
Perhaps Mal and his buddy Libo could name some members of USMB who called him "Betrayus". After all, as Art said, these archives go years back.

Who am I kidding though? This thread is just another troll piece by Mal who's trying his best to garner more attention to feed his inflated ego. His buddy Libo is more than happy to pal along, goodness knows he has nothing to do other than worship at the altar of Ron Paul daily.
LOL! Hopey Changey Butt-Sniffers continuing to lie about calling Petraeus a "Traitor" back in the day really is classic. These people have no shame. What a bunch of lying douche bags.
LOL! Hopey Changey Butt-Sniffers continuing to lie about calling Petraeus a "Traitor" back in the day really is classic. These people have no shame. What a bunch of lying douche bags.

You do realize your posts amount to pretty much spam right?
LOL! Hopey Changey Butt-Sniffers continuing to lie about calling Petraeus a "Traitor" back in the day really is classic. These people have no shame. What a bunch of lying douche bags.


I was either unable to find anything or I'm too fucking stupid and I can't figure out how to work the advance search thingy.
Gonna keep calling Obama’s General “Betrayus”, Liberals?

it is a nonsensical sentence. I am a liberal and I NEVER called General Petraeus by any name other than his own.

Moveon.org is the loony left... I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of their organization.

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