God is a Black Man,Africa is original garden of Eden.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have reason to believe that God is a Black man, and the Africa is the original Garden of Eden. No other continent has such a wide variety of Animals, and so much archeological information, identifying Black people as the first humans to walk the Earth and to form
civilized societies. The Bible does saw that he made man from the soil of the Earth, which in many parts of Africa is Black , to a redish brown color. The garden of Eden was not in
what is now Iraq, but on the African continent, were the first humans walked the Earth.
I have reason to believe that God is a Black man, and the Africa is the original Garden of Eden. No other continent has such a wide variety of Animals, and so much archeological information, identifying Black people as the first humans to walk the Earth and to form
civilized societies. The Bible does saw that he made man from the soil of the Earth, which in many parts of Africa is Black , to a redish brown color. The garden of Eden was not in
what is now Iraq, but on the African continent, were the first humans walked the Earth.

Glad you got that off your chest.
If God is a black man, that would explain why so many black children are not taken care of.
disagree no black man would go to this much trouble and fuck things up this bad......i am pretty sure god is a woman.....:eusa_whistle:
You know that's pretty interesting because I have reason to believe that God is a Black man also, and that Africa was the original location of The Garden of Eden. No other continent has such a wide variety of Animals. Also, there is so much archeological information identifying Black people as the first humans to walk the Earth and to form civilized societies. The Bible does say that He made man from the soil of the Earth, which in many parts of Africa is Black, to a reddish brown color. The Garden of Eden was not in what is now Iraq, but on the African continent, where the first humans walked the Earth. So I guess we can go ahead and blame Black people for all the worlds' problems now seeing as how they started it all. I'm glad we can come to this agreement 52nd Street.

Wow, that's sure is a weight off my shoulders!
Well GOD did knock up some nice Jewish girl who was ALREADY married, and then left her and her child to fend for themselves, so you may be onto something there.
Well GOD did knock up some nice Jewish girl who was ALREADY married, and then left her and her child to fend for themselves, so you may be onto something there.

You've failed to mention the trouble he caused with Leda and the whole swan thing. God and Bill Clinton have a lot in common, it appears. Both have difficulties keeping their, ummm, swords sheathed.
I have reason to believe that God is a Black man, and the Africa is the original Garden of Eden. No other continent has such a wide variety of Animals, and so much archeological information, identifying Black people as the first humans to walk the Earth and to form
civilized societies. The Bible does saw that he made man from the soil of the Earth, which in many parts of Africa is Black , to a redish brown color. The garden of Eden was not in
what is now Iraq, but on the African continent, were the first humans walked the Earth.

What would you prefer? The simply stated "Idiot?"..technically disengenuous "Black idiot?" the old but reliable "Negro idiot?" The popuplar "African American idiot?"
Was Jesus black? And if he was, then his you-know-what would've been apparent when he was hanging from the cross with only a loin cloth to hide his no-no spot. Maybe that's why hs is depicted as white man in churches - so as to not tempt women with his huge holy schlong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81ibVbxkjnA&feature=related]YouTube - 5 South Park Songs from Christian Rock Hard (great quality)[/ame]
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

You are one weird puppy. Did your god make those monkey/chimps that solve thier fights by having homosexual sex? They live real close to your original human blah blah blah
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

You are one weird puppy. Did your god make those monkey/chimps that solve thier fights by having homosexual sex? They live real close to your original human blah blah blah

No, but the Black mad scientist Jacob created a White cracker asshole ,Homo sucka butt
race called White people.Who are trying to legalize their Homo butt jamming ways.
Does this answer your question.?!
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

Oh, you're right! Jeez, I hope a lightning bolt doesn't shoot out of the sky to smite me!! Wait, or will God be more gangsta than that? Will he do a drive-by and shoot me with his holy A-K from the Pope-mobile?

Do you think Jesus could rap for the Deathrow Label since he was, in a way, on Deathrow but was actually executed? If Jesus was black, don't you think the holy sacrament should be fried chiken and grape koolaid instead of bread and wine?

White people aren't becoming the most hated race in the world, we already are! Haven't you seen what my ancestors have done for the last 600 years! We've killed everyone who wasn't white and Christian. We're so hated that I even know white people who really wish they were black.

Either way, it doesn't matter what color Jesus was. It just matters that he preached love, peace, equality, and kindness to others. Something those that worship him would do well to heed.

And I'm sure God knows I'm joking and is maybe even laughing. Its just the religious stiffs, like you, who have a problem with humor.
Some of you must have forgot to read the book before doing the book reviews. God is a spirit not a man. His son is the Word that was with God from the beginning. Eden is the garden of pleasure. If in fact you do believe then you know that the garden obviously belongs to God. The soul of Man was created from the breath of God when He breathed into that thing He called man (adam) that He created from the dust of the earth and therefore it is neither black or white in form. Eve (life) was taken out from within man (flesh).

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