GM Volt's price induces some sticker shock

Frankly, I find the idea of the Volt a good one, but from a an engineering standpoint and a marketing standpoint GM does as usual seem to be a day late and a dollar short on this. It appears that Nissan has one-upped GM in this area our 50 Billion dollar investment not-withstanding.

However it's worth saying here that the Volt represents a potential as does the Leaf, the Tessla and others as a first step in ending our nations slavery to middle eastern oil. From a simple point of view we can all agree that purchasing fuel from the middle east , funds all of the groups that we are currently enganged in. So each time we go to the pump in a small way we contribute to those groups. If these cars represent a new direction and finally cutting the ties to the Middle East and Dictators that we purchase oil from then I'm all for that sort of investment.

As for speed, and performance like all new technologies, I am confident that given the opportunity these EV cars can compete quite well with the current I.C. type 's we drive today. I see cars like the Volt and the Leaf as bridge technologies, and given that the need for our current technology does not suddenly go away, but if it does lead to our own domestic energy solutions rather than sending them offshore then I am a strong supporter for that. If you consider that this nation each year sends over 850 Billion dollars a year offshore to other nations to purchase energy, imagine that money staying in this nation because of technologies like the Volt and the Leaf. Just something to ponder.

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