Globalist think tank: alter national identity to favor North American union

May 10, 2005
Globalist think tank explores most effective ways to shift Americans national identity and ideas of sovereignty into alignment with a "North American Consciousness"

Panelists see America as the "greatest obstacle" to "North American Integration"

Old-thinker news | Aug. 4, 2007

By Daniel Taylor

"This is how we will create a North American consciousness and a true North American Community. It will be forged in the heat of conflict, not through a rational discussion, as painful as that may be. It really cannot happen any other way." - Bruce Stokes, CFR Senior Fellow, speaking at the "Toward a North American Community?" conference, June 11, 2002

In reading a little noticed June 11, 2002 document (link) detailing a conference held by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, shocking revelations are made regarding the elite's plans to create a North American Union between Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America.

The "Toward a North American Community?" conference focused on the social and ideological aspects of the creation of a "North American Community", and prescribes ways to deal with nationalism and a belief in the sovereignty of ones own country; both obstacles to their plans. A "North American Consciousness" - an outlook absent of traditional beliefs in sovereignty, replaced by an international view favorable to globalism - is needed, the panelists conclude, that would support the "... economic, political, and social integration..." of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

More here: news/globalist_think_tank.htm
Here's the quote I like:

StoptheMadness1 said:
From the article:Another recommendation given by Golob is that,

"...the President and his inner circle could fuel its development from the top down by demonstrating to Congress and the media that the expansion of North American integration is in the national interest."

Ah - so, dissolving the nation is in the national interest. This is a sales job I've GOT to see!
the liberals want a one race one government world to keep real patriots subdued.

It is important to note that the North American Union agenda is not a "Liberal" or "Conservative" agenda. It is driven by corporate interests and elite groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations. The same goes for politics in general. The Democrats and Republicans are predominantly one in the same, and often serve themselves or the organizations which have them in their pockets - rather than the American people. It's freedom Vs. slavery, not Red Vs. Blue in this staged managed arena. If we can break through the false left/right paradigm we might have a chance of taking back America.
The Democrats and Republicans are predominantly one in the same, and often serve themselves or the organizations which have them in their pockets - rather than the American people. It's freedom Vs. slavery, not Red Vs. Blue in this staged managed arena. If we can break through the false left/right paradigm we might have a chance of taking back America.

I've been trying to get some of the hard-headed people on here to see this, but they refuse to accept that it could possibly be true.

There's no way our own government is betraying us!
It is important to note that the North American Union agenda is not a "Liberal" or "Conservative" agenda. It is driven by corporate interests and elite groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations. The same goes for politics in general. The Democrats and Republicans are predominantly one in the same, and often serve themselves or the organizations which have them in their pockets - rather than the American people. It's freedom Vs. slavery, not Red Vs. Blue in this staged managed arena. If we can break through the false left/right paradigm we might have a chance of taking back America.

what is your sugestion for dealing with the problem?
I just wish they would tell us what they propose people do about these theorys.

They make these claims that both parties are one and the same and then never say what people are supposed to do about it.

It always strikes me as attempt to get people to give up and not vote.

What good does that do anyone?
Except that there are no plans to integrate Canada and Mexico into the US.

Exactly how far up inside your ass is your head? The only thing that refutes the mountains of documentation of an impending NAU is that the government says it's not "exactly" true.

What reason do you have for believing the government?

Hey, if they did integrate Canada, maybe Americans would get a sound currency!

Yeah, it's called the Amero.

Wake up.
Exactly how far up inside your ass is your head? The only thing that refutes the mountains of documentation of an impending NAU is that the government says it's not "exactly" true.

What reason do you have for believing the government?

Yeah, it's called the Amero.

Wake up.

so you are an anarchist?
Except that there are no plans to integrate Canada and Mexico into the US.

Hey, if they did integrate Canada, maybe Americans would get a sound currency!

There are plans for North American integration, and with it comes a common currency between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This currency has been called the Amero. The word "Amero" - along with the concept - was first proposed by Herbert Grubel. Grubel is a top Canadian economist who has worked with the Canadian parliament in an advisory position. In his 1999 paper, "The Case for the Amero: The Econimics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union," he states that,

"On the day the North American Monetary Union is created - perhaps on January 1, 2010 - Canada, the United States, and Mexico will replace their national currencies with the amero."

Robert Pastor, who has been pushing for North American integration for several years, cites Grubel's paper and supports his proposal of a common currency.

Interestingly, the Council on Foreign Relations document "Building a North American Community" gives the date of 2010 for the major stages of integration to be completed.


Why would I want people to give up? I want you and others to begin seeing the true nature of the elite and take steps to stop their erosion of our sovereignty, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. This is our country, WE THE PEOPLE run our government. They are supposed to represent US, NOT corporate interests and agendas of nefarious organizations. Do you honestly see any difference between the two parties? Sure, they have their outward differences and fights, but at their core they are nearly identical. Take a look at what Bill Clinton's mentor, Carroll Quigley stated in his book "Tragedy and Hope",

"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies."
I just wish they would tell us what they propose people do about these theorys.

They make these claims that both parties are one and the same and then never say what people are supposed to do about it.

It always strikes me as attempt to get people to give up and not vote.

What good does that do anyone?

And what good does it do sitting around waiting for people to tell you what to do? Turn off that partisan crap that you listen to and do some original thinking. Refusing to be part of "THEM" is the first step.
Exactly how far up inside your ass is your head? The only thing that refutes the mountains of documentation of an impending NAU is that the government says it's not "exactly" true.

What reason do you have for believing the government?

Yeah, it's called the Amero.

Wake up.

I work in capital markets. There is absolutely no talk of the creation of a new currency within the capital markets. This talk of a new currency only occurs amongst conspiracy theorists on the Internet and the demagogues who fan the flames. And frankly, I'd rather listen to Wall Street - who have trillions on the line - than conspiracy theorists since they have everything on the line and the conspiracists have nothing.
There are plans for North American integration, and with it comes a common currency between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This currency has been called the Amero. The word "Amero" - along with the concept - was first proposed by Herbert Grubel. Grubel is a top Canadian economist who has worked with the Canadian parliament in an advisory position. In his 1999 paper, "The Case for the Amero: The Econimics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union," he states that,

"On the day the North American Monetary Union is created - perhaps on January 1, 2010 - Canada, the United States, and Mexico will replace their national currencies with the amero."

Robert Pastor, who has been pushing for North American integration for several years, cites Grubel's paper and supports his proposal of a common currency.

Interestingly, the Council on Foreign Relations document "Building a North American Community" gives the date of 2010 for the major stages of integration to be completed.

I have met Grubel. I think he is an intelligent economist. But his paper is not a de facto plan of monetary integration about to be carried out by three governments in total secrecy. It is merely a proposal. Do you not know the difference between the two?
I trust our President. He is the Decider and Commander in Chief. He knows what's best for ALL of us, especially the liberals who hate America, our freedom and our President, and who support the terrorists. If our President believes we need to take over Canadia and Mexico to keep us safe from the evil-doers, then I'm all for it too.

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