Global warming killing corals


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Coral reefs are dying around the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia at rates that may be the worst ever recorded, scientists said this week.

Death rates as high as 80 percent have been recorded for some species, according to the study performed by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University.

“It is certainly the worst coral die-off we have seen since 1998. It may prove to be the worst such event known to science,” said Andrew Baird, a principal research fellow for James Cook University in Australia.

Dive operators reported water temperatures were 4 degrees Centigrade higher than average during the die-off, according to the ARC report.

The scientists said coral coverage in the affected areas could drop from 50 percent to 10 percent, hurting fishing and tourist industries over the long term as dead reefs support less marine life than live ones.

Scientist: 'Human-induced global warming' killing corals – This Just In - Blogs
Ocean Acidification Hits Great Barrier Reef: Scientific American

The largest coral reef system in the world—and the biggest sign of life on Earth, visible from space—is not growing like it used to. A sampling of 328 massive Porites coral (large structures resembling brains that are formed by tiny polyps) from across the 133,000-square-mile (344,000-square-kilometer) reef reveals that growth of these colonies has slowed by roughly 13 percent since 1990.

The most likely reason is climate change caused by increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, according to a new paper published today in Science.

The burning of fossil fuels over the past century or so has driven atmospheric CO2 levels from 280 parts per million (ppm) to 387 ppm—and growing. More than 25 percent of this extra CO2 is absorbed by the world's oceans and reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid. A rising carbonic acid level means a more acidic ocean.
Coral reefs are dying around the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia at rates that may be the worst ever recorded, scientists said this week.

Death rates as high as 80 percent have been recorded for some species, according to the study performed by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University.

“It is certainly the worst coral die-off we have seen since 1998. It may prove to be the worst such event known to science,” said Andrew Baird, a principal research fellow for James Cook University in Australia.

Dive operators reported water temperatures were 4 degrees Centigrade higher than average during the die-off, according to the ARC report.

The scientists said coral coverage in the affected areas could drop from 50 percent to 10 percent, hurting fishing and tourist industries over the long term as dead reefs support less marine life than live ones.

Scientist: 'Human-induced global warming' killing corals – This Just In - Blogs

There has been no global warming since 1998:

This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | What happened to global warming?

That may change this year, or not, but as of now as best as we know there has been no global warming for 12 years.

That said the corral die offs are surely caused by something else. Likely suspects abound. Chemical pollution ranking top on the list imo. But there are several other prominent suspects.
Ocean Acidification Hits Great Barrier Reef: Scientific American

The largest coral reef system in the world—and the biggest sign of life on Earth, visible from space—is not growing like it used to. A sampling of 328 massive Porites coral (large structures resembling brains that are formed by tiny polyps) from across the 133,000-square-mile (344,000-square-kilometer) reef reveals that growth of these colonies has slowed by roughly 13 percent since 1990.

The most likely reason is climate change caused by increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, according to a new paper published today in Science.

The burning of fossil fuels over the past century or so has driven atmospheric CO2 levels from 280 parts per million (ppm) to 387 ppm—and growing. More than 25 percent of this extra CO2 is absorbed by the world's oceans and reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid. A rising carbonic acid level means a more acidic ocean.

Yet more horse manure from the alarmist camp! Below you will find a link from the NSF where they are soliciting for people to...... well you read the link. And all for a mere 12 to 15 million of our precious tax dollars.

Ocean Acidification nsf10530

Below are several links that show ocean acidification to be a non-starter, just another way for the alarmists to try and steal our hard earned tax dollars. The second is by a IPCC scientist.

Ocean Acidification Scam Buy the Truth

Ocean Acidification Database | The SPPI Blog

World Climate Report Coral Bleaching

Ocean Acidification Doesn’t Lead To Species Die-Off, Surprising Scientists P Gosselin – NoTricksZone

Quadrant Online - Why scientists get it wrong

?Ocean Acidification? is New Climate Scare, Says SPPI nonsense.pdf

Quantifying the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Organisms | Originals

CO2 Science

CO2 Science

I can go on and on and on.... In other words the claims of ocean acidificaion are crap. Have allways been crap and will allways be crap. Only fools will give these claims any creedence.

I present you Chris, olfraud and konrad!:lol::lol::lol:
It's a 3 month cycle of topics because they think repetition will make it true. It failed last summer, and the spring before that. It will fail again because you bullshit has been debunked.

Definition of insanity? Anyone? Anyone?
Coral reefs are dying around the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia at rates that may be the worst ever recorded, scientists said this week.

Death rates as high as 80 percent have been recorded for some species, according to the study performed by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University.

“It is certainly the worst coral die-off we have seen since 1998. It may prove to be the worst such event known to science,” said Andrew Baird, a principal research fellow for James Cook University in Australia.

Dive operators reported water temperatures were 4 degrees Centigrade higher than average during the die-off, according to the ARC report.

The scientists said coral coverage in the affected areas could drop from 50 percent to 10 percent, hurting fishing and tourist industries over the long term as dead reefs support less marine life than live ones.

Scientist: 'Human-induced global warming' killing corals – This Just In - Blogs

There has been no global warming since 1998:

This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | What happened to global warming?

That may change this year, or not, but as of now as best as we know there has been no global warming for 12 years.

That said the corral die offs are surely caused by something else. Likely suspects abound. Chemical pollution ranking top on the list imo. But there are several other prominent suspects.

Now that is complete bullshit. The decade of 2000 to 2009 was the warmest on record. Now only that, but as you can see from Dr. Roy Spencers site, the present 13 month running mean has matched or exceeded that of 1998.

And the running mean from 2002 to 2007 exceed all previous running mean highs except for that of 1998.

September 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.60 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
World Climate Report Coral Bleaching

The first piece was published in Marine Environmental Research by M.J.C. Crabbe of the United Kingdom’s University of Bedfordshire (we cannot make this up – this marine scientist has the last name of Crabbe). Crabbe notes “Coral reefs throughout the world are under severe challenge from a variety of environmental factors including overfishing, destructive fishing practices, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, sea-level rise, algal blooms, agricultural run-off, coastal and resort development, marine pollution, increasing coral diseases, invasive species, and hurricane/cyclone damage.” We agree – coral reefs are facing no end of challenges in our modern world!
More lies from paid liars. But what else have you to post, Walleyes?

Science and Public Policy Institute - SourceWatch

Prior to founding SPPI in approximately mid-2007, Ferguson was the Executive Director of the Center for Science and Public Policy (CSPP), a project of the corporate-funded group, the Frontiers of Freedom Institute.

Between March 4, 2005 and May 10, 2006 Ferguson edited a weekly bulletin titled Climate Weekly, then Climate and Environment Weekly and finally Climate and Environment Review, which was published by the Center for Science and Public Policy.[2][3]

Origin of SPPI
The initial media release of the Institute appears to have been issued on June 1, 2007. The release -- supporting the statements made by the then NASA Administrator Michael Griffin questioning global warming -- also listed Harriette Johnson from the Chicago-based think thank, the Heartland Institute as a media contact.[4]

From mid-July 2007 SPPI began publishing SPPI eWire, which is identical in content style to CSPP's Climate Weekly, Climate and Environment Weekly and Climate and Environment Review.[5] (SPPI is in the same building as CSPP, though in different offices - SPPI at Suite 299).[6] and CPPR at Suite 2100.[7]

SPPI name
Ferguson founded and named this group approximately eight years after George L. Carlo had founded the identically-named, pro-public-health Science and Public Policy Institute, to work on issues such as electro-magnetic radiation and health issues.

Ferguson states he was oblivious to the existence of Carlo's group, and that it was only after registering his organization in Virginia that he discovered Carlo's group existed, but by then his group had created the website and printed their stationery.[8]

On its website SPPI does not detail the sources of its funding or outline its approach to disclosure.
Garth Paltridge - SourceWatch

Group affiliations
Paltridge is part of the "dad's army" of older men that make up the majority membership of the Lavoisier Group, and he speaks at their conferences.[3] The Group organised the launch of Paltridge's book on August 11, 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. Lavoisier Group president[4] and businessman Hugh Morgan launched the book, and Paltridge responded.[5] In a paper entitled Nine Facts about Climate Change, published by the Lavoisier Group, Paltridge stated that he was threatened with funding cuts in the 1990s by his employer, the CSIRO, if he publicly expressed his doubts about the extent of the effect of greenhouse emissions.[6][7]

The Natural Resources Stewardship Project, a Canadian front group tied to energy industry lobbyists, listed Paltridge as an "allied expert" between February 2007 and January 2008.[8][9][10]

In 2005 the Australian APEC Study Centre, a pro-free trade think tank that advocates against the Kyoto Protocol and other climate change mitigation measures, held a conference (funded by Xstrata Coal and ExxonMobil[11]) at Parliament House entitled "Managing Climate Change: Practicalities and Realities in a post-Kyoto future". Paltridge delivered a speech at the conference,[12][13][14] in which he stated, referring to the IPCC's scientific consensus on climate change, that "[scientific] consensus is not the sort of thing on which sensible people put their money".[15] He also stated that the apparent convergence of the predictions of the IPCC models into a narrower range of possible temperature rise has to be taken with "a considerable grain of salt".[16]

Paltridge has also been linked to the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), an Australian conservative think-tank. In 2009 he was listed on their website as an associate,[17] and his paper Limiting Greenhouse Warming: Is It Worth the Cost? could be downloaded from the IPA website
Now that is complete bullshit. The decade of 2000 to 2009 was the warmest on record.

I am well aware of that, however it was still cooler than 1998, making the statements accurate.

Now only that, but as you can see from Dr. Roy Spencers site, the present 13 month running mean has matched or exceeded that of 1998.

we will see if that pans out, as I mentioned in my post.

And the running mean from 2002 to 2007 exceed all previous running mean highs except for that of 1998.

by all previous highs you mean since 1971, wow.

Of the nearly 40 years of data that we have available 1998 was the hottest year, the hottest decade was a recent one, and this year might surpass 1998 as the hottest year in 40 years.

Hardly data proving global warming.
Isn't coral dead already?

I assumed it was the bodies of dead marine-life.

Gee...those assholes at Discovery lied to me.

Btw....when people are losing their jobs and their homes fucken coral doesn't really interest them. All you're gonna get is a rolled eyes and a few STFUs.
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Isn't coral dead already?

I assumed it was the bodies of dead marine-life.

Gee...those assholes at Discovery lied to me.

Btw....when people are losing their jobs and their homes fucken coral doesn't really interest them. All you're gonna get is a rolled eyes and a few STFUs.

No, Mud, you just have a problem with comprehension.

Basic Coral Biology

Really, do you really think that the loss of the worlds corals will go unfelt by humans?

Of course you do, this is your hero;

blogdog: Michael Sharp Running On Willful Ignorance
Isn't coral dead already?

I assumed it was the bodies of dead marine-life.

Gee...those assholes at Discovery lied to me.

Btw....when people are losing their jobs and their homes fucken coral doesn't really interest them. All you're gonna get is a rolled eyes and a few STFUs.

No, Mud, you just have a problem with comprehension.

Basic Coral Biology

Really, do you really think that the loss of the worlds corals will go unfelt by humans?

Of course you do, this is your hero;

blogdog: Michael Sharp Running On Willful Ignorance

So while it's alive it's called coral also.


I thought it had to die to become coral reef.
Good gawd man, we are all friggen DOOMED, doomed I tell ya.

I think we should throw BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to the United Nations SO THEY CAN SURLY SAVE us mankind and change that damn (GLOBAL WARMING), oops I forgot, it's now called, CLIMATE CHANGE... or just start EXTERMATING THE stupid HUMAN RACE.:lol:
Isn't coral dead already?

I assumed it was the bodies of dead marine-life.

Gee...those assholes at Discovery lied to me.

Btw....when people are losing their jobs and their homes fucken coral doesn't really interest them. All you're gonna get is a rolled eyes and a few STFUs.

No, Mud, you just have a problem with comprehension.

Basic Coral Biology

Really, do you really think that the loss of the worlds corals will go unfelt by humans?

Of course you do, this is your hero;

blogdog: Michael Sharp Running On Willful Ignorance

So while it's alive it's called coral also.


I thought it had to die to become coral reef.

No, it is like a tree. Outer skin is alive, but the inner part is an inert skeleton.
Good gawd man, we are all friggen DOOMED, doomed I tell ya.

I think we should throw BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to the United Nations SO THEY CAN SURLY SAVE us mankind and change that damn (GLOBAL WARMING), oops I forgot, it's now called, CLIMATE CHANGE... or just start EXTERMATING THE stupid HUMAN RACE.:lol:

Perhaps this candidate is more to your thinking;

blogdog: Michael Sharp Running On Willful Ignorance
No, Mud, you just have a problem with comprehension.

Basic Coral Biology

Really, do you really think that the loss of the worlds corals will go unfelt by humans?

Of course you do, this is your hero;

blogdog: Michael Sharp Running On Willful Ignorance

So while it's alive it's called coral also.


I thought it had to die to become coral reef.

No, it is like a tree. Outer skin is alive, but the inner part is an inert skeleton.

So explain how Global Warming can kill coral?

I mean...doesn't it take an increase of water temp like 50 degrees or more? How in the heck could that happen? Could it be something else?
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It's allways easy to tell when you've stung olfraud, he posts reams of drivel trying to hide what you posted!

Here it is again so that the factual data doesn't get buried under piles of horse manure.

Yet more horse manure from the alarmist camp! Below you will find a link from the NSF where they are soliciting for people to...... well you read the link. And all for a mere 12 to 15 million of our precious tax dollars.

Ocean Acidification nsf10530

Below are several links that show ocean acidification to be a non-starter, just another way for the alarmists to try and steal our hard earned tax dollars. The second is by a IPCC scientist.

Ocean Acidification Scam Buy the Truth

Ocean Acidification Database | The SPPI Blog

World Climate Report Coral Bleaching

Ocean Acidification Doesn’t Lead To Species Die-Off, Surprising Scientists P Gosselin – NoTricksZone

Quadrant Online - Why scientists get it wrong

?Ocean Acidification? is New Climate Scare, Says SPPI

Quantifying the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Organisms | Originals

CO2 Science

CO2 Science

I can go on and on and on.... In other words the claims of ocean acidificaion are crap. Have allways been crap and will allways be crap. Only fools will give these claims any creedence.

I present you Chris, olfraud and konrad!
So while it's alive it's called coral also.


I thought it had to die to become coral reef.

No, it is like a tree. Outer skin is alive, but the inner part is an inert skeleton.

So explain how Global Warming can kill coral?

I mean...doesn't it take an increase of water temp like 50 degrees or more? How in the heck could that happen? Could it be something else?

It could be something else. But it could be warming. Coral may be sensitive to minute temp changes like sea turtle sex is. a 1 degree difference in ocean surface temps determines the sex of some sea turtle offspring.

The bottom line is we just don't know. but we are full of assertions anyway.
It's funny how CO2 acidifies water in the lab, but in WestyWorld it doesn't seem to have the same properties!!! Where is this data coming from? Perhaps one of the worlds westy told us about, where it's possible for inert gases to form the basis of life?!?! Only he and his therapist know for sure!

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