CDZ Global warming: federal law needed to ban coastal development.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?
So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?

Brilliant!! That would pretty much wipe out all the blue-colored areas on the edges of the election map.

So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?
And you could build really big straw men.
Better idea would be to make sure they all drown by closing all of the escape routes and protecting the areas they rob resources from by cutting them off. I think it would be good for the rest of America to cut off the water aqueducts to LA and tell them to eat shit and die. They waste so much of the water on things that have nothing to do with human consumption. If it was limited to a gallon per person per day, it would be a REAL help to the REAL pollution problem looming in the near future.
So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?
And you could build really big straw men.

No....the religion of man made global warming states that the oceans are going to rise and flood the coasts......the high priests of that religion have stated this. If they actually believe this, including their hollywood followers and their politician muscle, then why shouldn't they push to shut down the coasts, now, in order to prepare for the coming disaster? They have told us this is going to happen, so if they actually believe this, this is a necessary step to save lives....right?
The main question in this thread was created from this point...

Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Australia Weather Bureau Tampered With Climate Numbers

There is simply no question anymore that Global Warming or Climate Change — or whatever these luddites are calling it today — is a massive fraud.

Why do the people and institutions like CNN, those who tell us the flooding of Manhattan is imminent, remain in Manhattan, or in CNN's case, invest billions of dollars just blocks away from the "endangered coast"?
The main question in this thread was created from this point...

Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Australia Weather Bureau Tampered With Climate Numbers

There is simply no question anymore that Global Warming or Climate Change — or whatever these luddites are calling it today — is a massive fraud.

Why do the people and institutions like CNN, those who tell us the flooding of Manhattan is imminent, remain in Manhattan, or in CNN's case, invest billions of dollars just blocks away from the "endangered coast"?
You make an interesting point. Why would a person remain in an area, and heavily invest in said area, if they truly believed in is in "imminent danger" of being permanently flooded? Why indeed.
The main question in this thread was created from this point...

Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Australia Weather Bureau Tampered With Climate Numbers

There is simply no question anymore that Global Warming or Climate Change — or whatever these luddites are calling it today — is a massive fraud.

Why do the people and institutions like CNN, those who tell us the flooding of Manhattan is imminent, remain in Manhattan, or in CNN's case, invest billions of dollars just blocks away from the "endangered coast"?
You make an interesting point. Why would a person remain in an area, and heavily invest in said area, if they truly believed in is in "imminent danger" of being permanently flooded? Why indeed.

Al Gore bought a house on a California beach. He did it with the money he made pushing the global warming scam.

Makes you wonder...doesn't it? As a man made global warming high priest, you would think he would be buying up property in the Colorado rockies.......

This is why John Nolte's point is so valid......why are these man made global warming religionists living on and buying property on the coasts?

I think we should take steps to solve this problem now......evacuate the coasts now, while we have time.......sure, that beach front mansion will now be worthless.....Leonardo Dicaprio, and mark ruffalo.....but we are saving your life......
You dont see very many alarmists going vegan, selling their cars, traveling globally by row boat, cutting off their nuts(ok maybe that one :) )so they cant have babies and other why would they do this?
Every time I see a Prius it's passing me.
On the highway too. Don't get any better economy out there than a Civic.

My Father-in-Law taught driver's training for many years. He always made it a point to explain this to his students:

The average funeral costs about $10k (not sure on the accuracy of that), One would have to save a LOT of gas to account for being buried in your econobox car to offset the price....

But, then again, one less polluting human, using no gas, and producing ZERO emissions......
I do not think the federal gov't can or should ban coastal development. However, I do think they should declare certain coastal areas to be high risk areas for flooding and as a result will not be covered under FEMA. You can build there but at your own risk. If you're already living in a high-risk zone then the next time you get flooded out will be the last time you get federal aid, after that you're on your own. Instead of getting money to rebuild you get money to move elsewhere; if you don't move then it's on you not us.
So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?

I will meet you in the middle.

Here in MissourA, we build giant levees around the continent's two largest rivers like there is no other available land on earth.

I propose we standardize how the letter "I" is pronounced and do the following nationwide.

Instead of giving the land to the government we just mark it as ineligible to be rezoned anything but farmland and park/soccer fields. We will offer a buyout next time it floods but provide no further aid. If we have to rescue you from the water, you pay. If you sand bag in a flood plain you go to jail.

The floodplain is great farmland and makes decent soccer fields. Anything else in the modern era is welfare waiting to happen.
So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?
And you could build really big straw men.

No....the religion of man made global warming states that the oceans are going to rise and flood the coasts......the high priests of that religion have stated this. If they actually believe this, including their hollywood followers and their politician muscle, then why shouldn't they push to shut down the coasts, now, in order to prepare for the coming disaster? They have told us this is going to happen, so if they actually believe this, this is a necessary step to save lives....right?

The history of St Louis indicates 63376 is bound to turn ghetto in 50 years. Why is the property still valuable?

Time, you can still live there and sed your newborn to an acceptable school.

Lots of folks can't even plan for something happening two cars in front of them on the highway lol.
So..if the people who believe in global warming are serious.....then we need to federlalize all land within 50 miles from all coastal areas...that would mean relocating all inhabitants...stopping all development......and if they are serious, this needs to happen right now......we could use eminent domain to seize property and whatever else we need to do to deal with rising sea levels...right?
Just let the sea rise on their dumb asses.

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