Global warming activists seek to purge ‘deniers’ among local weathermen


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Persecuting heretics is the unmistakable indication of a cult.

Forecast the Facts | Global Warming | Climate Change | The Daily Caller

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Concerned that too many “deniers” are in the meteorology business, global warming activists this month launched a campaign to recruit local weathermen to hop aboard the alarmism bandwagon and expose those who are not fully convinced that the world is facing man-made doom.

The Forecast the Facts campaign — led by, the League of Conservation Voters and the Citizen Engagement Lab — is pushing for more of a focus on global warming in weather forecasts, and is highlighting the many meteorologists who do not share their beliefs.

“Our goal is nothing short of changing how the entire profession of meteorology tackles the issue of climate change,” the group explains on their website. “We’ll empower everyday people to make sure meteorologists understand that their viewers are counting on them to get this story right, and that those who continue to shirk their professional responsibility will be held accountable.”

According to the Washington Post, the reason for the campaign can be found in a 2010 George Mason University surveys, which found that 63% of television weathermen think that global warming is a product of natural causes, while 31% believe it is from human activity.

So far, the campaign has identified 55 “deniers” in the meteorologist community and are looking for more. They define “deniers” as “anyone who expressly refutes the overwhelming scientific consensus about climate change: that it is real, largely caused by humans, and already having profound impacts on our world.”

“We track the views of meteorologists through their on-air statements, blog posts, social media activity, public appearances, interviews, and interactions with viewers,” the campaign explains.

The Houston Chronicle noted that meteorologists mostly track short periods of weather, not long-term climate trends.
This is what Socialists/Communists do. But i think more & more people are waking up to the fact that the 'Global Warming' scam is a Socialist/Communist Globalist scam. More people are figuring it out. The Global Warming hucksters' 15 Minutes are almost up.
Damn good idea to get rid the misinformation sources.... how dumb do people need to be?

Food for thought:

While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans supporting the clearing of the rainforest for food products not knowing the long term impact of removing massive numbers of trees and medicinal plants.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the impact might be.

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.

9. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans applying millions of gallons and or pounds of toxic chemicals to the landscapes.

As necessary…
Sloan's proposal for an electric car fee met with skepticism /
This is what Socialists/Communists do. But i think more & more people are waking up to the fact that the 'Global Warming' scam is a Socialist/Communist Globalist scam. More people are figuring it out. The Global Warming hucksters' 15 Minutes are almost up.

How many ways can all of us reduce our impacts?

1. Reduce our driving time

2. Use Mass transit

3. Consider an electric golf cart for errands within 3-5 miles of home which is said to be the majority of errands. This is faster than walking yet likely slower than bike travel. Electric powered golf cart “Highway” travel is prohibited. There are plenty of ways to get around town.

4. Don’t want to be concerned about the environment? Do your joints and heart a favor. Start walking more places before the doctor orders one to do it

5. Don’t want to be concerned about the environment? Do your joints and heart a favor. Start bicycling to more places before the doctor orders one to do it.

6. Turn off our lights when we leave rooms.
Damn good idea to get rid the misinformation sources.... how dumb do people need to be?

Food for thought:

While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans supporting the clearing of the rainforest for food products not knowing the long term impact of removing massive numbers of trees and medicinal plants.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the impact might be.

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.

9. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans applying millions of gallons and or pounds of toxic chemicals to the landscapes.

As necessary…
Sloan's proposal for an electric car fee met with skepticism /

Firstly C02 is a natural gas and not pollutant. Secondly the temperature of the planet has not risen in fifteen years. FACT courtesy of met office.
It's all about fear. Most have learned that if you scare the sheep enough, you can get almost anything you want. The 'Global Warming' hucksters have played the Fear-Card perfectly. But it's still your choice whether or not you want to live in fear. Either go hide under your bed fearing that 'Global Warming' Boogeyman, or just get out and enjoy life. I'm absolutely loving my sunny warm weather. And you should too. The World isn't gonna end anytime soon. No need to be so afraid. Just live.
Damn good idea to get rid the misinformation sources.... how dumb do people need to be?

Food for thought:

While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans supporting the clearing of the rainforest for food products not knowing the long term impact of removing massive numbers of trees and medicinal plants.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the impact might be.

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.

9. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans applying millions of gallons and or pounds of toxic chemicals to the landscapes.

As necessary…
Sloan's proposal for an electric car fee met with skepticism /

Bump supports getting rid of ignorance...
Damn good idea to get rid the misinformation sources.... how dumb do people need to be?

Food for thought:

While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans supporting the clearing of the rainforest for food products not knowing the long term impact of removing massive numbers of trees and medicinal plants.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the impact might be.

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.

9. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans applying millions of gallons and or pounds of toxic chemicals to the landscapes.

As necessary…
Sloan's proposal for an electric car fee met with skepticism /

Bump supports getting rid of ignorance...

Give it up. The rw's have their orders and they'll follow them - no matter what.
Damn good idea to get rid the misinformation sources.... how dumb do people need to be?

Food for thought:

While global warming has been a concern for many many many many many many many decades some things are for certain:

1. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions of humans polluting planet earth

2. Never before has there been billions upon billions of gasoline burning vehicles
spewing pollution into the atmosphere

3. Never before has there been billions of homes demanding energy from polluting sources

4. Never before has there been billions of buildings demanding energy from polluting sources

5. Never before has there been billions of polluting energy generating sources

6. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans supporting the clearing of the rainforest for food products not knowing the long term impact of removing massive numbers of trees and medicinal plants.

7. Never before has planet earth been expected to absorb tons and tons and tons and tons of pollution with human beings having no idea what the impact might be.

8. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of human beings believing THEIR pollution is having zero impact ....... can we say ignorance is bliss.

9. Never before has there been billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of humans applying millions of gallons and or pounds of toxic chemicals to the landscapes.

As necessary…
Sloan's proposal for an electric car fee met with skepticism /

Bump supports getting rid of ignorance...

Give it up. The rw's have their orders and they'll follow them - no matter what.

There are more of us than there are of them.....
Socialists/Communists despise Free Speech and dissent. They always have and they always will. And the 'Global Warming' scam is a Socialist/Communist Globalist scam. So do the Math. They will not tolerate any differing opinions on their scam. But most people have figured them out. They're almost done. No one wants to hear their hysterical Fear Mongering shite anymore. It's just about over for them. And obviously this angers them very much. They will become more desperate and hateful. Count on that.

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