Global Warming: A 98% Consensus Of Nothing


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
From last year:

Global Warming: A 98% Consensus Of Nothing
During last night’s Republican presidential debate, Jon Huntsman doubled down on Al Gorism, claiming skeptics of “global climate disruption” (that’s the White House’s term) are making “comments that fly in the face of what 98 out of 100 climate scientists have said.” Just as moderator John Harris of Politico asked Rick Perry to name some of the scientists he agrees with, Harris should have asked Huntsman just what the “98 out of 100 climate scientists” believe.

In the “survey” to which Huntsman alluded, scientists were invited to participate in a two-question online survey. Despite what Huntsman said, not even 100 climate scientists chose to participate. The two questions were simple: 1. Have global temperatures risen during the past 200 years? and 2. Are humans a significant contributing factor to this?

Forgetting for the moment that only shameless activists or the most statistically and scientifically ignorant of persons would claim that a survey sample of only 77 scientists volunteering to participate in a survey is indicative of what the entire climate science community believes, the questions and answers themselves tell us nothing.


Regarding the second question, is human activity a significant contributing factor? Notice how the question did not say “sole factor,” “majority factor,” or even “primary contributing factor.” Rather, the term is merely “significant contributing factor.” More precisely, if human activity is not a “significant” contributing factor then it must be an “insignificant” contributing factor. What is the threshold between “significant” and “insignificant”? Five percent? Ten Percent? The threshold of “insignificance” is certainly no higher than that.

So, are humans responsible for at least 10 percent or so of recent global warming? In other words, are humans responsible for roughly – and merely – 0.06 degrees Celsius of warming during the past century? Most global warming “skeptics” certainly believe that!


From the assertion that humans may have caused roughly 0.06 degrees of warming during the past century, it does not necessarily follow, as Huntsman and his fellow alarmists would have us believe, that humans are creating a global warming crisis. Nor does it necessarily follow that we must wreck our economy to fight it. I suspect that even the most sensitive of plant and animal species will not notice a 0.06 degree increase in temperature, especially when such a miniscule temperature increase is spread out over the course of a century.

So then, just what do “98 out of 100 climate scientists” believe? Nothing of significance, unless you like to misrepresent meaningless surveys to score cheap political points.​
Hardly. I mean the millions of scientists that belong to all the scientific societies in the world. All of which state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Your repitition of stupidity is quite silly. You have to know what the Academies of Science of the industrial nations all have stated. All of them state the same as the Scientific Societies. Same for all the major Universities in the world.

AGW Observer
Hardly. I mean the millions of scientists that belong to all the scientific societies in the world. All of which state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Your repitition of stupidity is quite silly. You have to know what the Academies of Science of the industrial nations all have stated. All of them state the same as the Scientific Societies. Same for all the major Universities in the world.

AGW Observer
You mean the governing bodies of those organizations.

Do you have a poll of all their members?
Somehow we have to reduce things that led to the global warming. We cannot stop natural disasters 100% but we can reduce the risk by protecting our environment.
The people whose profits depend on assessing risk, the INSURANCE COMPANIES, are expressing their belief in Global climate change clearly enough.

They believe in it, and are backing down from insurance against the natural disasters that ARE STATICIALLY growing more common in the North American continent and more destructive than ever.

Now INSURANCE companies do NOT leave money on the table if they think there's money to be made.

So while you DENIERS all claim that only lefties believe in climate change?

The people who are clearly NOT lefties, but whose incomes depend on what happens to the climate DO.

Do feel free to investigate whether or not what I am telling you is true.
Hardly. I mean the millions of scientists that belong to all the scientific societies in the world. All of which state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Your repitition of stupidity is quite silly. You have to know what the Academies of Science of the industrial nations all have stated. All of them state the same as the Scientific Societies. Same for all the major Universities in the world.

AGW Observer
You mean the governing bodies of those organizations.

Do you have a poll of all their members?

These societies hold elections on the governing board, and the leaders of the society. And, yes, as a member of one such society, I know that for a fact.
The people whose profits depend on assessing risk, the INSURANCE COMPANIES, are expressing their belief in Global climate change clearly enough.

They believe in it, and are backing down from insurance against the natural disasters that ARE STATICIALLY growing more common in the North American continent and more destructive than ever.

Now INSURANCE companies do NOT leave money on the table if they think there's money to be made.

So while you DENIERS all claim that only lefties believe in climate change?

The people who are clearly NOT lefties, but whose incomes depend on what happens to the climate DO.

Do feel free to investigate whether or not what I am telling you is true.
Very few people are denying the climate is changing.

However, not as many people as you pretend believe the change is due to man.

And the science simply hasn't back up the claim that it is.
Hardly. I mean the millions of scientists that belong to all the scientific societies in the world. All of which state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

Your repitition of stupidity is quite silly. You have to know what the Academies of Science of the industrial nations all have stated. All of them state the same as the Scientific Societies. Same for all the major Universities in the world.

AGW Observer
You mean the governing bodies of those organizations.

Do you have a poll of all their members?

These societies hold elections on the governing board, and the leaders of the society. And, yes, as a member of one such society, I know that for a fact. polls.

Not at all surprising. what society do you, someone without a college degree, belong?
Regarding the second question, is human activity a significant contributing factor? Notice how the question did not say “sole factor,” “majority factor,” or even “primary contributing factor.” Rather, the term is merely “significant contributing factor.” More precisely, if human activity is not a “significant” contributing factor then it must be an “insignificant” contributing factor. What is the threshold between “significant” and “insignificant”? Five percent? Ten Percent? The threshold of “insignificance” is certainly no higher than that.

So, are humans responsible for at least 10 percent or so of recent global warming? In other words, are humans responsible for roughly – and merely – 0.06 degrees Celsius of warming during the past century? Most global warming “skeptics” certainly believe that!

And that's how history is gonna write it when the truth wins out..
Most likely -- all the AGW hysterics have GROSSLY inflated the man-made contribution and GROSSLY misunderstood the other natural forcings.
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You don't even get to vote. They just take your dues. :lol:
Regarding the second question, is human activity a significant contributing factor? Notice how the question did not say “sole factor,” “majority factor,” or even “primary contributing factor.” Rather, the term is merely “significant contributing factor.” More precisely, if human activity is not a “significant” contributing factor then it must be an “insignificant” contributing factor. What is the threshold between “significant” and “insignificant”? Five percent? Ten Percent? The threshold of “insignificance” is certainly no higher than that.

So, are humans responsible for at least 10 percent or so of recent global warming? In other words, are humans responsible for roughly – and merely – 0.06 degrees Celsius of warming during the past century? Most global warming “skeptics” certainly believe that!

And that's how history is gonna write it when the truth wins out..
Most likely -- all the AGW hysterics have GROSSLY inflated the man-made contribution and GROSSLY misunderstood the other natural forcings.

Undoubtedly. And the whole thing will be revealed as nothing more than a scam to get people to support wealth redistribution on a global scale.
Geological Society of America

Bad news OldieRocks -- your vote on AGW in the GSA has been cancelled out by THIS GUY..

Robert M. Carter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Merlin "Bob" Carter is a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and adjunct professorial research fellow in earth sciences at James Cook University, Queensland.[1][2]

He has published over 100 research papers on climatology, geology, marine biology, palaeoecology and paleontology

Carter is a founding member of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition,[7] an emeritus fellow and science policy advisor at the Institute of Public Affairs,[8] a science advisor at the Science and Public Policy Institute,[9] and the chief science advisor for the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC).[5]

He has served as chair of the Earth Sciences Discipline Panel of the Australian Research Council, director of the Australian Office of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Co-Chief Scientist on ODP Leg 181 (Southwest Pacific Gateway).[1][10][11]

Carter has been a member of the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, the Geological Society of Australia, the Geological Society of New Zealand and the Society of Sedimentary Geology

Carter is critical of the IPCC and believes "alarmist" statements about human-caused global warming are unjustified.[12] In 2005, he argued against climate change being "man-made" by asserting that the global average temperature did not increase between 1998 and 2005, while the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased.[13] In 2007, Carter participated in an expert panel discussion after the airing of The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary on ABC

It is afterall - a "democratic" organization isn't it? My own IEEE does the same crap. Never polled the membership or even looked at the work the members are doing..
Geological Society of America

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You don't even get to vote. They just take your dues. :lol:


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