Glenn Beck

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Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...
Glenn Beck is to the right what Michael Moore is to the left.

They are both fucking nuts and make their money with shock effect.
Glenn Beck is to the right what Michael Moore is to the left.

They are both fucking nuts and make their money with shock effect.

Both are doing quite well I might add.

Michael Moore's net worth..$25 to $50 million.
Glen Beck's net worth...$18 million.
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☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.
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The left can't stand when the right calls them out on the deception games they play...and the bias of the MSM.

Beck does it well. He's a bit dramatic on occasion but he's usually right on target when exposing the lunacy and lying of the left.
☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

Glenn Beck wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up his ass and lit a bonfire. The fact that you think that he is the bringer of truth tells me everything I need to know about you. :cool:
☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

Are you an adult?

What on Earth does "Obami Salami" mean? That's such unbelievable grade school immaturity. At least the silly "LIEbtard" contains an argument, no matter how simplified and similarly childish. Obama is... a salami? If you have to resort to meaningless name-calling every time you refer to a politician, it demonstrates you don't have substantial reasons for opposing them.

And why exactly do you insist on randomly all-capping "Marxist"? Not to mention the numerous other randomly capitalized words. Get a grasp of English, nonsensical occasional yelling gets you nowhere and makes you look like a fool.

For the record, I'm a die hard opponent of President Obama's because of his policies on defense, our foreign occupations, the economy, healthcare, business, civil rights, the justice system and rule of law, and more. He's a terrible president so I'm not mocking you for attacking him. I can expand on those points though and detail why he's incompetent and corrupt, because I'm not 6 and I don't need to call him names to make my arguments.

Seriously, grow up.
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The left can't stand when the right calls them out on the deception games they play...and the bias of the MSM.

Beck does it well. He's a bit dramatic on occasion but he's usually right on target when exposing the lunacy and lying of the left.


Your two paragraph statement is absolutely correct.

And, I know that with the facts at your disposal you justifiably assume that I'm on the "right".

And, I can understand that most, if not all the posters on this Forum consider me a Republican and/or even a "Conservative".

However, I am VERY uncomfortable in being considered as a Republican. And, to me being a "Conservative" is almost an insult.

Now, the political categories: the "Extreme Left", the "Left", the "Right", the "Extreme Right" are probably justified political categories.

In my case, I have a big problem in fitting myself comfortably in any of these political categories.

And, I know that being who I am is almost unique when an attempt is being made to squeeze me into any of these aforementioned categories.

Of course, almost everyone might feel that they do not PRECISELY fit in any ONE of those categories. But, by and large most feel that they are on the LEFT or RIGHT......with a tad hither or tither.

Let me clarify my position.

I suppose I can be called, justifiably, an Atheist because I don't believe in the Organized Religions' Anthropomorphic definition of god.

Actually, I am not sure if I am an Atheist. I believe that IF there is a god, then one must be DELUSIONAL to believe in the Organized Religions' version of god. Especially in the Anthropomorhic version of the JudeoChristian or Islam's god who is a petty, vengeful, vainglorious, sadistic slimeball who is decidely worse than scores of human beings whom I know.

IF there is a god......and it's a big "IF".... IMO, this god is the Sum Total of the Laws of the Universe. Prayers to this god would be as useless as praying to a lightening so that it doesn't strike you. In other words, the statistical probability of your prayers being answered by that god is the same as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

The oft-repeated BULLSHIT that Einstein was a very religious person in the JudeoChristian sense is clearly and emphatically denied by Einstein in many of his letters. Einstein clearly and emphatically states that his "god is Spinoza's god".

I am VERY proud of the fact that at the early age of 15, after many years of sleepless nights, and without ANY knowledge of philosophical theology.....independently, I came to the same conclusion as Einstein and Spinoza.

Thus, I am certainly NOT a Republican. Definitely not a Conservative. What alienates me even more from these two classifications is that I am NOT a Pro-Lifer in the conventional sense. I believe that human cells are simply a collection of painless cells that can be used for experimentation on a Petri dish PROVIDING that they are so used until they become a fetus that can experience pain. Thus, I am categorically for Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR) which is ANATHEMA to the run-of-the-mill Republican. And, certainly, for a Conservative. I think that these fantasies about the existence of a soul, etc., is as delusional as believing in ancient mythology. Indeed, the Organized Religions' beliefs ARE a regurgitation, and a flagrant replication of ancient mythologies.

POLITICS: I even voted for Clinton (first term).

I believe in a larger safety net for the unemployed......for the JUSTLY unemployed, as in the case of those unfortunate hardworkers who have been laid off because of downsizing, economic downturns, jobs shipped overseas, etc......AT THE EXPENSE OF THE LIEBTARD'S POLITICAL BASE: THE PARASITICAL PROFESSIONALLY UNEMPLOYED, DOPERS, ETC.

So......who am I ?


So, how do I vote ?

I must vote as a Republican.

I don't have a choice.

I strongly believe that ANYONE who is knowledgeable of the MARXIST Agenda of the present Democratic Party is a TRAITOR to his country.
☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

Glenn Beck wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up his ass and lit a bonfire. The fact that you think that he is the bringer of truth tells me everything I need to know about you. :cool:

The Crimson MARXIST,

Yours, is the usual UNSUBSTANTIATED BULLSHIT vilifying Glenn Beck without refuting ONE SINGLE FACT that Glenn Beck states.

Get lost, you lobotomized paramecium.
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*Ponders whether certain posters will ever be smart enough to work out the difference between 'politics' and 'media'... and moves on to wondering whether it is necessary to have a new thread on every sentence uttered by Beck.... decides that liberals are actually stupid and moves on to other things.*
☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

Are you an adult?

What on Earth does "Obami Salami" mean? That's such unbelievable grade school immaturity. At least the silly "LIEbtard" contains an argument, no matter how simplified and similarly childish. Obama is... a salami? If you have to resort to meaningless name-calling every time you refer to a politician, it demonstrates you don't have substantial reasons for opposing them.

And why exactly do you insist on randomly all-capping "Marxist"? Not to mention the numerous other randomly capitalized words. Get a grasp of English, nonsensical occasional yelling gets you nowhere and makes you look like a fool.

For the record, I'm a die hard opponent of President Obama's because of his policies on defense, our foreign occupations, the economy, healthcare, business, civil rights, the justice system and rule of law, and more. He's a terrible president so I'm not mocking you for attacking him. I can expand on those points though and detail why he's incompetent and corrupt, because I'm not 6 and I don't need to call him names to make my arguments.

Seriously, grow up.

San Quentin,

Stop being phonier than your usual phoney self.

Up to now, there has never been a hint of your dissatisfaction
with MARXIST Obami Salami that I noticed. EVERY ONE of your posts that I know of defended this contemptible MARXIST charlatan.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those EXTREME LIEbtards of the Howard Dean whackjobs, or the Crazed Sheehan Pink Party who has woken up to the fact that the MARXIST Obami Salami has the practical sense to move to the CENTER thus infuriating LIEbtard Idiots like you.

Actually, The MARXIST Political Charlatan Obami Salami has NOT abondoned you Howard Dean type freaks, or the Crazed Sheehan Pink Party Psychos......Obami Salami has recognized that he CANNOT SURVIVE with his OVERT MARXISM a la Howard Dean. Or, his OVERT Sheehan Pink Party MARXIST Obami Salami is going COVERT for a while. It's the POLITICAL CHARLATAN's DUPLICITY that has fooled a retarded whackjob like yourself. Doncha see that MARXIST Obami Salami HAS to fool America that he's going to the center so that he can get re-elected ??????

As to "Obami Salami", and capitalizing MARXIST if the underlying reasoning is beyond you, then STAY STUPID.....if that also has the bonus of annoying you, then SO MUCH THE BETTER.

This "nyah,nyah,'re being "childish" crap doesn't fly. Especially when you consider the fact that this so-called "childishness" is ANNIHILATING Low Life creeps like you.:lol
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☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

I'm not a Marxist, you dolt. Go fort and read the boards.

And Obama can't be both a Marxist and a big-government-evil-bastard, as Marxism seeks to erode the State. Perhaps if you actually read Marx and Engels instead of repeating what FoxNews tells you, you wouldn't be such an idiot.
The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

Glenn Beck wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up his ass and lit a bonfire. The fact that you think that he is the bringer of truth tells me everything I need to know about you. :cool:

The Crimson MARXIST,

Yours, is the usual UNSUBSTANTIATED BULLSHIT vilifying Glenn Beck without refuting ONE SINGLE FACT that Glenn Beck states.

Get lost, you lobotomized paramecium.

Did you just call CW a Marxist?



Glenn Beck is to the right what Michael Moore is to the left.

They are both fucking nuts and make their money with shock effect.

Both are doing quite well I might add.

Michael Moore's net worth..$25 to $50 million.
Glen Beck's net worth...$18 million.

Americans loves to eat up bullshit.

Fuck me...I'm in the wrong line of Dad used to tell me, when I was a teenager, that I was the best bullshit artist on the planet!!!...:rofl:
☭proletarian☭;1816814 said:
☭proletarian☭;1816176 said:
Was just wearing a tinfoil cowboy hat. He is now comparing lessons about the history of labour unions and the struggle for workers' rights to teaching religion in public schools.

A few minutes ago, he was repeating the lies about the Mass. kid who drew a picture of himself being executed.


I have determined that Glenn Beck is an idiot and can only be a Poe intended asa Caricature of the Right Wing. At least, I sure as hell hope this guy isn't serious...

The proletarian Marxie,

I have just determined..... and not ONLY because you're one of those Marxist Freaks ...... that you are an idiot. And, can only be considered as a historical "has been" who is touting a historically defunct political point of view a la the LIEbtards of MARXIST Obami Salami's vintage.

Glenn Beck is "spot on" with his anaylsis of MARXIST Obami Salami's unravelling MARXIST Agenda. OBVIOUSLY, Beck is disconcerting to you LIEbtard diehards. Unfortunately for you, the heretofore IGNORANT and NAIVE Americans are waking up to the DISASTROUS policies of MARXIST Obami Salami and his DISCREDITED stooges: Crazed Pelosi, and the hapless commie Holder of GITMO fame.

As usual, you commie idiots flail away at Glenn Beck but can't SPECIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY refute even ONE of his plethora of FACTS annihilating your idiotically CATASTROPHIC MARXIST Agenda.

And, here. on cue, is the LIEBtard weanie, the military discard Article 15, puking out his worthless two cents.

I'm not a Marxist, you dolt. Go fort and read the boards.

And Obama can't be both a Marxist and a big-government-evil-bastard, as Marxism seeks to erode the State. Perhaps if you actually read Marx and Engels instead of repeating what FoxNews tells you, you wouldn't be such an idiot.

The Proletarian Marxie,

According to you, ALL the well known Commies such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao-tse tung, etc......are not Marxists.

You are beyond being a blathering idiot.

You are insane.
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