Glenn Beck suspended from SiriusXM over talk of assassination of Trump with guest


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Wow. Just wow. I don't understand this over the top crazy talk of Trump by very public figures who are truly at risk of losing their careers and their fans over this one election.

Okay. So they don't like Trump. But they'd rather see Hillary in office?

Are they doing meth for crying out loud for being that paranoid about The Donald winning as compared to the "she beast" who will hammer down on the First and the Second and every other constitutional right that goes against her beliefs?

Story here:

SiriusXM Announces Suspension of Glenn Beck over Brad Thor Interview Comments - Breitbart

SiriusXM hosts Stephen K. Bannon and David Webb announced on Breitbart News Daily that SiriusXM has suspended Glenn Beck and Webb will temporarily take over Beck’s 9AM to noon Eastern time slot on SiriusXM’s Patriot Channel 125.
Looks like Beck needs a 'recovery program' from his self-professed 'recovery' I'll drink to that............
Wow. Just wow. I don't understand this over the top crazy talk of Trump by very public figures who are truly at risk of losing their careers and their fans over this one election.

Okay. So they don't like Trump. But they'd rather see Hillary in office?

Are they doing meth for crying out loud for being that paranoid about The Donald winning as compared to the "she beast" who will hammer down on the First and the Second and every other constitutional right that goes against her beliefs?

Story here:

SiriusXM Announces Suspension of Glenn Beck over Brad Thor Interview Comments - Breitbart

SiriusXM hosts Stephen K. Bannon and David Webb announced on Breitbart News Daily that SiriusXM has suspended Glenn Beck and Webb will temporarily take over Beck’s 9AM to noon Eastern time slot on SiriusXM’s Patriot Channel 125.

The guy is a complete mental nut case...I know a person who pays extra for his blaze tv channel..Who believes his crap? He is in it for himself.

Glenn Beck has been a train wreck lately.

He finally lost it.
I listen to Beck almost every day. I agree that he has gone off the rails over Trump, but his interview did not call for execution of Trump if he's elected.

Most of the time, Beck has some pretty good insight on all things political.
I listen to Beck almost every day. I agree that he has gone off the rails over Trump, but his interview did not call for execution of Trump if he's elected.

Most of the time, Beck has some pretty good insight on all things political.
Please feel free to quote anything he said which you feel is more insightful than others.
Remember when he fell to his knees and started to pray for Cruz? In front of everybody on a stage? making a show of it?

What a spectacle!
Sorry, but I don't watch nutjobs. Beck, like Limbaugh, are entertainers. O'Reilly is honest enough to admit he is a commentator, not a journalist. While I don't always agree with O'Reilly, and, frankly, consider him to be a pompous ass, I do respect his honesty. The other two? Those fuckers sold their souls for profit.
Apparently he's just another deranged liberal hater, that got what he had coming to him.
Glenn Beck is nuts.

Or just a common drunk with a 'soapbox'..........same difference.
I think he has serious mental issues. Being an alcoholic is a symptom of his deeper problems.

Are you sure that he is an alcoholic?


A self-admitted recovering one..........or he's having one helluva a 'dry drunk'!


Glenn Beck ‏@glennbeck 3h3 hours ago
Erick Erickson: SiriusXM Proves to be Run by Cowards
Remember when he fell to his knees and started to pray for Cruz? In front of everybody on a stage? making a show of it?

What a spectacle!
Sorry, but I don't watch nutjobs. Beck, like Limbaugh, are entertainers. O'Reilly is honest enough to admit he is a commentator, not a journalist. While I don't always agree with O'Reilly, and, frankly, consider him to be a pompous ass, I do respect his honesty. The other two? Those fuckers sold their souls for profit.

I don't watch nutjobs either but that news was so appalling and so over the top, it got so much coverage and it was everywhere! LOL
When crunched his face into the doritos should have been a clue...
Glenn Beck is nuts.

Or just a common drunk with a 'soapbox'..........same difference.
I think he has serious mental issues. Being an alcoholic is a symptom of his deeper problems.

Remember when he fell to his knees and started to pray for Cruz? In front of everybody on a stage? making a show of it?

What a spectacle!

Man oh man I'm a great believer that to each their own with faith but when he called Cruz the "Anointed one for our times" and started talking about the White Horse Prophecy it's like "okey dokey someone needs to take a breather from the road".

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