Glenn Beck: Get 9/11 Right!!!!


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Dear Glenn Beck and Team Members:

I watch Glenn Beck on Fox News every day and we agree on most topics. However, I truly believe in my heart of hearts that the man to establish the 9/12 Project (link) should have the facts 'right' concerning 9/11. I am going to show you ten things that Glenn Beck does not know about the 9/11 Attacks and I hope and pray that you will do the research and wake up to what is really going on. This is very important, Glenn ...

1. The Pentagon was first attacked at 9:31:39 AM and not at the Official Time of 9:38. The Executive Summary Chronology of a Multiple Hijacking Crisis September 11, 2001 Timeline (Link #1) says:

"0932 ATC AEA reports aircraft crashes into west side of Pentagon."
Eastern Regional Air Traffic Control reported that an aircraft crashed into the west side of the Pentagon at 9:32 AM!

2. The Quartermaster-calibrated Navy Command Center Clock stopped at exactly 9:31:39 AM (Link #2).

3. The Doubletree Security Camera (Link #3) recorded the explosion in the minute of 9:32 AM (Link #3a)!

4. The FBI-produced Flight Data Recorder Evidence (to Jim Ritter NTSB @ Link #4) places AA77 six minutes and six seconds (6:06) outside Pentagon Airspace at 9:31:39 AM.

5. The 911 Commission Report and the Arlington County After-Action Report (first two links at Link #5) have been keyword sanitized of the plural term "explosions" and both Govt Documents use the singular term exactly six (6) times.

6. April Gallop (Army Sergent) and her son were injured, during the Pentagon attack that took place at the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (Link #6 = Raw Story Article @ first link). April Gallop has sued Dick Cheney and others using Bill Veale from the CenterFor911Justice (Link #7). The Judge has ruled that lawsuit to be 'frivolous' in favor of the Cheney Defense.

7. Terry Cohen stood at the impact hole at the Column Line 14 Wedge One Wall location at the Pentagon in mere seconds after the initial 9:31:39 Attack (News Video at Link #8) to report seeing "Just Smoke."

8. The Pentagon was subsequently attacked a second time at exactly 9:36:27 AM to become Lloyde England's "big boom" (famous taxi driver from the Link #9 article) exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds after the initial attack. The massive light pole (#1) was launched into Lloyde's taxi windshield at 9:31:39 AM for the 'big boom' (second attack) to take place while he and his partner (from white van) were removing the pole (see picture at Link #10).

9. Alan Wallace and Mark Skipper (story @ Link #11) were on-station Foam 161 (Fort Meyer) Firemen injured during the 9:31:39 AM original explosion and 9/11 was their first day on the job. Both men ran to hide under their vehicles at 9:31:39 AM, but were chased out by the 'fire' that appeared on the scene exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later at the second attack.

10. The Twin Towers were attacked earlier that morning to give Navy Command Officers time to convene in the Navy Command Center for the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike to ensure that no Navy Jets joined the New York Theater (Link #12 = What Happened At The Pentagon). The Navy Jet to strike the Pentagon at 9:36:27 was retrofitted to have Raytheon Missile attached at Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport (Link #13) for the Global Guardian Wargames (Link #14 = What Happened on 9/11) that was the cover operation for the 9/11 Inside Job Attacks.

The fact is that the Govt Document Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job (Link #15). If Glenn Beck and your team will review the evidence and work with me on exposing 'the truth' about 9/11, then I will name names and show you precisely how all of these things fit together for something MUCH bigger. The same European and American Banksters responsible for 9/11 are also orchestrating the current U.S./Global Economic Meltdown towards a specific end.


Terral ...

Link #1:
Link #2:
Link #3: 911 No airplane hit the Pentagon! The truth about Flight 77 - AOL Video
Link #3a:
Link #4:
Link #5:
Link #6: 9/11 Was An Inside Job: April Gallop Injured During 9:32 AM Missile Strike
Link #7: Center for 9/11 Justice
Link #8: n_11_34_witness_pent.avi
Link #9: LP: Lloyd, Survivors' Fund Project Survivor Story[Pentagon Crash Survivor]Link #10:
Link #11:
Link #12:
Link #13: Missile & remote control systems added to small jets before 9-11; same parts found at Pentagon - Looking Glass News
Link #14:
Link #15:
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yeah Glenn Beck is a sellout to the american people.He is one of those agents that pretends to be on our side but really isnt.The fact that he works for FOX speaks volumes about his credibility and integrity.
To the best of my knowledge, he doesn't read this forum. Why don't you contact him at Fox, and give the rest of a break from your inane ranting. Just an idea.
as always,the OCTA'S California girl and Daveman cover their ears,close their eyes and sing out loud to themselves to avoid facing reality.
as always,the OCTA'S California girl and Daveman cover their ears,close their eyes and sing out loud to themselves to avoid facing reality.

I'll stick with the reality that adheres to the laws of physics, thermodynamics, and metallurgy, thanks. YMMV.

You have not researched any of factors in regard to 9/11 so why do you pretend you have ?? your entire opinion of 9/11 is formed from spoon fed media sound bites and nothing more
as always,the OCTA'S California girl and Daveman cover their ears,close their eyes and sing out loud to themselves to avoid facing reality.

I'll stick with the reality that adheres to the laws of physics, thermodynamics, and metallurgy, thanks. YMMV.

You have not researched any of factors in regard to 9/11 so why do you pretend you have ?? your entire opinion of 9/11 is formed from spoon fed media sound bites and nothing more
And you know, exactly?

I submit you found it the same place you find the rest of your "theories": Your transverse colon.
I'll stick with the reality that adheres to the laws of physics, thermodynamics, and metallurgy, thanks. YMMV.

You have not researched any of factors in regard to 9/11 so why do you pretend you have ?? your entire opinion of 9/11 is formed from spoon fed media sound bites and nothing more
And you know, exactly?

I submit you found it the same place you find the rest of your "theories": Your transverse colon.

I submit that is just a further distraction from your ignorance on the subject
You have not researched any of factors in regard to 9/11 so why do you pretend you have ?? your entire opinion of 9/11 is formed from spoon fed media sound bites and nothing more
And you know, exactly?

I submit you found it the same place you find the rest of your "theories": Your transverse colon.

I submit that is just a further distraction from your ignorance on the subject
I really would like to see 9/11 the way you see it, but my employer subjects me to random urinalysis.
And you know, exactly?

I submit you found it the same place you find the rest of your "theories": Your transverse colon.

I submit that is just a further distraction from your ignorance on the subject
I really would like to see 9/11 the way you see it, but my employer subjects me to random urinalysis.

wow that must suck to have to allow such intrusions into your personal existence just for a dollar..However your lame responses of implied drug impairment and tinfoil hats only serve to highlight the fact you have very little knowledge of 911 and have taken little effort to inform yourself regardless of your opinion
I submit that is just a further distraction from your ignorance on the subject
I really would like to see 9/11 the way you see it, but my employer subjects me to random urinalysis.

wow that must suck to have to allow such intrusions into your personal existence just for a dollar..However your lame responses of implied drug impairment and tinfoil hats only serve to highlight the fact you have very little knowledge of 911 and have taken little effort to inform yourself regardless of your opinion
when you get most of your info on 9/11 from nut cases like Alex Jones, you are NOT informed, you are deceived
i really would like to see 9/11 the way you see it, but my employer subjects me to random urinalysis.

wow that must suck to have to allow such intrusions into your personal existence just for a dollar..however your lame responses of implied drug impairment and tinfoil hats only serve to highlight the fact you have very little knowledge of 911 and have taken little effort to inform yourself regardless of your opinion
when you get most of your info on 9/11 from nut cases like alex jones, you are not informed, you are deceived

yet another strawman...all ya got ?

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